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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by gloriousclover

  1. Day 60: Wohoo, two thirds of the detox completed. Seems like I've actually got this shit. Who would've thought?

    I think I experienced a craving earlier today. It's been so long since the last one I've forgotten how they feel. There was this sinking feeling in the stomach, and a sudden burst of energy; my body telling me to run to my computer. It wasn't strong though, and I didn't follow up on it, of course. It served as a timely reminder that the danger hasn't passed yet. Will we ever be free from the threat of cravings?

    Once in a blue moon I'll think "It'd be fun to play so and so again". It usually comes from the nostalgia of the atmosphere, immersion, or being awesome in a game. So sometimes I'll substitute those desires. Might listen to epic music, or read a fantasy novel with OP MCs. Other times it just goes away because it's more an idle thought than a craving.

    Don't know if they'll go away, but it definitely gets easier, I dare to even say straight up easy.

  2. Haven't posted in forever. That being said, I am 177 days game free including today I think.

    Physical health is doing great, personal development is nice and steady. Tracking lots of stuff, experimenting with different themes each week (ie: morning routine, hobby focus, general momentum).

    As for time spent non-productively on entertainment, since and including August 21st, sitting at 133 hours. Average of 1.6 hours a day. Had some weeks with TV binge, about 16-20 hours of time wasting, but I'm happy with the average.


    I think this might be because of my high school experiences. When you excel at something, and people see it, I feel like they develop this glorified image of you. I've been called a perfect student by my classmates, I've been recognized and stood out in front of everyone by teachers for the "amazing" work I've done. And you know what? It's fucking terrifying.

    Because as soon as you slip up, if you even make one mistake, that image is turned to pieces and you become this fallen jedi case and you can feel the shock and dissapointment in everybody's eyes. Ugh. I don't want that shit. I'm a human being too dammit, I'm allowed to fuck up every now and then as well.

    @JSmith props for the self awareness and openness. As long as you have the desire, you will get past that mentality one day.

    Dunno if you've read this, excerpt from "Bounce", Matthew Syed. Experiment with some young students and math performance. The control group that performed better were not smarter on average, they simply tried harder/longer and didn't give up. In the under performing group, they were praised at how "talented" or "genius" they were. In the well performing group they told them "you must have worked so hard to do so well".

    Your fears aren't out of nowhere, it's easy for others to undervalue effort and just talk about talent/genius because that makes it easier to not try. It sounds like you've been surrounded by that mentality a lot. But looking at your progress I feel like you're well on your way to where you'll define your success, keep it up!

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0s-pAC9Dq88 - here's a minute of Gary V that hopefully helps :D

  4. Thanks Cam!

    August 15 - August 21 (Day 89 - Day 95)

    24 hours social

    14.5 hours exercise

    7 hours drawing

    6 hours entertainment

    6 hours learning

    1.5 hours meditating

    • Managed to keep the entertainment down this week.
    • Still could've been less though, as the vast majority of it came from 3 days.
    • After work, social events, exercise activity, some days I barely have time to squeeze in drawing + desired reading. This is a good thing.
    • Doesn't burn me out because I'm keeping busy doing things I not only enjoy, but are meaningful and build towards an overall goal

    Don't know if this will help anyone, but I read the Art of Manliness book a few months ago, and their statement that "Industry Fights Depression" really rang with me. I've been pretty happy all year, and since I quit games, that feeling has increased substantially. The busy + meaningful schedule is really the core of it. The book is based off their website, so here's the online section if anyone is interested. http://www.artofmanliness.com/2008/04/06/the-virtuous-life-industry/

  5. Bit of a late post. Also realized I'm currently past day 90, awesome. No big changes or anything like that, I rather like the fact that I'm not really counting the days but rather enjoying every day.

    August 8 - August 14 (Day 82 - Day 88)

    18 hours sports

    13 hours drawing

    12 hours learning (reading, online, socially, mental exercises)

    8.5 hours entertainment

    5 hours social

    2 hours meditating

    Really happy with the progress this past week. Just want to keep it up and compound the progress towards rock climbing and drawing. Lots of sports volume in retrospect, 6.5 hours of climbing and the rest of the time fencing, badminton, archery, general cardio. Doing a figure drawing course for drawing, been spending hours just practicing gestures. Coach.Me helping me prioritize a lot, as the only things on there are the daily contributions to me important long term goals.

  6. Thanks Cam. I started using Coach.Me for the singular most important thing I cared about and only a few days later I've got a few items on there now. It's a great supplementary tool to a task tracker because it's great at not only highlighting the key items I want to work on, but it also helps me prioritize better to see how many of each are done in the week.

    August 1 - 7 (Day 75 - Day 81)

    22.5 hours social

    8.5 hours entertainment

    8.5 hours drawing

    6.5 hours exercising

    4 hours learning online

    3 hours learning online (sports science)

    2.5 hours reading

    1 hours meditating

    Much better of a week. Coach.Me really helped with drawing and meditating. Set a windows task reminder to remember to take 10 minute breaks every hour while I work. Keeps my brain in better shape and puts me in a better mood after work. Entertainment getting closer to 1h/day, which is a good enough level for now. More so happy with the other hours of productivity.

    One of the more subtle but key items in my Coach.Me is a daily focusing question via The One Thing.

    "What's The ONE Thing I Can Do Such That By Doing It Everything Else Will Be Easier Or Unnecessary?"

    This has really helped me prioritize when I have blocks of free time. 


  7. @gloriousclover Thank you for the video! Didn't know that one :)  What kind of activities do you do? I'd like to get into a sport or something but i'm unsure 9_9

    Hey @Math_00, I generally like sports, my favorite would be rock climbing. There's lots of people who climb on their own, so there's tons of opportunity to just say hi. Everything is easy from there :).

    Every now and then I'll also do archery, fencing, badminton, and lately have been getting into squash.

    Other things I've tried include jujitsu, parkour, gymnastics, hot yoga, regular yoga. Those were all fun too, but end of the day not a priority. Overall I recommend trying beginner classes here and there, great social opportunities, even if you don't make any long term friends jumping class to class, you'll improve your skill of saying hi to strangers :D

  8. Haven't tried audio books yet, I've used it before on the drive to Calgary recently and have thought about it before while doing cardio/conditioning. That being said, at this point in time I prefer to strategize a way to reduce entertainment as well as get back into the 50/10 minute work/break to incorporate reading in there.

    Traditionally I've used my iPad to set the timer, but this is a habit I haven't developed. Was going pretty well few weeks ago but I fell off that for some reason... 

    That being said, just writing this response has gotten the mental processing going. I'm going to find a way to put an annoying reminder on my computer for every hour, there must be some third party app for that. What do you think?

  9. The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was collect my games and consoles and promptly trade them in at gamespot. I do not believe I have the willpower to avoid them if they are in arms reach.


    Power move :D

  10. July 18-24 (Day 61 - Day 67)

    15.5 hours exercise

    11.5 hours entertainment

    11.5 hours social

    3 hours drawing

    3.5 hours learning online

    30 minutes reading

    Haven't read much recently, part of the reason is not a lot of new books to go through, but also partly getting into greater emphasis on exercise, so I don't have a problem with that. Want to continue doing something everyday that contributes towards fitness/drawing/both as the priority, and shave hours off entertainment if I can. Hoping that the former will naturally make the latter easier.
    July 25-31 (Day 68 - Day 74)

    23 hours social

    11.5 hours drawing

    10.5 hours entertainment

    10 hours exercise

    1 hour learning online

    30 minutes reading

    Nothing hugely different, started using coach.me to put more hours into drawing, had friends over for the weekend from Calgary. Coach.me pretty useful thus far. This looks like a good potential way to minimize the entertainment time, as it's a nice daily way to reminding me of what I wish to accomplish in the long run.


  11. Cool. It's been 60 days.

    July 4 - July 10 (Day 47 - 53)

    19 hours social

    14 hours entertainment

    5.5 hours learning online

    5.5 hours exercise

    3 hours mentoring

    2 hours drawing

    3.5 hours reading

    I had a day where I did piss all and watched shows and YouTube all day after work. Didn't feel too bad about it, which is a bad thing; I don't want to fall into the whole self esteem built on nothing bullshit.

    That led to me re-reading "The One Thing". Decided to finally set those long term goals, to spurn the purpose > priority > productivity chain.

    July 11 - July 17 (Day 54 - 60)

    15.5 hours exercise

    10 hours entertainment

    11.5 hours social

    5 hours drawing

    0.75 hours reading

    10 hours entertainment is not a bad number overall, but still crappy because 6.5 of those hours came from Wednesday.

    Happier with productivity, because time utilization more in tune with the direction I want to go.

    Instead of pure hours, just want to be one step closer to any of my goals a day. (Fitness, diet, hobby, work)

    Finished setting my "One Thing" method goals for fitness. To be reviewed constantly and adjusted as I progress. Won't share all of them, but want to share the fitness one, shown below.

    Focusing Questions:

    • What's the ONE thing I want to do someday?
    • Climb a V7 bouldering problem
    • Based on my someday goal, what's the ONE thing I can do in the next five years?
    • Build a climbing wall in my house (within 2 years) so that I can practice for fun (grease the groove)
    • Work V5s till they're easy, and project V6
    • Work V6s till they're easy, and project V7
    • Based on my five year goal, what's the ONE thing I can do this year?
    • Be able to do V4 consistently, and work them until they're easy as I project on V5
    • Based on my year goal, what's the ONE thing I can do this month?
    • Attempt V3/V4s every other session, pay attention to the types of problems vs what areas I'm strong in on the day of to minimize risk of injury
    • Based on my month goal, what's the ONE thing I can do this week?
    • Spend at least 1 day between each session working out/conditioning an area I feel needs more work
    • Based on my week goal, what's the ONE thing I can do today?
    • Schedule out my sessions and how I will approach them a week ahead of time
    • Read information on climbing training
    • Based on my daily goal, what's the ONE thing I can do right now?
    • Read, plan, and watch videos to motivate me
  12. I managed to finish the Gorilla Mindset book. I didn’t know this before, but apparently taking cold showers has multiple benefits. I am a little scared though, I don’t ever remember taking a cold shower before.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GShvGXwaijg  

    Nice video. I've been taking cold showers for about a month or so now because I read it helps with recovery. Didn't know about all those other benefits.

    Have you tried this yet? It helps to imagine yourself as a badass with a purpose :). Plus you actually get quite used to it after a week or so.

  13. June 27 - July 3 (Day 40 - Day 46)

    1.5 hours entertainment

    35 hours social

    11 hours exercise

    8.5 hours learning online

    4 hours reading

    2 hours drawing

    Played squash for the first time during this week. Awesome sport. Looking at my logs, surprised I only have 1.5 hours entertainment. Thursday - Sunday was in Calgary for the weekend, and it was primarily socializing, hiking/indoor climbing, groceries/meal prep, got some reading in, and even listened to course material in the 4 out of 6 hours driving round trip. Spent about 3 hours being entertained with friends, which is not included, as I track entertainment hours as the time I spend by myself. Overall, happy with the fact that I hadn't realized this more than the actual numbers, as it's more indication to me that my good habits and decision making processes are improving.

  14. June 20 - June 26 (Day 33 - Day 39) Highlights

    8 hours of entertainment

    25 hours social

    7.5 hours learning online

    7 hours reading

    6 hours exercise

    4.5 hours drawing

    Experimenting with the health routine. Defined some short-mid term goals with drawing. Overall focusing on no more than 2 things at a time per week. Feel stronger in making decisions and the big picture goals are becoming more clear in my experiences and interactions with people. Also getting easier to not choose entertainment :D pretty happy about that.

  15. Figure I'll just do week summaries from now on.

    Week of June 13-June 19 (Day 26 - 32) Main Time Usage Highlights

    8 hours entertainment

    5.5 hours of sports/exercise (badminton, fencing, cardio/conditioning)

    5.5 hours of hobby (drawing, photo editing)

    6 hours of reading books

    2.5 hours of online learning

    35.5 hours socializing

    Couple things that I appreciate which have been helping me on this journey (and before I started it)

    > My close friend who I can often schedule an outing with when I don't feel like being productive and don't want to waste time watching YouTube

    > My other close friend who is also working on self improvement, we talk weekly on Skype and discuss our weekly goals. Quantify success, plan and execute.

    >> Want to also mention, he hasn't played games in a while because his laptop sucks and he's too lazy to buy a new one. Based on our talks it's apparent that the dopamine de-sensitivity is no longer an issue for him since he naturally went through a detox. That being said, thanks to @Cam Adair's Game Quitters, he's also decided that he's just better off without them :D

    Today, June 24th, is day 37 since deciding to quit. A few times I thought oO(Ah I miss games) then I remind myself that life (specifically the things I decided I want to do) is better. It's getting easier and more enjoyable making the decision to be productive instead of entertained. This must be where the neural pathways in my brain are already rewiring themselves. Building the habit and doubling down on it.

  16. 1. Apply all the vast self-improvement knowledge I gathered during the last 10 years (when I started my journey of improving myself, sadly I was an "Insight Junkie", I would read so many books and not apply them in reality at all, instead I would feel this sense of achievement just by reading and I would leave it at that.

    Reading is awesome. Nothing wrong with the knowledge you've acquired, you've got all the skills now you just have to practice the %s ;). No more skill points into video games!

    And congrats on moving up your career path! Sounds like you've already been putting that knowledge into good use

  17. Welcome to the forum! Awareness is the first step, I have a young friend that sounds a little bit like your past self. It makes me glad to know you're starting this journey. Quitting games is one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life, and I hope you will feel that way as well.

  18. Hello,

    good to see you here. Great to see you're fighting even though you relapsed once.

    I'm for instance relapsed 25 times since joining GameQuitters, and it doesn't matter that I'm weak or something. That means I keep fighting like a gladiator on the arena. And this is something you're doing aswell

    It's not an encouragement for relapses, but it's comment to persevere. First days are the worst, but you'll manage to deal with them.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

    Love it @hycniejsy. I read that when others tell people they've failed, what that means is "If that were me, I would feel like a failure" (Relentless - Tim Grover). Only you decide when to quit.

    @sdf your optimistic approach is inspiring. Keep with the success oriented mentality and you will accomplish the things you want to quit gaming for. It's the same mentality that made the self made into million/billionaires, compared to that getting our lives under control will be a piece of cake :)

  19. Hey byrdmath, your journal is quite inspiring. You're really toughing it out despite how you're feeling. That's a strong indication that you've made a real decision to quit, because a decision isn't a decision without action, and your choices reflect that. Don't know that I'd be as strong in your position, lots of respect for you man.

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