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Paul A.

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Posts posted by Paul A.

  1. I think this might be my last post for a while. To be honest I've been treating the forums like social media more like anything else, constantly checking for likes and replies, and everything interesting that happens in my life I feel obligated to post about, and I don't want to deal with that anymore. I've quit gaming, I rarely have cravings,  I've found ways to fill my time, basically I have a new lifestyle. This community has helped me. But now I think it's time for me to move on. But I'll make sure to always be improving on myself little by little, one step at a time, like this community has taught me.  Goodbye everyone :)

  2. It's really sucking so I haven't read lately, but I'm supposed to go to the library today for more material.

    If you find reading boring, there is a chance that the books you've chosen are boring.  (Not all the books that get awards are great).  Or maybe they just don't have the subjects that interest you.  I'm not sure what your interests are but here are some ideas for books that you might enjoy:

    Choose you own adventure books.  These can be short but enjoyable reads, especially if you choose wrong.  But you can always restart and get a different ending.

    Books by Paul Jennings.  Australian author who writes relatively short stories with some interesting twists.

    The Outsiders by S.E Hinton. 

    Harry Potter. I've never read them, but I've met plenty of people who don't like reading, who suddenly love reading once they started with these books.


    P.s. Groundhog Day is a great movie.

    It's not that I find reading boring, in fact I love reading, I used to read for hours every day before I became addicted to video games. (mind you, this was when I was about 8-9). They're a great way to escape my not-so-great reality, and I could use them as an excuse to talk to cute girls :). The thing is, I keep procrastinating on my reading by watching TV or wasting time on the Internet or things like that, which I'm working on. But I don't find reading boring, that's not it at all.

    Groundhog Day IS a great movie :)

  3. So the past few days I've been spending time watching TV... I know it's not the best use of my time, but I'm really enjoying the programs I'm watching: Yesterday I watched Groundhog Day, when school was out I watched SNL reruns and Comedy Central (I consider myself the class clown and some who have classes with me do too), and right now I'm watching Friends. It's really sucking so I haven't read lately, but I'm supposed to go to the library today for more material.

  4. So I think my relapse is over... At least this time I'm going back in with some idea of what I'll be spending my time doing. Of course there's a chance I might relapse again, failure is inevitable, but hopefully it won't be happening anytime soon.

  5. I think reading would be the perfect hobby... if I wasn't so lazy. For whatever reason it takes me a tremendous amount of effort to sit (or lay :)) down somewhere and read, effort I am unable to put in. I find it a whole lot easier to read at nighttime when I have nothing to do, especially on the weekends because I DON'T have to wake up at six the next morning, but I can't keep doing this or I'll just find myself bored again and gravitating towards video games. By the way today is day 0 (or day 1, the survey told me day 0) of my 90-day detox, wish me luck everyone :)

    Also I've been learning a little Spanish every day on Duolingo, I'm on a four or five day streak :)

  6. Nowadays, I don't really try to stop myself when I want to game, but at the same time I don't really want to game. The few games I thought I enjoyed have lost their luster for me, and the only hobby I really have is reading, and occasional writing. I've found I can really enjoy reading if I do it in a quiet location, and I can get absorbed in the text. So I guess my relapse is (unofficially) over.

  7. So for the past few days I've been gaming (or at least trying to), and it's been boring for the most part, though it is still addicting. My dad said we weren't allowed to play on the computer yesterday, and I was pretty mad about it, but to be honest yesterday wasn't a good day. I got yelled at by my mom because I wasn't demonstrating proper manners or whatever at their friend's house, and also because I never listen to them and I'm irresponsible and I was making excuses and trying to justify why I was irresponsible and all that shit. It was tough and I broke down in tears, but of course all my mom did was to keep screaming at me, and my parents said I should stop feeling sorry for myself every time I do something wrong. This kind of stuff happens to me rather often, and only me, the oldest one, and it pisses me off. It's not like I try to do the wrong stuff, but I do anyway. I can't help it. They keep saying that I should be conscious of my responsibilities, but I can't because it is too mentally exhausting to keep reminding myself of all the things I should be doing because I have all this other shit going on in my head, that I don't want to go into. So it's tough, but no one really seems to understand :|. I was thinking I should start writing more because it might be the only healthy way for me to express myself. 

  8. Well I spent a good portion of the day gaming... Generally unsatisfied but at least i had something to do. There are a few games i enjoyed playing, but i suppose I have to watch out for those because it might spiral into addictive behavior. I won't go into details but I think I expressed some addictive behavior today. Gaming did not stop me, however, from improving my Spanish on Duolingo, and posting a journal entry (although it's nighttime and I'm not allowed to be on the computer by this time :/). I still don't think I'm ready to give the games up, not until I can come up with a viable replacement at least.


  9. Well I guess I'm back (after like 2 hours :P)

    I'm unable to enjoy video games anymore, because of one thing: my acute inability to game. I swear, I'm probably the worst video gamer in history (worse than @Django claims he is :P), and like most people, I HATE LOSING. Any activity that is generally considered "fun" is considered "stupid" in my eyes if I am not any good at it, and this applies especially to video games. So I'm kinda forced to quit. I still don't really know what I'll be spending my time doing, but I'm thinking I will just force myself to read more. Looks like I don't really have any other choice :| As well, I discovered just an hour earlier that gaming is a HUGE distraction for me; my parents said my siblings and I should shovel snow and I couldn't stay focused on that for more than ten minutes without going back to the computer to play some stupid game.

  10. Hi everyone. I'm about to go into relapse #2, and this one will last a while. I just can't find it in myself to stick to a non-gaming schedule at such a young age, especially when I'm surrounded by games every single day. I go into it more in my journal entry, which you can read here: Anyway, it was great to be here, but I think I'll be gone a while. Good luck to all and goodbye :( 

  11. I'm taking a break for a while... I just don't think I can do it. I can't seem to be able to fill my time better, and I'm still feeling as bored and unsatisfied as usual. As I mentioned before, trying to quit games as a teen, and especially being surrounded by gaming siblings, is a huge challenge, and I don't think I'm up for it. Maybe when I'm older and have financial freedom and more freedom in general, I can come back to GameQuitters and maybe find some hobbies I find fulfilling, but right now I just don't think I'm ready. This might be one of my last posts for a while, but it was fun while it lasted :)

    Goodbye everyone :( 

  12. Don't worry, it's better than it sounds. Lately, I've been using the GameQuitters forum more as social media, constantly checking for replies or likes on my posts. Anyone is susceptible to this, but especially someone like me because #1: I'm a teenager, and #2: I'm stuck at home. That's why I'm instituting what I call the "non-GameQuitters challenge," meaning I will only visit the site when I have something to post, or I want to read someone else's posts. No checking for replies and likes, except when I find I have a notification when I go to post or read. I waste a lot of time on this site when I could be spending my time more productively, like watching SNL reruns or anime :P 

  13. Thanks for the advice guys, I actually installed Duolingo this morning and I'm learning Spanish. Speaking of good days, mine started on a humorous note. I was watching my brother play ROBLOX, and he suddenly exclaimed, "Why are my pits so SWEATY?!" This was something I suffered from when I used to game, and I derived pleasure from his discomfort.


  14. Another not so good day...

    According to some advice from my fellow GameQuitters since I'm young I don't have to worry so much about not getting something meaningful done every day, but I still feel guilty when I don't. As well I can't find it in me to stick to a hobby, but I can try tomorrow (yet ANOTHER day off of school). My day went something like this: I watched some anime (Kill la Kill and Blue Exorcist, entertaining but strong language), I shoveled snow (and lost a snowball fight), I read a couple articles online (most of them irrelevant), and then I watched some (irrelevant) YouTube videos. And then there was my evening routine. Lately I'‌ve found myself gravitating towards sex, whether it be looking up sexual terms on Wikipedia, or looking at sexual images, and I even went as visiting a porn star's website. I just hope it didn't last and I can get it together quickly, because it's really affecting my conscience. Otherwise a pretty average day. I can try on the hobby thing tomorrow and hopefully not be tempted by my 'alternative' porn.

  15. Paul, have you found your hobby yet? You are still very young, and now school should be of the highest priority for you. Certainly, there has to be a school subject you particularly like or are good at. Instead of looking for a hobby, determine which school subject is your favourite and try to excel at it. Aim at getting straight As, master not only what the teacher demands for a good grade, but go beyond the curriculum and learn more about the subject. It seems to me that it is the best way to proceed, taking into account your current age and circumstances.

    As far as your gaming siblings are concerned, you should not give in to their demands to help them with their games. Judging from your description of their behaviour, they may soon be addicted to playing or are already addicts. You should talk to your parents about it, maybe refer them to one of Cam's articles about gaming addition? I saw that Cam also wrote an article addressed to parents, though I have not read it since I am not parent myself. Maybe reading more about the problems of gaming will help them understand and support your decision.

    And never give up :) We all here keep our fingers crossed for you :)

     Thanks for the advice! To be honest, I've never been a fan of school, but I do find myself wanting to go back in the summer because I had nothing to do, only for school to start again and I realize, "I really, REALLY don't like school!!" (mainly because I hate waking up at 6 every morning) and I dread waking up every morning, anxiously awaiting the conclusion of the school year, only to find myself bored again in the summer. It's a vicious cycle. But anyhow, I think I can still find a hobby if I really apply myself. Following @AlexTheGrape's advice to "just do it," I just force myself to engage in a particular hobby, and enjoyment develops over time.

  16. Interesting perspective you have on free time... mine happens to be the exact opposite.

    I'm only 13, but I've found that without gaming I have a whole LOT of free time, and my issue there is: I don't know how to spend it. I have just been unable to find a hobby that I enjoy, something that can hold my interest for long periods of time like gaming did. On the other hand this abundance of free time (even more so because I've been snowed in the past few days; school has been cancelled for a while), isn't helping with my laziness and procrastination. I thought that gaming was adding to those problems, and I assume it was, but not to a large extent, because I still struggle with them.

    Aim high. My god, aim high. If I knew what I knew now about just sitting down to do something towards developing some skill at 13, I would be rich and/or famous by now. I'd have put a good 15,000 hours into assorted skills. I want you to imagine this - you could start by learning how to be productive during the day, and learning to make it an enjoyable process.

    I want you to imagine what you could do if you had 10,000 hours of practice on something, by age 20. That's about 27 hours per week. You'd be at a world-class level at some skill by spending time developing yourself. And, you're at an age where your brain works differently - to your advantage. You'll learn faster, and what you learn will be crystallized. Mastery, by Robert Greene is quite good for this.

    So, basically, what do you get by quitting gaming? The time to become basically superhuman. Don't let people fool you into thinking that there's some mediocre limit. As you change your habits, they will crystallize into behavior. Your gradual steps will accumulate over time, and the next thing you know, you'll be at the top of a mountain while your peers are still finding the first steps.



    @Alkan thanks for the advice. I loved the first article, "10 Overlooked Truths About Taking Action," it's just what I needed. I even changed my signature to match: "Just do it." I admit, taking action seems daunting, but I will at least try to implement it into my everyday life. I especially liked truth #9: action makes you humble. It was offensive (I'M a teenager) but true. So, so true. I admit, I'm not excited for the failure I'm destined to achieve, but what can you do? The truth is, it took some willpower on my part to even post this response, funny isn't it? I'm an incredibly lazy person :P

  17. Interesting perspective you have on free time... mine happens to be the exact opposite.

    I'm only 13, but I've found that without gaming I have a whole LOT of free time, and my issue there is: I don't know how to spend it. I have just been unable to find a hobby that I enjoy, something that can hold my interest for long periods of time like gaming did. On the other hand this abundance of free time (even more so because I've been snowed in the past few days; school has been cancelled for a while), isn't helping with my laziness and procrastination. I thought that gaming was adding to those problems, and I assume it was, but not to a large extent, because I still struggle with them.

  18. You're digging in all the right areas. Thanks for sharing man. :)

    Thanks. Yeah. It is digging all right. It's work. But so worth it.


    Day 128

    Random assortment of thoughts for the day:

    • My hip flexors hurt like hell from that workout on Sunday. Dear god. Aggghg. Okay. At least I have a desk job where I can sit all day.
    • I've been sleeping much better the past few days, about a week after quitting caffeine. I had one green tea and one soda in the past week but that was all; pretty inconsequential. I fall asleep much easier and sleep much more soundly, and I'm starting to wake up just before my alarm, and I have more energy in the morning when I get up. All in all... feels great. I don't think coffee is really compatible with me, at least on a regular basis.
    • I'll do a review at the end of the month, but I have to say that January is going quite well for me. I'm actually exceeding my expectations on goals that I had planned for myself. More detail to come!
    • @karpet Btw, I ordered some Barley tea on amazon and I'm liking it. Definitely a different taste, but a pleasant alternative to coffee.
    • I made enchiladas last night for the first time. It was fun! I even made my own sauce. They turned out really great - for the first time in my life I'm learning to enjoy cooking instead of viewing it as a chore. I'm saving a lot of money because I bring my lunch to work every day, as I've always aspired to. I highly recommend budgetbytes.com for simple but tasty and cheap meals.

    Reflections on my journey

    I'll say something about games, since I haven't actually talked about them in a while now. Looking back at the beginning of my journal is interesting. Day 1, I committed to a 90 day detox. Day 11, I started Respawn and uninstalled/deleted all my games. Day 92 (I think), I followed through and actually deleted all my gaming accounts, truly quitting games for good. Somewhere around Day 110 or so I stopped having urges. I'm sure urges will happen in the future, in certain situations, but I haven't had them lately.

    And where am I now? Well, I don't think about games much anymore. My life is actually pretty busy these days, so I don't have a ton of down time where I'm bored and would want to play them or seek them out. The free time I have at home is consumed cooking or with chores or reading. It's just not something in my life anymore, so it doesn't occur to me.

    Where am I heading? Well, I continue to work on myself in myriad ways. That's kind of my plan at the moment. I'm picking areas of my life that I want to improve and choosing a daily, weekly, or monthly way to work on it as appropriate. Life becomes the game - your sense of measurable progress gets transferred from games to the real world. Ditto your sense of challenge. Immersion or escapism can be found in healthier avenues if you want it - novels, movies, etc - or fulfilled in an alternative manner with something like meditation. And ultimately the social aspect of gaming will pale in comparison to actually having a social life, once you develop it.

    One thing on my mind lately is that sometimes it's hard to tell when you're making progress, or just stagnating. Sometimes change happens too slowly to notice until later. Like, I might wonder if I've plateaued or if I'm still climbing. The past week or two I know I'm definitely making a lot of progress. My life has felt intense lately. But that wasn't always the case. Sometimes I'll post here and wonder what do to next, or what I'm getting out of it. I think that's probably inevitable. I think this might become more apparent after quitting games, or past the 90 day mark - once you've already past the more salient, obvious goal posts, it's less clear what you're supposed to do. But the truth of the matter is that I think I've had some of my most significant progress in the past 30-40 days. Just my observations. I admit I do feel a bit structureless without some discrete goal of #days to get to. My goals are now more about improving specific aspects of myself, like I said. But what the hell - just to throw something out there - I commit to getting through 2016 without gaming! That will give me something to keep me going throughout the months to come :). Who's with me?


    1. Learning to cook.
    2. Reading before bed.
    3. Mindfulness.
    4. Deep breaths.
    5. Everything coming together.

    I like how you brought up that you're too preoccupied to have free time in which you are bored and might be compelled to game, especially how you can preoccupy yourself reading. I haven't actually sat down with an actual, PHYSICAL piece of reading material for ages, and I know it is supposed to be beneficial, but I've never felt motivated to read until I sucked it up and forced myself to open the book. It's not till then until I actually derive some form of entertainment from reading and motivation to KEEP reading, and those feelings disappear soon after I stop reading.

  19. Yesterday wasn't the greatest...

    I had my first major relapse. I downloaded several games on my phone, reinstalled ROBLOX on my computer, and played on KBHgames.com. I think it was a combination of watching my brother play for days, and severe boredom, that caused my relapse. My lack of an alternative hobby was temporarily alleviated by programming, but I've found I lack motivation to continue doing so, and I've been feeling unmotivated in general. I feel that there's nothing worthy of my time, like I can't find lasting enjoyment in anything, and that has manifested into physical exhaustion and lethargy.

  20. Yo wassup man!!

    I'm actually a Dragon Ball fan myself, I watched Resurrection F a few months back.

    Great that you're seeing a counselor bro, I always find it helpful to talk to someone when I'm feeling down. If you don't have the money, maybe there's someone else, like a friend or sibling, that you can talk to for free?

  21. So after about two weeks, I've had my first major relapse...

    I was just feeling really bored, and recently my brother has been playing Super Smash Flash 2 on KBHgames, and I would watch him play. He's pretty good and I somewhat enjoyed watching him play, and that brought back feelings of nostalgia of when I would play. I felt tired due to boredom and decided I didn't want to deal with it anymore, so after my mom made me shovel snow I went on the computer and started playing. It wasn't as enjoyable as I thought it would be, and my brother and I got into an argument over who gets to play next, which happened frequently in the past and contributed to my decision to quit. Then because of that, I installed a couple games on my phone and started playing only to uninstall them an hour later. After that, I tried to play ROBLOX as a guest but gave up due to a gender glitch. All in all not a great experience, and it didn't help that I was exhausted and had a dull headache the entire time. I'm thinking of just resigning myself to watching YouTube videos, because I find it hard to stay focused on much these days, including alternative hobbies. Not feeling too great, but it was bound to happen eventually right? :(

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