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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. Hi all, i am playing games since last five years i have more than 3500 hours in game .I am trying to get out but when some moments come like pressure i cant handle i am felling from depression. i belong to India there is only 1 aim in my life to join army but i failed in exam but to be honest i give my 110 percent and still i fail that moment i got stuck in gaming again after that day i was so depressed i even try to finish all this for once i try to but when i try to do it but then i think about my family and start for detox but now still when i feel depressed i go to gaming zone and spend lot of hours i cant resist it i google it then i try to meditate ,study but only reason for my gaming is study i need help i want to get out but i cant i want to get clean
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