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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Falky

  1. Thanks guys, it's good to be here and my Journal is now up if you want to check it out.
  2. Hi all, so here is the start of my daily Journal! I introduced myself yesterday and today I've made some time to start this Journal. I will be doing this 90 day detox and with it I'm also trying to lose fat and live a healthier lifestyle. So far I'm on day 5 and haven't touched or played one game. My previous record was 2 weeks as i mentioned in my introduction post. So far I'm starting to feel the effects of not gaming, I'm bored and restless where as before I would hop on my computer and play a game or two. So i'm keeping my self occupied with watching a bit of Netflix, YouTube and work. Tomorrow (Monday) I will be starting my exercise regime so that should keep me busy as well as me working too. I'm so used to having my hand in the good old WSAD position, bit like muscle memory I just want to keep my hands busy (that's where writing and such comes into play. My thinking is this. If I can complete this 90 day detox, then I can accomplish anything. Should be fun Until tomorrow folks, chat soon. P.S: I will do my hardest to keep writing here everyday. (considering I work from home it shouldn't be too hard!)
  3. Thanks and yeah it's very early but im making great progress towards what I want in regards to business. Anger...yup, I've lost count the amount of desks, doors and equipment I've ruined due to gaming induced rages lol. Good job on the 50 days mate! I'm at 4 days so far, the longest I've gone for is around 2 weeks (being abroad on holiday). In a while I'll create a journal in the other section, should be an interesting journey Cheers.
  4. Hi All, My name's Nick or as I'm known in my gaming circles and online business 'Falky'. I've been gaming pretty much all my life since the age of I would say 8 or 9. I remember one of the first games I became truly addicted to was Gizmos and Gadgets on the old PC Operating Systems. Whilst growing up I was quite an outgoing young lad and the only times I played video games was when I had friends over or it was raining, cold etc. Over the years growing up I played PlayStation 1 and 2 religiously almost everyday, games such as Simpsons Hit & Run, Smugglers Run, GTA, need for speed and The Sims. I wasn't a one game, player...I played virtually everything! (still the same to this day) I would go from one game to another looking for different story-lines and different challenges. Then mid teens around the age of 15/16 Call Of Duty 4 came out and I put in around 400+ hours, I was pretty good too. I was in a clan and we had scheduled matches...the thrill of getting the last kill was indescribable to a non-gamer. I bet anyone on this forum knows what I'm talking about though. You're focused, you're heart is pounding out of your chest and it feels like you can conquer the world. Combine that feeling with the social aspect, I met numerous friends whilst playing. All I could think about was playing COD and for the first time in my life I was attached to one game. Roll forward 2 or so years, the one game that soaked up all of my time, social life and confidence came out...World Of Warcraft! I saw my cousin playing it and when I watched for that 10 or so minutes, all I wanted to do was play it. A week later I purchased the game and logged in for the first time (spent around an hour on character creation) and entered the world with my Human Warrior, Falklang. That single moment changed my whole life and for the next 4-5 years I put in around 1 year's worth of game time. To say I had a problem was an understatement! Even though I met some amazing people playing, I felt like I could of done more in my late teenager years. Around the time of me playing I also developed Agoraphobia, Social Anxiety and Self-Esteem Issues. This issues combined with my bad Anger problems which I've had all my life led to a rather unstable life for me. I'm now 25 years old, I've managed to eliminate my Anxieties and calmed my anger down to a point where it's not affecting my life anymore. I'm now an author, publisher and run a online business. (just started but it's growing) The only obstacles I yet have to conquer is my gaming and weight loss. The only real game I play now is World Of Tanks...well until a couple of days ago that is. I was having a bad day and thought a game of tanks would zone me out of reality for a bit. Boy was I wrong. I got demolished in the space of 2 minutes and the inevitable red midst descended, I punched the table a few times, slammed my mouse down and manged to calm down. Where I slammed the mouse down though I broke the right button...so again I got angry ripped the mouse out of the computer and threw it. If it did work, it didn't now for sure! For the past couple of days now, I haven't played a game and instead I've been working, learning and relaxing. Whilst writing this I would of instead been gaming and not thinking about life or what I'm doing. I think me breaking that mouse was a sign I need to move on from a life of gaming and distraction. I've recently moved into a new home too, my previous home I lived in for three quarters of my life. Now's my chance to start fresh, smash my goals and leave gaming in the past. In the future I may play a couple of matches with friends to say hello, but games will never have the grip on me in which they did have in the past. So once again hello everyone, I hope I can make some new non-gamer friends here.
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