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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Amphibian220

  1. Spent time completing my chores over the weekend. I feel very sore from all the physical exertion.

    My productivity at work today is near zero despite the fact Im doing everything to stay healthy. 

    Im starting to see it as the long haul. I’ve had amazing successes in 2021, but that immediately went downhill when I learned all the tasks. It just doesn’t excite me, because completion of tasks has become nearly automatic. My work colleague is far more involved emotionally in his work. I just don‘t know where to get this energy from.

    I missed today’s workout and am shifting it to evening. 

  2. Im low on money, work search was not done yesterday.

    My nutrition is bad at the moment, because I don’t take the time to cook for myself. Im in the habit of getting up late and rushing to work. Need to replace this.


    discipline is entering a controlled conflict over your priorities.

    Discipline is cutting out he crap from your work.

    Discipline is caution.

  3. Very drowsy today.

    I regularly experience tiredness followed by inability to focus. I then switch to reading something that reignites my focus.

    I had a short workout at my work for the first time.

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  4. Got out of my house finally and had a proper workout today. Feeling great and my revision was better than normal.

    Still feel that I need to improve memorization and physical strength. Im thinking a combination of calisthenics and a martial arts sport.

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  5. Its the weekend and I’m being pulled in different directions over what to do.

    Discipline is down. For the first time I’ve broken my diet plan.

    I completed my workout but later on failed to make the job applications. Need to do it asap.

  6. Do they discuss the barbell strategy of investment? Investing 90 per cent into the safest possible instrument and the 1-10 % of savings into highly risky venture capital.

    I read in one contemporary finance book that “medium” risk is a misnomer because of how volatile the markets are by their current nature, so it only makes sense to put most of your money into the safest bet and a small fraction into a business that given your intelligence has potential for major growth. It makes even more sense to work for that venture capital firm because your motivation will be greater. 

  7. My memorization was better today. I covered a good part of one of the core subjects.

    I’m feeling like taking a break and traveling to the UK in order to search for more fitting jobs. The travel restrictions are sure going to be a hassle.

  8. Unfortunately this habit is not location specific and is the most uncontrolled.

    It depends on the state. Boredom influences to day dream, completion of work, revision or stress does the same. 

    The alternative is an intense workout. When I used to do that, I was seriously contemplating a life of a professional athlete and the workout was living my dream.

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  9. Okay so the day has been productive except for two hours when I had junk food and couldn’t really work on my exam revision due to irritated bowel.

    I still have exercises left to do. I haven’t dreamt today.

  10. On 7/13/2022 at 5:25 AM, BooksandTrees said:

    I went back to work and instantly got depressed and stress ate even when I wasn't hungry. I gave up gaming and porn and now it's food. Right when I get stressed I March to the kitchen. 

    I've bought tons of healthier food, but even if it's healthy, consuming extra calories is still gonna hit. 

    I need some sort of activity that I can do when I'm anxious or fidgety. I considered gum but I'm concerned how it'd impact my teeth. Maybe hand grips or something?

    What the heck, I wonder how true leaders cope with stress, because they obviously can’t do anything disruptive to themselves.

    What sort of coping techniques does Cam suggest? Reading a book or watching something won’t work for me. I know I will need better copin techniques in the years to come. 

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  11. This three month’s detox is over but I don’t feel like I’ve moved out of my comfort zone to develop my strengths at all.

    I was absolutely within my fragile comfort zone where 1) I’m causing  least nuisance to people, 2) do everything to keep communication and disagreement to a minimum, 3) Have not invested any serious time or effort in exercise activity, 4) Overspent on snacks and food. 5) Have not embarked on raising qualification level 6) Showed dismal performance at work.

    Restarting the detox. This is now a detox of these comfort shells.  I should learn to accept myself and focus on things that I want and need in my life.

    One correction is that I will be writing daily reports in these three months. Where everything goes to plan, I will have “nothing to report” message.

    edit: I got it, I like the life of an absentee nice guy. Even when I see an obvious task, I will find a way to abandon it. Immediately people around me take advantage of that. The time I was overstretched I was attacking people. I just have to stretch myself enough to contest recognition.

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  12. Random memory pain created stress that is preventing me from performing my daily tasks.

    One thing I am experiencing is that after detoxing from video games, my mind hasn’t detoxed enough. This realization was long overdue.

    Dreaming is like a shell that makes the day “more complete” and effectively makes me procrastinate in following the important goals. Weak body adds another argument against aspiring for these goals.

    That in turn leads to a low maintenance mindset. Sometimes i think that being more communicative and sincere with people in stating what I want would grant me more strength. I still think I haven’t reached the true underlying issues because i insist on following the old ways and acting with illogical shyness.

    Communicating with people is a lot easier, but it is hard to navigate conflicts. I have to state what I think and want without the fear of being ridiculed.

    Energy is lacking despite subtle improvements in the diet and basic exercise.

    how could i improve self esteem and confidence? One way is to aggressively put into action a plan for securing the job that I want. If I go about putting myself into the most embarrassing situations possible, there has to come a point when my self esteem will begin to rise.

  13. @Ikar, I’ve sent some targeted applications but had no responses yet. I think sending offers by post will attract more attention because email accounts are frequently spammed so  that something important can be skipped by an HR employee.

    I broke my rule a couple of times to watch something on the phone at the end of the day. This is a big failure because I may have missed an opportunity.

  14. Great start, I think one of the greatest experiences is when you go on a detox and at some point your body frees itself from dependency on overstimulation. You wake up and realize you don’t need to go on watching films or playing video games to get distracted. 

    The natural responsibilities is what we should be pumped for. Like working towards getting a dream job, communicating with our family members and helping them out, working on making our bodies healthier.

    I can tell you that in my experience a one hour boxing workout beats by a long shot any electronic distraction.

    Realizing you can tackle issues and are free from addictive screens is by far one of the most empowering moments in your life, a prize worth working for.

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  15. Need to do research in the field of my study Asap and look at better ways of exploring work opportunities.

    Im no longer a dreamer, but how do I master those job interviews?

    Overwriting old habits Or why are old habits still better?

    1. predetermined meals with no snacks, pushups to kill time instead. Pushups can tire me out, but then I can legitimately dream about becoming a pro athlete without breaking my new identity.

    2. Books and creative job applications instead of internet news. They take longer to fill out/read, but hey I can save progress. If video game developers thought of this convenience then it is certainly doable in useful activities.


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  16. According to the author Charles Duhigg, this pattern of falling back to old habits occurs during heightened stress levels or uncertainty.

    It may just also be a drift to low performance. For example communication in person and books is better than watching internet, but internet takes out the perceived negatives: you get anonymity which immediately means less fear of being critiqued. Also the information is more tailored to your needs and interests, so over long term it can become a habit that negatively impacts critical thinking and communication skills.

    I remind myself of having lived a life of an absentee from as young as 6 years old because video games were more interesting and easier to do than other activities. 

    I think I have been encouraged to stay away from internet except Gq for the rest of this week.

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  17. It actually is a stepped erosion of decency. First step is all the films and tv shows that are deemed acceptable because they pass the censorship board, but contain indecency. Even younger children are permitted to watch them.

    There was a lot of information on the news in the past decade about the financial crisis that was a result of rampant fraud and unchecked speculative activity by rogue traders.

    The big Media con is now getting exposed slowly, as more detailed and rigorous research into media products reveals the insidious tactics used to control the consumer.

    And it is not only the fault of other people who misappropriate our money or rob our time through addictive products. Its the lack of our discipline that does that. 


  18. Welcome to the forum!

    Some tips on the detox,

    walking long distances and fasting will control desires in an excellent way. Walking burns excess carbohydrates and takes away the need for a bad habit. It also makes me sober and focused.

    I also control snacks intake. When you can control your diet, you start to become the master of your habits. 


  19. I find that I can easily slip back into day dreaming.

    This uncovers an underlying issue. Constant self-improvement tires you out if you aren’t finding new meaningful connections.

    Thats why I can perfect a job, but when my proficiency level makes it effortless to perform day to day activities, its very hard to resist dreaming. I also feel like fear and hope constantly undermine my potential. So being more aware makes me braver in attempting the important goals. 

    Eating and exercise are of crucial importance, because they keep your awareness and motivation alive.

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