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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Amphibian220

  1. Day 1

    I put minimal effort into revising today because of low energy. I was unable to work out how I can become stronger.

    Most of my friends communicate with me online, which i am not sure is on pr with meeting with people. Meeting people requires more concentration with dress and behaviour.

    Watched the video on the sunk cost fallacy again. I want to build my body up and make the right career choices.

    I feel inspired by your team Cameron. This may be odd, but young people can be blind to things that harm them for many years.

    I still want to get a high from a sport which I will try to do and record my experience here.

    so video games put you in a state of flow but so does work and sports. But video games are the easiest to access.

    there is another issue, video games are a patch, a non working solution for the problems that society has created. 

    Is there a point researching medicines for diseases that arise as a result of destruction of the environment? No. Makes more sense to tackle values and life style changes.

    Now there is a lot of feedback coming that men are not in charge of their families, are shirking their responsibilities, not giving due example for their children, wives, brothers. What does the society offer “Ignore the information with these distractions”. This is not coping, coping is influencing policy change.

    when there weren’t that many distractions, people asked for policy change. In the early twentieth century people had more rights because they were more consistent and had longer attention spans, people lose their rights non linearly as they accept more and more of innovative entertainment

  2. i may have missed, have you started new work in the way of business presentations? Or is this in the plans at the moment.

    Your journal discipline is high quality. I think that is helping in raising the quality of your work.

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  3. This is refreshing to see your growth and struggle. I hit a plateau when i completely stopped following video games and mastered my current job. I am not in my dream job and it feels like another video game.

    Without learning new skills, life starts to lose its flare for me.

    I am threatened with lack of awareness and proactivity right now. You are totally in the fight so keep the tempo up.

    the idea with a bucket list is a killer man. When i studied at high school I used to spend time with a Finnish friend. people are gutsy and patriotic from your region.

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  4. I am grateful I could help other members on this forum, help myself and stick to my daily schedule

    I am most grateful for the help that people offered when i was going through difficult times. 

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  5. Centrally planned system failure.

    the command at the top wants to see certain achievements and sets plans to that end, but because it cant control and oversee regional, state level economy, it starts creating government apparatus with regulations that can become disconnected from the initial goal. There is now a whole body of workers who are looking at formalistic fulfillment of directives, without understanding the needs of the end user. The result that you get is a waste of resources, deficits and overproduction. Bureaucratized system that serves to defend itself. One of major replicating factors is the avoidance of responsibility and accountability in this system. When I get told how to perform my work on a micro level, I have an excuse to blame it on management when I fail. If I earn directly from the income stream of the company, I will open up and explain why this type of method will not work. I will be prepared to fire people who are not responsible enough.

    the concept of decentralized command means that you have to put responsibility into the hands of your infantry and get them to react to the needs of end users of products and services. Interesting how large American computer companies failed to see the coming needs of the market , but certain small organizations had a very good idea what the needs of the end users are going to be in the coming years and made huge profits on it.

    Do end user’s needs decide and dictate everything? If the producers corrupts the consumer, a very important signal for the producer is now gone. Today there is an increasing demand for video games. The producers think they are winning by increasing sales year on year, but they are not.

    The end user can demand harmful products, ask to move costs out of the accounts (environment, mental health). The new producer consumer relationship starts to threaten government and causes it to fail because corporations can lobby laws to maintain and increase harm. 

  6. On 2/15/2023 at 5:14 PM, LostRiver said:

    - That I am the only one who "needs" this belief. That everyone does fine and dandy without having to turn their life and will over to a god. That everyone's life is fine and mine is not, hence my surrender.

    - Can I do the work? I have believed in so many things over the years, some good, some bad. But I have always failed to do the work. Why should this time stick? 

    - How does it work? Does it work at all?

    - Am I missing out on life's stuffs when trying to work the steps? I see a lot of people just start hiding, coping with their bad stuffs while prioritising career/ money? Am I wrong? Vain?

    - I have so much troubles: money, career, emotions, relationships, health, family, etc. How can Higher Power help me with all or even any of those? It is even possible for me to get it together?

    - What if my Higher Power fails? What if I fail to recover?

    - What if some other bad stuffs happen? Bad luck, tragedies are everywhere in life

    - What if I am beyond help? I have been a wretch all my life? What if nothing can be done to help me?

    - What if it is too late and I cannot be helped?

    - What if it sucks? what if life without addiction sucks?

    You are striking at the core issues with your posts now, your meetings must have allowed you to see through the facade.

    The society would ofcourse want you to think that you are seriously missing out by seeking meaning in your life.

    Simple proof: look at how internet is structured, it exaggerates the importance of checking pointless information. If the target gives in, he watches something fun, but he has forgone his time to do something valuable like reading a book or improving a skill.

    Food industry is creating products to make us overeat by generating extreme reward feedback loops. From consultations with doctors, I learned that diabetes is hitting record levels and many food companies have common financial interests with pharmaceutical companies. Tens of millions of people have failing health not because of malnutrition, but because of too much nutrition!

    Another discovery for me was that countries that put undue emphasis on consumerism and comfort have extremely lonely populations with mental health issues! You may go out and see people in shops and restaurants that appear to be content, but they are very lonely within!  Loneliness among the male population is unprecedented and Cameron talked about it in a recent video. People themselves are being turned into products. 

    You know how body builders get happy when they put their muscles in shock? That is how I enjoy when I pass on scraps of internet entertainment. My body rewires and learns to enjoy the good things in life.

    Your mind may be choosing between scarcity mentality and abundance mentality. I say choose the abundance mentality.

    Life without addiction is the best.

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  7. On 10/3/2022 at 2:24 AM, Wise Young Man said:

    Someone in a store name office depot is telling someone who was working there that he can't wait for that casino to open up. Foolish. And I'm sitting at home taking the smart route that is slower and make more sense compare to a fool who rather blow their money on gambling and develops gamble addictions which will ruin their life, and somehow people who is similar to that man who was that office depot worker waiting for that casino, blowing money and decide to look down on me for the wrong reasons. Ha, whatever. And that's on most of these people too, and I don't care.

    This has inspired me today. I sometimes want to try the new slot machines. Know what they are? Its these internet videos that entice you to click on them to watch something fun. Only I am not gambling my money, I will be giving away energy and time. The society will look for ways to rob us. And will look like outcasts when we don't partake in time wasting.

    The way you are talking is you want to have more structure in your life. Structured day may appear hard to do, but the structured day with wise goals will give you meaning that no money can buy. Thank you man. 

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  8. The body knows how to adapt to your changes and ambush you, so look for ways for counter-ambushing it. I really liked Cameron's response to when his mind kept repeating the fear of missing out on a new game instalment. He responded to the thought with the joy of missing out on it- it was so much more fun to know he was surfing, connecting with his family and friends. 

    Another trick is the self-pity game. The body starts reacting to your improved discipline

    "You did all this effort, provided extra help and responsibility at work, acted with humility and listened carefully to what your co - worker was saying. So you took all this discomfort! Peolpe may not even notice this effort! You gotta go reward yourself with internet quick gratification videos!"

    You know what? I won't pity myself, but I will care about myself. I will own that, I'm okay with shocking you, and you're going to learn to accept it, and you will never get used to it cause I will put you into situations you don't expect. And then you will obey me, and never ask to have the next gratification video.

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  9. The more correct wording on my part would be, how will you balance your studying with other activities to keep your morale high?

    I think we are all talking about tackling different needs to avoid exhaustion. If all i do is study without sports, family relations, being part of community, healthy eating, traveling- this is unsustainable in the long run. 

  10. with me watching a game of hockey on TV once in a while helps me for two reasons:

    I haven’t got a strong attachment to it and it allows me to rest. Anything else is like a narcotic, even news are designed in a way that it is hard to stop watching it.

    And about emotions, when I confront them, I get fear at first, but then a sense of resolution and real achievement when I start acting to solve an issue.

  11. On 8/1/2022 at 10:10 PM, Sysop said:

    Am I even welcome here? To be clear, I quit playing violent video games. As I look around this site, it seems "gamers" "gamer" and "gaming" etc addicts associate with VIOLENT games. Going out on a limb here, I'm starting to think some people are addicted to simulated KILLING. Explains why the entire gaming market is saturated with violent genre vs non-violent. Just look at TV and Movies, saturated with violence. In my opinion, in my observation, there is more killing on TV than sex. I find that odd.

    I have no plans to quit playing non-violent games, as I go months without playing any game, video or non-video, simply because there are very few non-violent, non-sport, games available for adults.

    House is paid for. Car is paid for. Education is paid for. Over 25 years in my career. So this site is probably not for me since it's primary focus is toward addicts. With that said, I would love to know how many addicts are addicted to and only addicted to, non-violent video games vs how many addicts are addicted to both violent and non-violent video games. 

    I have a theory. 



    What was your daily average on non violent video games? 

  12. Boredom is bluff. The greatest achievers in the world rightfully perceived it as such and anchored their motivations in intermediate goals. A great mission is great to have, but if we build up intermediate goals like in school years- all those test papers, coursework, then we will begin to see the reality of great goals and handle boredom.

    I remember a guy who set a goal of becoming president of his country and even set up a time line of particular specific measurable goals needed to achieve that. Way to keep himself busy.

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  13. I share the objective downsides of television and gaming. I will not press it but respond if a child wants to know why I don’t partake in a particular activity.

    i can explain how the game designers study traits of the human reward system and specially tailor systems to create a dependence on the video game. The rewards of video games are illusionary, but the rewards of physical exercise and healthy activities are not. Video games negatively affect the eyes, back, discipline and development.

    This sincere conversation can generate a craving in a child to live a higher quality life and to follow sports, family and educational events instead of time wasting.

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  14. A thread in time saves nine.

    I keep seeing the “one last time” mindset in myself, but I am thinking about the other craving, the craving for a healthy body and soul.

    what if I start pushing my limits as before and get out of the comfort swamp? The game gives a sure thing, even before a gamer start playing it he knows what he is getting, but its the pursuit of a great goal that creates all those unexpected emotions and challenges that mean a life of difference.

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  15. In a scenario where I am feeling ill and my sport activities are being neglected, I am most likely to relapse.

    For about three days I have been recollecting my gaming experiences with a certain dopamine release. I also mentally constructed a game concept.

    This is a relapse because I wasted my time on a thing that only leads me to a loss of potential.

    I think i failed in actively seeking job opportunities and looking after my health. Skipping health and decision making is a No Go.


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  16. Yeah, I see them as playing on the target’s fears. All the click bait videos that claim to have that recipe for success but only aim to waste your time.

    Many Internet sites have become insidious in how they want to grab your attention. 

    For me one challenge when I dropped internet distractions was to find other methods for resting. Which appeared pretty hard to do. But as I worked towards it, I became content with ordinary activities like basketball .

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  17. Matt, what do you think would be an alternative other than the TV in that burnout situation? I played basketball for an hour today even though I was feeling physically tired. I feel like I need to make a move in reviewing my career.

    From your posts I can tell you were tired, But you managed to secure a new job. I think your reactions to problems and health should improve with this experience. You have just shown you can do it.

    Repeating better modes of behavior must increase your robustness over time and make situations more controllable. Then you getter better health, more benefit for your family in the way of an authoritative male.

    I just heard one of the authors whom I have been following for some time talk about the rising matriarchy in the world. He claimed boys increasingly take their mothers as role models and not their fathers. When fathers used to be role models in the west, it was a time of knights who acted with great power and ability, did not let fear press on them, wore very nice dresses adorned with precious stones and fine tailoring. It was a time of real money too he claimed, when bankers yet hadn’t invented the inflationary fiat currencies (or IOUs). And then I got a feeling that young men today relative to that period in history have a lower of quality of life.

    he was talking about nobility, but we can fashion ourselves into men of principle just by being more assertive and consistent with good recovery programs.

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  18. @SteDG88

    The relapse happens because of an absence of a narrative or a plot. 

    The video game provides the super stimulating promise of an alternative world tomorrow, with an exciting storyline, sequels and achievements. Then there is a community of gamers, developers, clans etc. 

    When a gamer goes on a detox, he may not be able to build up a narrative with allies, foes, progression towards measurable, lucrative and particular goals.  his goals may not be very well crafted. This is what starts pushing him back into a virtual world.

    Its very important to carry on looking and tracking your progress in different fields. Because you won’t score digital points, share your successes with family and close friends who will encourage you and support you.

    Hope this was of help. 

  19. This subject got my attention because I wanted to know: Are fun, relaxing activities totally programmable? What is it that makes a certain activity arouse interest and others not?

    At a Gaming convention event I once saw a middle aged man given a chance to play a beta version of an upcoming triple A rating video game. He spent a few minutes at the computer and left. On his face I could tell he was absolutely not immersed. So what was it in this man’s experience that didn’t excite him? I think he grew up in a setting where values were so different and so he was wired differently, the experience didn't produce any interest.

    Which brings me to the issue of setting yourself up in youth to like things which are not sustainable. Whatever the stage in life, don't set up  friendships and habits about harmful things.

    This sunk cost fallacy that Cameron talks about isn’t just about an expensive rig or “game library”. It is about memorable events from childhood that set up such a trap. The transition can be very lengthy. Cam even mentions that his attachment became so strong he even has nostalgia as he thinks about gaming days.

    But, the time invested into forming new habits soon stars forming new connections in your brain and hence new values and allows you to be content without harmful activities.

    I discussed the similarity between shooter games and paintball and there is a lot of overlap. The only thing is paintball cannot be abused. As I played non-stop for over 4 hours, the physical strain is a controlling element that disallows the kind of harmful relationship that one can have with games. And so I need a week to recover from the match until the next game.

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  20. What you made me think about by going over your career choices is that it is important to keep looking for options and new opportunities.

    I can continue working in my current job without bothering about better options, but if I check employment and education opportunities once a week I may across a much better option. 

    In fact its good for mental health to have a change of profession towards something more challenging and requiring new learning. That is what I think from experience.

    I also feel physical strength building is important for effective work.

    Well done on the successes, are you thinking about the next detox ?

    I keep coming back to this subject because the school years are so much more effective as a way of life than a 10 hour desk job. So the detox can be directed at having a healthier way of life. 

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  21. Having quit the video games, social networks, the internet quick gratification videos, I continue seeing consumerism propagated across all the media platforms.

    I detect it in advertisements, but more worryingly in people’s expectations. You always have to own something extra to be happy, like a newly released car, or phone, or personal computer. These things signal that a person is an achiever whereas in fact this can be far from the truth. If you are in an endless chase for better versions of clothes, gadgets, parties you are still getting suckered badly. Great life mission is something that cannot be traded for any material value.

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