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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by kwshake

  1. On 2/6/2019 at 1:26 PM, GCepeda said:

    ... but the book I keep coming back to is 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson. It's not really the type of book you read from beginning to end (although you can certainly do that), but its something I keep coming back to in small segments. There's a lot of useful advice on how to life on a day to day. Def helpful for people like me who have lived a chaotic life for the past several years.

    Just ordered this on Amazon, right before I read your post. I've heard great things about it. Looking forward to reading it again and again.

    I just finished The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It's a very easy read, fiction coming of age tale. Should have read it sooner. Definitely going to get multiple rereads. I recommend it!

  2. On 7/12/2019 at 8:50 AM, Jordan2020 said:

     I look at my daily list and I run away and go play video games. 

    I've been here. As recently as this weekend. 

    This is what I'm going to do and to the guys who have been game-free for awhile, let me your hear thoughts:

    Break up my one hour tasks into sets of 3. And put three tasks on each day except Saturday and Sunday. On Saturday and Sunday, I'll double to 6 because that's my weekend. When I complete a task, I'm going to reward myself (probably something sweet for now because dopamine is dopamine, right?).

    The key is the reward though, I believe. I tried rewarding myself with gaming; thought I could use my addiction against itself. Trust me; it makes it worse.

    The second week, I'll have to complete all three tasks to get the reward.

    Third week, add a fourth task and so on and so forth.

    @Jordan2020, I've tried to quit a million times. I'm really hopeful this time because I invested in the Respawn class. I think just having that investment will help me complete my tasks as well (because my initial tasks are just Respawn videos, worksheets and household chores). If you need someone to talk to before you decide to slack off, I'll help keep you accountable. DM me if you're interested.

  3. On 7/18/2019 at 10:48 AM, JustTom said:

    Why? Do you have a reason for quitting? If so, tell them the truth. If they can't accept it, it's time to find new friends. 

    This. Tell them the truth. Even if they are some of your only "friends", real friends will be happy for you when you make a change in your life for the good.

    If they get defensive or angry, it's their own insecurity; then you should probably send them to this website as well.

  4. I think that's a great idea @BrassWolf. Talk to your counselor and go from there: parent liason, principle. Parents don't realize what significant game time could cause in adolescence and young adulthood.  

    To take it even further... How would you feel about running an after-school program where the kids could try out different hobbies? Food for thought.

    Anyways, I think you're mind is a great place and I can't wait to hear about your meetings!

  5. I'm trying something new this time. I'm not going to fail this time. This time it's different. I've invested in quitting, I'm invested in getting on with my life. I'm not going to sit around and play video games while the world passes me by. I've already let so much time be wasted on gaming. Thousands upon thousands of hours into something that will never be productive or truly rewarding. 

    It's time to move on from this shit. And today is the day. July 21st, 2019. 

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  6. Hey everyone,

    I just purchased Respawn and am really anxious but hopefully optimistic.

    I've tried to quit gaming so many times in the past and failed that now I'm a going-on-thirty gamer losing sleep most nights because I just have to play one more ARAM in League of Legends.

    What's worse is: the depression from not accomplishing the things I have wanted to for so long actually feeds my gaming addiction. A vicious cycle.

    Anyways, I'm new to the forum too. So I'll see you all around. 

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