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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by BooksandTrees

  1. Today was a great day for learning.  I realized that I'm being a little too ambitious with this cartoon I wanted to make.  That takes dozens of people and several months to produce.  Those people went to college full time and got degrees.  I am alone and did none of that.  I can't be that unrealistic.  


    I decided to start my second option of creating a podcast about hockey and the NHL.  I really enjoy hockey and study it all day long.  I love to talk and think the two could gel together really well.  I look at today as a positive.  I've been trying to do things to make my life easier for myself.  I am not hitting snooze anymore.  I set my alarm clock across the room.  I've been much less depressed because of it.  I'm also cooking all my meals again and doing yoga.  

    I'm going to keep working on this podcast and see if I can get any viewers or donations and see how I can turn this into something good for myself.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Phoenixking said:

    Day 72

    "I'm a bit stressed out, to be honest. It's like there aren't enough hours in a day sometimes. My chores keep piling up. And I'm so tired! I told myself to go to sleep early today. But it annoys me that I'm not able to clean any more or prep for my birthday party more."

    I had this feeling all summer and finally took a day to do 4 months worth of bills and mail along with cleaning. Trust me, it's gonna suck, but you'll feel better.

    "I'm starting to find it véry hard to care about my work. I just half-ass things sometimes and nobody bats an eye."

    This happened to me this summer.  Don't make the mistake I did in thinking it was because you made terrible life decisions.  You might need some restoration and peace of mind to allow yourself to refocus.  

    "But it's a great opportunity to see grandma again. "

    I saw my grandma for my vacation last week. It was the only two days that i didn't play video games.  The days were longer and I remember them better than the times I was playing games.  I really enjoyed it and hopefully you will too.

    As fate would have it, the improv friend was one block from the store. We've been texting. She'd been doing workshops and teaching and coaching. I am jealous of the fun shit she gets to do. Freelancing is amazing if you have a steady flow of work coming in. It was also a nice excuse to meet up for a bit. We only had about 15 minutes, but it was all I needed. I was unsure about her; I figured she went loco this weekend to compensate for her battle with cancer and het boyfriend dumping her. I saw a smidge of sadness in her eyes, she came across a little insecure but sincere. We both initiate conversations, we crack wise. It's nice. I'm trying not to fall for her, though. I don't want to end up hurt again. But there's something about her I keep wanting to explore. I keep wanting to talk to her. I just want her to smile. I've always had a tiny crush on her. She's not a model, tough. Just average looking. But her personality and her mind? She's so interesting. I would come over waaaay too eager, but I would want to ask her out asap or invite her to my home again or whatever. I'm trying to simmer down a bit. I'm single and this is how I get: tunnel vision. I get a bit anxious because I know that I can easily slip into old bad habits and I don't want any broken hearts or hurt feelings. 

    I guess there's all of this new attention from girls. I missed this. But I also know that this tends to make my head spin ? I'll have to stay mindful

    I finished the day with an improv meeting. About making a format and try-outs and stuff. I missed this. I missed the jokes and being funny and making other laugh. I'm going to LOVE getting back on stage. My first gig is in November. I can't wait!

    Let me know how improv goes.  I'd love to try doing comedy one day, but I'm afraid of hecklers.  I have a vicious temper and don't want to explode on anyone for being a waste of a life.  I'd insult them in a cutthroat way until I felt like I made them feel like the smallest speck of life this planet had to offer.  I might not be ready yet, haha.  Enjoy the women and just learn from it slowly.  Always a good experience even if it is stressful.



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  3. I feel a little better today.  I just focused on work and talking to family and friends.  I realized that I just was so overworked this summer on top of being burnt out from graduate school and life itself.  The issue is that I wanted to live and enjoy life a little more, while neglecting the need for restorative activities and behaviors.  Instead, I was aggressively trying to push a new life and hobbies onto myself.

    The new approach I'm going to talk to my therapist about is just having peace of mind and being restorative and mindful of what my emotions and feelings desire.  I think through this I'll find more balance.  I feel like I'd go on a binge of anything that I enjoyed because I felt empty and sad.  I'd binge eat food (gained 20 lbs this summer), video games (go on 16 hour benders), television (watched 100 episodes of a 1 hour show in 3 weeks), and complain the rest of the time.  It's hard to pursue balance and activities sometimes.  I say I have no time, but I'd be doing all of these things.  It turns out I was sacrificing sleep and nutrition to do these things.  On top of all of this I was just beating myself up for being unhappy and a failure.  

    I'm trying to be proud of myself.  Something I'm proud of is not turning out to be a failure.  I have a very rewarding and challenging job that barely anyone else could ever dream of doing.  

  4. I appreciate it.  I'm so exhausted from thinking about it and everything else that I just want to be at peace a bit and do my daily things without having to compete with others and stuff.  I can do great things, but right now it's not realistic to do so many great things without having the capacity to do them.

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  5. Thanks.


    I think I just had a difficult summer and didn't know how to cope with the workload I received.  I did not like it at all. Video games kind of gave me an injection of life before a dose of frustration.  I'm gonna try to stop solving all my problems right away and just be more patient.  I think it will help with anxiety.  I appreciate the kind words.  Not many people care that I am depressed so I appreciate it.  I am just trying to keep living and being strong and not beat myself up so much.


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  6. 9/9/2018 - Forgiveness and Listening

    The past two weeks I have failed myself and relapsed very hard.  It started by watching a TV show for 8 hour binge sessions that reminded me of playing games.  I then just played games and watched TV.  Then I took a 1 week vacation and played games for most of it.  I got so upset that I cried and screamed.  I then laid down in my bed, trembling as I wallowed in self defeat and anguish.  I wrote the last post and then went to a dark place.  I followed this by playing another 4 hours of games.

    I played the game again because I was so angry and wanted to keep beating myself up and just sit there in that cesspool.  I lost every game of Overwatch I played during those 4 hours.  I uninstalled the game.

    I sat there for a while listening to music and thinking about how I'm not living to my fullest and being upset about it.  Life is scary.  Now that I don't have college anymore I find it scary that I just go to work and come home.  I can't handle that pace of life without something to chase after.  This shouldn't be scary, though.  I should be excited to keep pursuing new interests and dating.  I'm just afraid to be comfortable in life or maybe I'm just afraid of not having a deadline.  It's like when you can play video games 5 hours a week during weekdays because of work, but once the weekend comes I can't help but play games for the entire day because of a lack of commitments and activities.  If I play a game at the start of the day I can't stop.

    I was berating myself and screaming at myself for hours today because of this.  WHY?  It's time to listen to myself.  I can't allow myself to sit here in self defeat.  This isn't good.  I need to be my best friend.  I need love right now.  I want someone to be there for me and make sure I'm ok.  Since most people are fucking losers and don't care about anyone except themselves, I find that I need to be my best friend.  I need to love myself more than anyone ever could because I know nobody ever will love me like I want to be loved.  

    This is my life.  I need to take control.  If I have nothing to do, I can't panic about what I'm doing or not doing.  I need to just relax.  Work on things one at a time and don't panic and play games because I know they're bad.  I thought maybe I wasn't addicted to games and could just balance it.  100 hours later I know I'm addicted.  It took a few relapses and maybe one day I'll relapse again, but I know I'll be there for myself.  Life doesn't have to be scary.  I can enjoy it.  



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  7. I need help. I took a vacation to destress from work and all I did was play games. I have all these ideas for this I want to do, but I can't stop gaming. I feel so terrible and don't know what to do. I went 3 months without it and played for 16 hours a day for 2 weeks. I just want to game more than anything in the world. Nothing makes me feel this happy. 

  8. 8/22/2018 - How Do I Keep Trying?

    I think my issue is more than gaming addiction and I don't think I'm addicted to gaming.  I don't think I enjoy my everyday life.  I feel lifeless and lacking passion.  I don't wake up in the morning with that fire in my belly and impetus on my heart that propels me to achieve in life.  There's no adventure for me.  There's no point. I quit gaming so I could just do better at work and I'm not enjoying life at all.  I don't know what gives me joy in life.  I don't know how to find it.

    The reason I can't stop thinking about video games is because they've been the only thing in my life that makes me feel alive.  I want to feel alive.  I come home from work and I'm so fucking tired! I'M SO FUCKING TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would feel better after doing some physical exertion, but I don't want to go to the fucking gym after work.  What's the fucking point?  I'm not training for anything.  I need goals, man.  I don't think it's healthy in the long run to just get pissed off at life and just go to the gym to work out my frustrations and repeat the process.  That's not how you're supposed to fucking live life.  That's a joke. Video games gave me these fucking goals to achieve and train for.  You need to be this level to equip this weapon, I guess I'll train!  That gave me a purpose.  Why would I want to drive somewhere after work and just put in all this time?  It just feels like more work.  Oh, go rock climbing. Why?  What's the point?

    I want to write my cartoon and book so badly and I just don't have the energy or ability to write until like 9 PM where I'm not angry anymore.  Then I just get too angry to fall asleep and need to turn to other bad habits to fall asleep.  This is so frustrating.  I have so much anger and rage inside me and I suppress it all so I don't have to have fun.

    Things I Want To Do In No Order:

    1. Tell jokes and make people laugh
    2. Dance or go to dance clubs/groups
    3. Work out
    4. Trail Walks
    5. Rock climbing maybe?  I liked it, but idk how much I liked it.
    6. Go to Concerts
    7. Play Lacrosse and Hockey again
    8. Go to the gym
    9. Hockey Podcast
    10. Write my Cartoon
      1. Write
      2. Animate
      3. Voice Act
      4. Music
      5. Production and marketing
    11. Write my book
    12. Have more social friends
    13. Travel and go on adventures
    14. Yoga

    How do I get the energy and motivation to do these things?  I'm not having fun in life and it's pissing me off.


  9. 6 hours ago, Phoenixking said:

    I think I'm just afraid of being alone with my thoughts. Is that weird? Or maybe I'm afraid of feeling alone? I just get this sense of dread when I think I have to crawl into bed when I'm still conscious and sober.

    Get to know yourself a little bit.  It's naturally to be afraid of these thoughts.  They're powerful and real.  This is like dating yourself almost.  When you finally feel comfortable with yourself a little bit then you can start asking questions slowly.  What some of the reasons are for these things that are happening?  What would you like to change? But be supportive.  When you say what you'd like to change, then treat yourself like someone you really emotionally care about.  Be supportive and listen.  Understanding.  Don't be afraid of time with yourself.  Be patient and learn to appreciate yourself.

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  10. It's important to kind of interact with yourself as you would with a close friend.  Pretend I came to you with some terrible news after doing so well for 60 days.  You wouldn't swear at me and make me feel bad for messing up once in 60 days right?  Same thing with yourself.  You're the most important person in the world to yourself and you need to treat yourself that way.  Discipline can be tough.  If you mess up at work because you are lazy for example (not saying you are) then that's the time to say ok, I need to not be lazy.  But if you mess up because you were emotionally distraught, going through a lot, and struggling with the debilitating illness of addiction, then that's ok.  Don't scorn about it and scold yourself.  This is the support you need.  Give yourself a metaphoric hug and say it's ok.  You got this.  This is your time to pick yourself up because you are getting to know your True Self and you can get through anything you put your mind towards.  Be proud of yourself, empathetic with yourself, and true to yourself.  But don't over analyze.  

    I wouldn't make another journal.  Honestly, this journal you have here is enough awareness for yourself.  Look at the issues you're having and writing about.  I think that's more than enough information for yourself.  Now it's time to compile that information while you're recording it.  What are your major themes?  You get stressed by your ex girlfriend, you don't like that you drink or do drugs at times, and you feel unfulfilled at work.  If a major decision enters your life like sleeping with your ex girlfriend, then ask how this will impact your true feelings.  If your friend asks which restaurant to eat at, just choose one and don't go nuts over it.  It's when you sit and over analyze your decisions is when you start going crazy and that's when you get angry and the most stressed.  Keep lightly exercising, venting your emotions through conversation, and expressing yourself.  The more you let go the further you'll go.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Phoenixking said:

    Day 47

    I didn't sleep very well. I'm not sure why. I still fall asleep with Netflix instead of my previous ritual. I used to meditate, read my book and then fall asleep. Nowadays, my brain is so full of different things; it makes me anxious to deal with them. I know that I should approach it with some calmness rather than numb it with Netflix. But for now, this is okay. I know

    What I could have done to make my day better:

    I need to work on my mental managing and communicating with my True Self. I need to start having conversations with myself to figure out how I feel and why and stuff.


    What I've been talking to my yoga instructors about recently is the ability to recognize what your body is going through.  Trying to understand its energy.  Are you lacking energy or are you full of it?  Are you anxious or relaxed?  What helps during those situations to alleviate any tension or add some support to yourself?  Change up your routine before bed.  Draw a picture, plan your outfit for the next day, prepare your food and stuff, or just listen to mellow music in a dim lit room and move your head back and forth to get into a nice relaxing mood.  Meditation doesn't require pure concentration.  Sometimes a little atmospheric music or hangpan drum music can go a long way.

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  12. Don't give up man.  Give yourself some time to reach these goals.  So much self analysis is tough.  Don't feel guilty for being yourself.  Feel proud of who you are for recognizing the change you need to move forward.  Your journey will be tough.  But you'll be tougher because of it.  Never call yourself weak.  This journey will prove how much you can do.

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  13. That ceiling is great. I kind of replied on my thread, but I really want to reiterate that you've made a lot of progress recently.  Just don't forget how you feel when it really counts.  Ask yourself before you're about to do something you don't think is a good idea if it's worth it.  If you sleep with your ex, then how will you feel for the next month?  Don't forget your true self and keep going.  

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  14. I know how you feel.  I watched American Idol auditions for 6 hours two nights ago.  Oh man lol.  Don't worry about this.  Just don't forget how productive your day was and learn from this.  You can't be productive all day long.  You need to find ways to decompress from the productivity you were doing.  That's why it's so easy to do nothing after work and just watch TV.  I have had the same issues because it's so easy to game, watch tv, or watch porn for a quick reward after a long day.  That needs to change.  We need to rewire the reward system for a hard day's work.  This way we can properly correct our endorphin system.

    I'm trying to watch 1 hour of cartoons a day because that's what I did as a kid.  I'd just watch Dragonball Z and Gundam Wing and then build with Legos or something.  It's tough because we can binge watch stuff now.  We couldn't do that years ago.  But it felt so exciting to come home at the end of the day and watch that one episode.  I'm also trying sketches.  Not anything in particular because that takes brain power.  I'm making random sketches and listening to music to let my mind aimlessly create something with how I'm feeling.  I'm also cooking dinner now which triggers your sense of smell, taste, vision, hearing, and touch.  It's a very rewarding and calming hobby that you can plan earlier in the week when you're not stressed.

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  15. Thanks Phoenix.  It's funny you mention that.  I'm also considering boxing or kickboxing.  I just want to feel alive and feel like a man.  I want to express myself physically, socially, and mentally.  But like Karabas is saying I need that patience.  I think I'm going to develop a strategy for calming myself down when I work myself up that quickly.  Understanding my body is going to be paramount here.  It would be nice to recognize the different frustrations or emotions I'm feeling and just come up with potential ways to deal with it.

    I'm sorry to hear about your setbacks recently, Phoenix.  Like you said, you're not alone either.  But just remember this feeling right now.  Notice how your true self is disappointed.  This doesn't mean you should scold yourself for these feelings or your actions, but set yourself aside and recognize how you feel.  You don't like what you did and you recognize you did it.  Take note of these emotions, give yourself a hug, and move forward.  No team wins every game of the year, but they're remembered for good and bad moments.  Bad moments just lead to good ones eventually through practice.  We got this man.

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  16. On 8/14/2018 at 12:30 AM, karabas said:

    We want to go and achieve things in the real world. And that takes time and effort, without immediate results. And yeah... that's the hardest part about quitting games.

    That's the big thing.  I think learning patience is the key here.  I appreciate the words.  I'm doing better today.  I went out for drinks with my coworkers and told a bunch of funny stories.  Then I did some yoga today and talked some more.  I think I'm just someone who is holding so much inside of me that I need to find ways to express myself. I'm worrying about each second of the day not fulfilling these promises and I think that makes the days go by so painfully, and so quickly too.  I look back at July like where the hell did that go? Unreal.

  17. I've had a therapist for 2 years now and it's the best thing I've ever done.  I have insurance so I see him for free.  What you need to do with the therapist is know what kind of advice and therapy works for you.  I knew I didn't want medication, so I made sure to see someone who could not prescribe anything.  I wanted to solve my problems without that help.

    I also like this therapist more than the two I had tried out because he engages with me.  Some therapists just want to let you speak.  I find that women therapists will let you vent more and male therapists will often try to problem solve more with you.  Not saying that's the case with all, but I found that in the four that I've seen in my life.  

    When you go in, just know the first appointment is going to be hard.  You're going to unload your problems and they're going to take notes.  Not a lot will be accomplished because they need to figure out the whole story from several points of view through your stories.  You need to be patient with them and just know that it is helping you in the long run.

    Give them a chance.  It took a few months, but after that I was not gravely depressed anymore and had the courage to move forward in life.

    Good luck and if you have any questions let me know.

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  18. 8/13/18 - Hatred

    Today, more than ever, I find myself filled with hatred and turmoil.  I hate the fact that I can't play games.  I hate the fact that I'm so stressed out in life and I don't have any outlets to deal with the stress.  I hate that I'm crippled by my inability to move forward because I feel there are so many obstacles in my path.  I hate where I live, I'm frustrated at work, and I'm constantly let down by friends and family.  I just have no where I feel comfortable and that's the pain of quitting gaming.  Gaming was my place to dominate, release stress, feel comfortable, and just do something productive.

    I'm angry.  I don't want to fucking pick up new hobbies all the time.  I don't enjoy many of the hobbies I've tried.  I miss competition.  I miss doing things at a high level and winning.  If I play a sport there's always someone who has played for like 20 years and it's just impossible to find my groove.  I was such an expert gamer that I had that edge.  Now I have to pick up from the beginning.  I work so much during the week that I'm so damn burnt out.  I get angry when i get home because I can't just lay down and watch TV or game.  When I'm pissed off, tired, or frustrated I really don't have the patience to learn something new.  I don't relax and change my mood when I have to be a novice at something.  That just breeds more frustration.  Maybe I'm just not in the right mindset right now to try something new.  Maybe I need something more vigorous to do in my spare time until I get this rage out of my system. 

    I'm not always angry.  It's just that I sit here at work and am frustrated with some of the projects I'm doing.  I'm proud of my job, but everyone is allowed to be stressed at work.  I then come home and it's just a fucking battle.  Everyone in my house is playing video games except for me.  It really bothers me.  I don't get any satisfaction out of "going for a run" or "kayaking".  There's not point in doing those exercises.  When I gamed I felt a purpose to win something.  I don't win at running.  Running or exercising isn't a goal of mine.  I have a trainer at the gym who says I can lift more and do more because I am strong and agile, but I don't.  She asks why I don't and I say because I don't care.  Why should I care?  What am I training for?  "Happiness" they say.  Fuck that.  That's so vague.  I just want to compete and win something that means something to me.  I guess I am being impatient because I don't want to spend the next 5 years learning something to go from novice to amateur when I was already an expert gamer.  

    Then there's the hate side of me that stands by my quitting gaming.  I hate all gamers.  I think most people in the gaming community are such assholes.  They take their anger out on others, are incredibly toxic, don't fix their life problems, most of them are pathetic and can't do anything outside the gaming world, and they are just miserable.

    Then there's the side of me who sees both of those people inside of me.  I know I can be amazing in real life.  I've proven it before, but I just want to unload on something like a boxing bag for like 30 minutes and scream at it.  I'm so full of this physical and mental tension - it's pouring out of my mind!  I want to get out of my house and just FEEL ALIVE!!! I DON'T FUCKING FEEL ALIVE AT ALL!!! I go to work, feel bored and like a DRONE and then just DO NOTHING AT HOME LIKE AN ASSHOLE!!

    "Stop being so hard on yourself"

    HOW THE FUCK DO YOU DO THAT??????? I'm so god damn brain dead after work that I don't want to do anything.  My job is hard.  It's a high level engineering position.  I come home and my brain can't process anything at all.  I just sleep right away for an hour or two, eat dinner, and find myself sitting there with 1-2 hours before I go to bed and repeat the process.  I can't fucking take it anymore.  I hate this.  I don't feel alive, I don't feel myself.

    I have so much animosity, hatred, anxiety, and anger inside of me that I can't peacefully learn a new hobby right now.  

    The only thing I care about doing is writing a cartoon, book, and talking hockey.  I also want to compete in something high level and just feel alive.  I want to destroy others in team competitions and just feel great that I achieved a high level in something again.  I just can't find a sport or league for it.  Beer league hockey is full of morons who are either angry and want to hurt you or are there for fun and don't take it seriously.  It's not a good place for my issues. 

    All of this leaves me lazily sitting here alone waiting for something.  I don't want to try anything new because I just feel like it's going to take forever to learn.  I don't want to try anything at all.  I feel just as pathetic as the people I hate so much, which makes me hate myself.  I get angry at people who are happy.  It sickens me sometimes that I can't have that energy.  My hatred bogs me down like I'm carrying cinder blocks all day long.  It's not a good attitude to have.  I just have a hard time taking that step forward.



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  19. Thanks guys!  Yeah, I feel like this was more in my thoughts on how I'm going to overcome things, but there are just so many days where I have a hard time following the course and staying on track with it.  Prioritizing goals is huge and also just being patient.  

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  20. Keep up the good work.  I have a friend who had recommended a few Japanese TV shows to me.  She was describing how different they were to US and UK television.  I only really watch anime or Godzilla movies, but I'll have to give one a try one of these days.

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  21. 8/1/2018 - Be Kind to Yourself: You are Incredible

    Over the past week I have been struggling with anger more than I have in a very long time.  A series of personal events became a pathway for me to follow into darkness.  I felt myself wanting to be mean to others and just wanting to lash out.  I did not lash out, but I did pause for a moment to try and understand what my frustration was about.  I spoke with some friends and I spoke with my therapist and then spoke to myself.  What I found was that I was overwhelming myself with self-improvement, taking on too many things at once, and misinterpreting situations in life due to my frustrations.  I then went to my yoga class today and found something else out: I found my voice and its healing ability.

    Issues with Self-Improvement

    One of the issues I find with self-improvement is the constant analysis of my behaviors, lifestyle, and actions.  Like many of you, I am here on this forum because I'm trying to improve my life by quitting video games.  Also, like many of you, I'm not just improving my life by quitting video games, but I'm also improving my life by creating a better lifestyle for myself.  This causes me to constantly analyze every action, thought, and behavior that I perform on a daily basis.  This is good at first.  You can catch yourself falling into a trap or doing something you know isn't good for you.  The problem is that this requires an incredible amount of energy to carry on with.  Think about how you have to learn a new task.  Say you're driving down a new route to work and you have to think about every turn, the names of each road, the stop signs, and which lane you should be in for certain intersections.  This takes a lot of energy and often leaves you stressed out because of all the live action knowledge you're acquiring.  After several iterations of this it becomes acquired knowledge and you don't really think of it anymore.

    Think about how many things in your daily routines were learned behaviors.  How you had to learn how to tie your shoes, cook breakfast properly, learn how to drive from scratch, and figure out what to wear and how long it took to learn all of these behaviors.  

    Now pretend you're going to open up your mind and perform surgery because some of those paths aren't correct.  It's easy at first because you're focusing on one of them at a time.  Now try fixing all of them at once and then fixing other things you realize are not good.  It's overwhelming.  You start to lose sight of what you were originally trying to fix and worst of all, you're very strict on yourself because you want to recover.  It's like having a manager at work who expects you to learn something quickly, but is mean and yells at you when you take too long or mess up.  They might even fire you for messing up once.  That's how hard we are on ourselves with each and every little mistake we make.  That's abusive.

    Issues with Taking on Too Much

    We find ourselves trying to fix every behavior now because our lives seem to be in free fall after quitting video games.  "I need to eat healthier, wake up at this time, sleep at this time, exercise at this time, learn these 5 hobbies this week, talk to my friends again, make new friends, talk to my family again, start dating, and do this and that..." If we make all of these changes at once it must off-set the desire to play games and keep our minds off of them - WRONG!  Look how crazy that list is!  I see so many people, including myself, making these huge lists in their self-improvement diaries.  This is madness and completely unfair to yourself.

    If you think back to when you first started playing video games and learning how to hold a controller, learning how to type, learning how to have extreme precision with your mouse hand, think about how frustrating it was at first.  People steamrolled us in any game we played and it was so difficult to be in tune with the game.  It took years for us to become good at gaming.  This same thing is going to apply to all of the new hobbies and lifestyles we pursue.  The expectations we put on ourselves to succeed with something new in comparison to how we succeed with video games is incredibly lopsided and unrealistic.  

    Failure.  We don't like failing.  Nobody does.  Having too many things to accomplish leads to failure.  It's the simple analogy of someone throwing a ball at you to catch, and then having 35 people throw 35 balls at you to catch.  You drop the ball(s).  Look at all the hobbies and lifestyle changes I listed in the first paragraph: how many of you have at least half of those on the list of things you should be doing?  You drop the ball(s).  It's not fair or realistic to put the expectation of fulfilling all of these things when we're still trying to recover from a serious illness.

    Worst of all, this is all exhausting.  When you're trying to learn something new your brain starts to open these pathways to learn each behavior.  It's like taking an exam at school.  It hurts to study too long and after the exam you just need to rest because you've been critically thinking for hours.  Replace the exam with trying to learn a sport, read new books, build, paint, sing, animating, but keep the frustration.  Instead of taking 1 exam, you're learning 5-10 hobbies.  That's so exhausting.  Now you're angry with yourself because you're tired.  Quitting gaming is already exhausting; now you're trying to learn new activities at the same time.  You're doubly exhausting yourself.  You need to let yourself heal and be patient with that healing process.

    Your Healing Ability and How to Find it

    I went to yoga class tonight with an avalanche of thoughts and discord in my head.  I haven't been making progress on any of the hobbies I've tried doing,  I've been working too much, work has been difficult because I'm working on a challenging project where I'm learning all day long and just not understanding it right away, I'm frustrated that I don't see friends as often as I'd like, and I just have no place to channel this anger.  All of this frustration leads to anger from the inside because I'm constantly yelling at myself and criticizing myself for being a failure.

    Yoga is nice because you have to listen and can't think.  The exercises are challenging, but peaceful. You have an instructor who guides you into a trance almost.  At the beginning of class my instructor asked the class to focus on a word, a phrase, or a thought to help guide us through practice.  I thought of some stuff to give me strength for work or hobbies, but immediately stopped because my mind was full and just said nothing.  A huge word box of "NOTHING" appeared in my head and I was free.  I thought about nothing.

    After an hour of this I was able to clear my mind.  I felt like my head weighed 50 lbs lighter than before.  It's at this moment during our meditation to close practice where I found my healing voice.  During the silence I came back to reality instead of resting and meditating with the class.  I told myself that I love myself, forgive myself for messing up or not understanding right away, and that I'm incredible.  I thought about a few great achievements in my life.  I am incredible.  It stuck.  Our class wrapped up and the night carried on, but I feel incredible.  I feel like someone dear to me gave me a hug, told me they loved me, and said I was incredible and that they're proud of me.  That is love.

    Take the time to find something.  When people say meditate it doesn't mean just think about your problems.  That is just doing the same thing you've been doing but with your eyes closed.  Take the time to completely perform a routine that clears your mind.  Stop analyzing each step you're taking and just let yourself walk. Once you've been able to stop thinking about your issues (this is easy because you'll be happy again and carefree for a moment) take some time to be aware of that.  Be aware of how you feel in that very moment.  That's the peace you'll feel when you do give yourself forgiveness.  That's the feeling you'll continue to have when you fix your habits one at a time instead of all at once. 

    When your crippling thoughts come back into your head, you'll always have that loving voice at the bottom that says they love you and forgive you.  That is your voice.  That will always be there now.  When you pile the thoughts on your head, it's going to be there to help push the crippling thoughts out.  Don't force yourself to treat yourself better. "Stop thinking bad thoughts! you're hurting yourself! Stop it!"  Look how mean that sounds.  You're yelling at yourself to stop yelling at yourself.  That's just terrible.  Clear your mind, open your mind, open your heart, and fill it with love for yourself.  You are incredible.

    Thanks for reading,



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