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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by teA

  1. Hey, It's been a while.

    Ive been struggling with my goals -- and especially schoolwork. I haven't been getting bad grades but ive been putting the least amount of work in to get it done. Whether that's not doing the required reading or looking up the answers, I haven't been doing honest work. 

    This is obviously a bad trap to fall into and I wanna take myself out. I also want to take myself out of not taking care of myself. Waking up at a reasonable time, drinking enough water, brushing my teeth, putting my acne medicine on, taking my iron vitamin. I all want that to be present in my life

    Ive just honestly been living as a human at the lowest level and I hate it. I'm just like the rest - a walking talking content consumer. 

    My goal will be the same - consume less content while building other goals.

    For a career I'm interested in majoring in Africana studies (The study of Africa) and Media&Society (how media impacts society). I know double majoring is a lot of work so I need to get cracking on this and doing the level of work my professors expect from me.

    In terms of personal goals I want to achieve these things in life:

    Publish a book

    Release music

    Become decent in  Russian, Arabic, and Swahili.

    Program something


    I do believe I can achieve all these goals. I just need to start working on them and complete small increments towards them. I just can't sit around like a lump and waste my life anymore. 




  2. @Marius Thanks again for the suggestions! I think that both those suggestions are good places to start. I will bring a journal with me next time I head out!


    Watched youtube again, this time through a free music app called Musi. I have since deleted that app. I need to just write down what I'm feeling if I have negative emotions not waste it in a platform(s) that gives me a false sense of connection. 

    Going to try again with my routine tomorrow. 

    I noticed that's something I struggle with, actually starting things. Once I start them I'm good with them, it's the challenge of actually starting them. It seems like I can't just sit down and do them. Might have to reflect on this as well.

    Have a good day!



  3. Hi @Marius thanks for the feedback, I found some of it insightful! I downloaded Rescue Time on my phone, so we'll see how it plays out.

    Today didn't change from yesterday. I still watched YouTube. Not because of boredom though. The reason I watched today was because whenever I eat out in public I get nervous and feel pressured if I am not watching something -- it's kind of a bad routine I've established. I learned through this though that eating without watching things can open me up to meeting new people and learning. I also do want to become more sociable, so that's something. Gotta break these habits. If anyone has any advice on ways to start doing that please let me know!

    I know why I've been afraid of opening myself up to people. The amount of bullying I received, along with people who I thought were friends excluding me or betraying me, made me anxious, lonely and depressed, and made me lose my trust in people. I want to regain that trust I had.

    I think this is why YouTube and Music listening became addicting, it was a way for me to isolate myself from people so I didn't get hurt. I need to learn how to deal with being hurt, despite it sucking, and people who turn your back on you or bully you being selfish jerks. A lot of bad things; rejection, loss, pain, will happen in life. If I seclude myself I will never know how to healthily deal with it and move forward.

    Going to try again tomorrow

    Have a good day! 


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  4. Hello again, my name is tea!

    I recently posted my story of how my life has been up to this point, what I hope to achieve and why I joined this community! I will link that below in case any of you are interested.

    To sum it up, I never had a problem with gaming. The energy draining monster that has been attacking my life is Social media, (mostly YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok). 

    My goal while I'm here is to stop using these platforms. I of course will use YouTube if I need it for schoolwork, but my main focus is to not watch garbage, distracting content or content that I've already watched one billion times.

    For my laptop I'm going to put in a website blocker after this entry so I can control what I can and cannot use. For my phone (the main problem), I'm obviously going to delete those apps and install an app that enables me to control how much time I spend on my phone.

    I think the reason I keep going on YouTube and TikTok is because I have no motivation. So, whenever I watch someone or read about someone who has achieved a dream similar to mine, I get excited, since it's like I actually have achieved them myself, even though I haven't. 

    While this seems great, it's actually not and makes me lazier. Even though I struggle with motivation and tell myself "I can't." watching someone isn't going to change those behaviors inside of me. At this point I think in order to change my behaviors I actually have to do those activities myself.


    Day of detox is 0.

    I watched YouTube today. 

    I think in renewing myself and reaching my goals. I need to start small. So for now I'm going to set up a small morning routine, and try to work on one hobby per day. 

    So for the first few weeks - a typical day might look like this:

    Wake at 6:30 AM


    Pray to God 


    Then the hobby of that day ( I would work on one hobby for 2 weeks before moving onto the next one), would either be:

    Learning French or Chinese

    Learning how to Code


    Practicing Music Production/Song writing


    I feel like doing something like this and then working on one hobby per 2 weeks will not only help me establish a routine, and work towards my dreams but it also will keep me away from YouTube. If you want let me know what your thoughts are on this!

    Have a good day!



    Here's the link to my introduction story if you all are interested:



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  5. Hello everybody, my name is tea, I want to tell my story!

    I know this organization is focused on bettering yourself without games. I however, never really struggled with gaming addiction. When I was younger my parents limited how much I played due to school. As I grew into a teen and had more freedom, I did play more but not so much that it became an issue. 

    My issue has been with youtube, and social media (tiktok and twitter). I have noticed that using these has made me ignore working towards my dreams and working on my schoolwork. I have also noticed that it's made me eat unhealthy.

    My big goal is to become a great rapper.

    Along with that I strive to be fluent in at least 3 languages (English, French, and Chinese), get more into outdoor activities such as biking, backpacking, hiking fishing etc. and focus more on my schoolwork, and read more. 

    I joined this place to hopefully end my distracted, unfulfilling scrolling on the internet/youtube/social media and start a life with a new me. I hope that I can receive insights and support here!

    Have a good day!



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