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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Icandothis

  1. On 7/25/2020 at 12:20 PM, BooksandTrees said:

    Is the elderberry from the ones you collected the other day and took a picture of? I'm glad you found a new puzzle. I was thinking of doing puzzles at some point. I used to love those "I Spy" books as a kid as well.


    The tea was from the flowers I collected. It was so delicious. 

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  2. Yay!!!! 

    91 weeks! That is really inspiring! 

    I am so glad you got a good review. This is really awesome. I am so so proud of you.


    Don’t have a lot of time to write... but wanted to send you joy. 🙂

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  3. Things have been super heavy.  

    So I bought I book of puzzles and it is really enjoyable. I realize this is an escape/distraction... but I feel it does not have the addictive quality of online games. 

    Also, I made tea out of the wild elderberry flowers. Oh my.... did it relax me. It felt really soothing and comforting. It’s smelled like of blend of chamomile and cinnamon. So lovely. 

    Thank you for being here friends. Page from my puzzle book.  


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  4. Hi!

    I have had some really heavy days so sorry I have not gotten back to you. I am glad your therapy appointment went well. 

    That’s awesome that you took some time to relax. Sometimes we just need to slow down.  I feel like we just have to be gentle with ourselves when we have hard days. 
    “Today I am tired and rundown. So it’s ok to move slowly and do less”. 

    Have a beautiful day. I hope your creative streak came back! 

    • Like 2
  5. I went to acupuncture today. After my treatment, my acupuncturist walks in and says....

    ” You are a beautiful person. You will get through this”

    And I broke down in tears. He said the main reason for healing is love.  And I agree. 

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  6. 8 hours ago, Erik2.0 said:

    Psalms are nice. That's quite the collection of hazelnuts you've got there. I thought they were baby boy choi at first. Glad you're having a good day. May there be more to come.

    Thank you friend.

    • Like 2
  7. Good day. No pain. I feel very quiet.


    I have been spending a lot of time in Psalms. Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord and he answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. 

    Collected a bunch of hazelnuts!!!


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  8. On 7/15/2020 at 4:09 AM, Phoenixking said:

    Living in Belgium, this might not apply to you; but since I struggle with the same thing, I found a great farm that helps out. They raise their pigs and cattle with lots of 'TLC' and the meat is kind of like crowdfunded. What I mean by that is that they only humanely kill the animal when every single part of it has been sold; feet, tail, ears, every single thing. You get a few kilos of food like sausages and other stuff too but because of that system you might have to wait a while before évery part is actually sold. It tastes way better and is more expensive, but my SO and I feel a bit less guilty when eating it knowing that it was raised and killed properly and not a single thing goes to waste. And the flavor, colors and texture are so different. Made us wonder what the fuck they do to meat we buy elsewhere. It's like way more farm-to-table. Maybe there's similar organisations like this where you live? It's possible in any case.

    I wanted to get back to this... because I think this a beautiful idea. To honor the animal, and use every part. I will look for organizations/farms like this in my area. 

    Thank you friend. 

    • Like 2
  9. 21 hours ago, BooksandTrees said:

    I'm so happy you're not feeling sick today. Maybe the love and intention you've been receiving has worked? Sometimes a boost in the mind and heart does help. 

    I watched a Ted talk about patients who recieved medicine from a warm and gentle nurse vs an automated machine. The dosage was the same, but the patients who saw the nurse said they had less pain and said the medicine worked faster. 

    I'm a firm believer in love and compassion so I will continue to send you love and hope for your recovery!

    I truly believe all the love and compassion I receive from this community has supported and held me on this journey. 

    Every prayer, every kind word and thought... I am just so thankful for.  It really is making a difference for me, which hopefully is translating into better clinical outcomes as well! 

    • Like 2
  10. Hi!

    I am glad you are doing so well! Thank you for sharing your story here. I read and love all of your posts even tho I don’t comment!

    Adopting a bunny sounds really great! I am glad you found a boy you liked... and I hope it works out between him and the girl!

    Your neighbors sound awesome and I am so glad they can help with your business. I really hope once you get your website and marketing ready, things really take off.

    That was so cool of your partner to help you out when the senses from gaming overwhelmed you. She sounds very encouraging, loving and supportive.  You are so lucky!

    I hope you guys have a great week and everything continues to fall in place! 

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, BooksandTrees said:

    I see my therapist in about 2 hours. I feel great to be honest. I don't have any anxiety. I'm just sleepy from the inconsistent sleep. I'll give it 3 weeks. 

    Right now I'm just struggling to find motivation to work lol. I'm working, don't get me wrong, but the desire to work needs to be found like a needle in a haystack. 

    Oh good good good! Talking to people in person is so helpful, but I am glad you feel great!


    Smile. Yes I think we need to team up and find that needle together.  It sounds as if you are in great spirits though. 

    Let us know about your session. Talk soon. 

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  12. Just now, BooksandTrees said:

    Thank you. I hope so. I'm extremely tired today and slept for 13 hours last night. Reminded me of your sleep schedule. 

    Were you able to talk with the therapist today? 

    Hang in there. 

    • Like 1
  13. Hi!

    I have tried to catch up on your posts. I am so glad you are running! That is super awesome. I wish you could sign up for a 5k to have motivation and community, but I think so are all canceled? 

    Years ago, when I was determined to run a  marathon... I could run/walk 15 minute miles. I had to sign up for a marathon with an extended cut off time.... most were 6 hours... I needed 7. I found out Disney hosted a 7 hour marathon and it was one of the best experiences of my life. 

    Just keep going, doing what you can do! It’s brining joy and happiness to your life which is what matters. 

    Sending joy to you today. 

    • Like 4
  14. I am so happy you found something that is working. It sounds like you are in really good hands. I hope the therapy goes well. You are looking at your health from all angles which is key. May you get encouragement, support hope and love from your counselors. 

    Just keep doing one day at a time. We have to keep showing up exactly as we are and ask for the help we need. Just keep doing the next thing.  

    Sending light and hope to you today. 

    • Like 1
  15. So the doctor had no clue what my symptoms are being caused by. They think it is some time of bacterial infection but it is not easily identifiable. They took a bunch of labs to be run so hopefully get some answers. But today I woke up and I basically had no symptoms? I don’t know, but I am happy today... to basically be pain /nausea/ symptom free. 

    I am trying to fill the days that are good with joy and love and focus on the present. Not thinking about past or future treatments. It is hard for sure. 

    I have had to really dig deep into my faith. I respect all religions, spiritualities, beliefs, values. My faith has really been providing so much comfort during this time. 

    From Psalms: When I am afraid, I will trust in You. 

    Picture of elderberries. 


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  16. 7 minutes ago, BooksandTrees said:

    Congratulations on 10 months. I hope you're proud of yourself and I hope you're feeling good today. I hope you are continued to be surrounded by love and warmth during this tough time. Keep shining on forward.

    Thank you for the loving intention. 

    Your continuous encouragement, light and compassion means so much to me. 

    Have a beautiful day 

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  17. I am sitting in the parking lot waiting for doctors appointment who will hopefully address this new infection. It’s so hard taking chemo, because it suppresses my immune system.... leaving me at risk for so many other things. 

    I am so thankful for this community. I am so thankful to live by a protected forested area that has trails, wildlife, flowers. The park is located across the street from where I live, so I try to make it there every day. This is where all my pictures come from. 

    This is an elderberry flower. It smells really  beautiful, and there is a tea that can be made from it as well. 



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  18. 1 hour ago, Erik2.0 said:

    Congrats on 10 months. That Genesis quote was awesome. I didn't know rainbows had that significance. 

    Yes. I learned that from a study on our covenant God. I broke down crying when I saw the second rainbow appear. 

    Thank you for being here. 

    • Like 2
  19. 1 hour ago, Phoenixking said:

    Oh no! I hope you heal soon... You're really making amazing strides considering your situation. I keep rooting for you! I'm impressed that you're able to focus on so many positive things. I really hope the best for you...

    Thank you friend. Your continuous support means so much to me 

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  20. I have an infection. It is really hard for me to find joy when I am physically in pain. 

    I really believe the double rainbow was a sign, that God is here and he has not forgotten about me or us. 

    Genesis 9:14 Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and a rainbow appears in the cloud. I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind.



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  21. 1 hour ago, Erik2.0 said:

    Gorgeous photos. I love that double rainbow. It made my day. Wishing you strength and healing through your difficult process of Chemo. You'll get better and beat this. 

    Thank you friend. 🌺

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  22. Doing my best to live in the ever present moment. 

    I got up. No chest pain. No nausea. No throwing up. I have energy. I have mild discomfort but getting better.


    Acupuncture was amazing today. For the first time I had needles in my back. Up and down my whole spine. It was bliss.  I forgot about everything... and just was.  My thoughts stopped, my body relaxed. It felt so good. 



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  23. Rough day.  My chemo ended yesterday, and the next 2 days my body will need to recover. 

    I love looking back at the pictures I took and knowing that this only temporary and I will feel better in between treatments. 

    So tired. So so so tired. 

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