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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Piotr

  1. We all know this hard time you getting through. Although, you had a relapse at masturbation, you still have that mindset which brought you to a month without porn and masturbation. It's very nice achievement which you can repeat and even stretch it for a longer period of time. Just remember about things which brought you this far.

    Greetings, Piotr.

  2. You've made a good choice quitting video games. You feel ashamed of your lost time because of gaming? Remember, that who you was, defines who you are, and it's up to you, whether you will be a better person, or not.

    Greetings, Piotr.

  3. Thank, you @Cam Adair for sharing your thought. I really appreciate your activity.

    Journal entry #28

    32 days game free

    Since I've quit playing video games, I've really improved. Exchanged night gaming for sleep, energy drinks for healthy eating, time killing for productivity. My life had really changed for better, not to mention relationships with other people.
    Nevertheless, I still feel like there is something missing. I think it's because of that, that my mind is very reluctantly rewiring to diffrent level of stimulation. Or maybe I'm wrong? What do you think?

  4. Journal entry #27

    30 days game free

    I'm a bit tired today, so it's hard for me to keep my thougts. Thus, I will point out a few things, rather than writing a full text.

    Yesterday, I went running and made some pull ups on bars. Todays activity was swimming.
    Keeping my daily habit of learning website programming. I'm feeling that I'm getting with it somewhere, as I'm learning more and more about it.
    Tried some card tricks. Liked more "kinetic" ones like shuffling/throwing, than "was this your card" tricks.
    I'm keeping my healthy eating. 5 meals a day + healthy bonuses like juices, fruits, sunflower and pumpkin seeds and jelly for my joints.
    I need to plan more, because lastly I'm thinking, what to do next. Gotta write some list.
    Some weak urges and cravings appeared. Although, It wasn't so tempting, it was a bit distracting having some MMORPGs on my mind. Wondering what caused it.

    Gotta do a few small things and than I'm getting to bed. So good night gamequiters.

  5. Man, you rock with your achievement of 30 days without three habits.
    Nice picture btw. I love looking at painted pictures where you can see every streak of paintbrush; they just have soul compared to dotted printed images.

  6. Journal entry #26

    26 days game free

    It seems that my journal got a bit dusty. Lastly, I've rarely used my laptop, cutting internet time is what I'm proud of.

    After getting back from my trip I still had one free week from work(which sadly ends today :( ) I decided to spend it on renovating my room. Scrubbed old paints from walls, I've built a cover for pipes which were going through my room(it is planned to hold four led lights, everything is set up, I only have to connect it), applied primer and yesterday evening I finished on putting the finishing coat. Sadly, I didn't made it this week, but next weekend I'm going to paint the walls and change PVC flooring for floor panels and that would be it. It's gona be cosy!
    Gotta go back to learning website programming, I've neglected it lastly.

    I've never done a grateful list, lets try it out:

    1.Possibilities to communicate
    2.My family
    3.My car
    4.Being healthy


  7. It's good to have you back. Congratulations on your porn quiting and deciding on starting a healthy lifestyle! The latter, really changed my mood for more positive, makes me feel stronger and I rarely get tired or soreness.

  8. Welcome countryman!
    It's nice to see you joining this community and making a good decision towards better life! It's good that you have started your journal, of course we share in them private things, but remember that you share it anonymously, thus, if you write with care, you will be untraceable. It's good that you are mixing diffrent activities, this will keep you away from games. I'm trying to get engineer degree in mechatronics, what's yours speciality?

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