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NEW VIDEO: The EASIEST Way to Stop Gaming

Mad Pharmacist

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Posts posted by Mad Pharmacist

  1. Schwing, I added you on Duolingo! Maybe you'll make me using this website again! :)

    I really like your drawings and sketches. That's how you're making progress right now.

    But how about expanding your comfort zone? Are you still taking actions that makes you more confident?

    That's important to do one day a the time, because you'll feel regression otherwise.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  2. Oh, you're using Duolingo I see...

    I used it for a long time, but then I decided to switch into Memrise.

    Memrise is more focused on flashcards rather than translating sentences and articles.

    But if you want to feel more motivated, you can give me your nickname, so I'll follow you in Duolingo! :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  3. Co do fantastyki to polecam jeszcze sagę

    • Zwiadowcy i Drużyna Johna Flanagana,
    • Trylogię Czarnego Maga Trudi Canavan
      • Gildia Magów
      • Nowicjuszka
      • Wielki Mistrz
    • Miecz prawdy też jest spoko, aczkolwiek ja utknąłem na pierwszej części parę lat temu i nie miałem czasu wrócić. Kto wie, może jeszcze uda mi się zajrzeć do tej książki? :)

    Co do Biblia to wszyscy wiemy, że Upadły Akolita Piotr ma jej znajomość na naprawdę wysokim poziomie :D  Do zobaczenia na dzisiejszej rozmowie!

    Mad Pharmacist

  4. Nie mam problemu z przestaniem oglądania seriali, muszę mieć tylko dobrze zaplanowany dzień. Znowu się udziela planowanie, zdaje się że muszę wrócić do swojego excela :P

    Tak, excel dobra rzecz.

    Jak zdążę jutro po kolokwium, to napiszę też moje cele które mam w Best You, żeby nie było, że jest to jednostronna wymiana. :)

  5. Hmm, a marnowaniu czasu pogadamy jutro.

    A co do sportów, to widzę, że jesteśmy w tej samej lidze graczy. Mnie zawsze brano na bramkę bo za wolno biegałem i szybko się męczyłem, do tego nie mogłem w nic trafić i tragicznie niski wyskok nieproporcjonalny więc w sumie kto by tam chciał takiego powolnego zawodnika? To jest dobry motyw na zajęcie przy zlocie Ultra Ziomeczków - wziąć piłkę do kosza/siatki/nogi i trochę poodbijać sobie. :) Na pewno lepsze to niż oglądanie seriali! Z resztą, ile można? Co ty tam oglądasz, Modę na Sukces? :D:D:D

  6. Well, that a wise choice Reno!

    I think that we all need to move it to the place where for you soda is and where for me TV is.

    I'm glad you did it 2 hours to reevaluate. That's what I'd really desire whenever I have relapse.

    Thanks for this post! You inspired me to be as much "detoxed" as you are! :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  7. Well I must say that your story IS inspiring at least for me!

    About the issue with porn/masturbation/sex:

    You have to learn to live by yourself first instead of getting horny for first woman that will approach in your life. That's not how it works.

    If you want more information on that, PM me

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  8. Pierwsze co mi przyszło na myśl gdy zobaczyłem, że trzecim obcojęzycznym dziennikiem wciąż będzie polski, to typowe youtubowe "Polska przejmuje ten filmik!!!111oneoneone". To miło że można mieć na tym forum swój ojczysty kącik.

    No i genialnie, właśnie o to chodzi. Każdy ma prawo do takowego kącika, więc dlaczego my nie mielibyśmy z niego skorzystać? Po prostu kwestia tego, że inni się nie wykazują zbytnio.

  9. Day 37

    I ended up staying up pretty late on day 36 till 2:00 AM. The last time I did this would have been before I started to quit gaming, since I would take 12 to 18 hours a day to game. I see why it's fall into the trap of gaming now. I woke up this morning with no energy or desire to do anything. Normally when I wake up feeling like that I just game the day away. Until 2 am. Repeatedly. I've been programming so regally that I actually feel bad about not doing it enough or not doing it at all. I think this is a good thing.

    Yep, that's a lot of progress. Just keep it up until you'll maintain the life you really desire!

    There's no place for video games in your life anymore!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  10. I just can't, I'm too weak. Maybe I was born just to be an average. I'll not achieve anything in my life, I won't be ambitious... Maybe I should just eat, shit and consume pop culture... let the time fly,

    I see that's your last post, how are you doing during this 2 days

  11. I'm sick today too. I'm not going to game. Watch all the movies you need to. Hang in there. You'll be better in a few days and able to be productive again. Gaming isn't going to solve anything. 

    Cam, but what if without games I act even dumber? Games at least make me think, I plan things, I execute something.. I know it's meaningless but at least I DO something. What's worse? Happiness in ilusion or sadness in reality?

    That's just fuckin' justification! Stop it right now!

  12. Hell yea, that's a deep analysis.

    I recommend to rewrite this and keep it in a visible place for you. This way you'll be more able to make an aware decision and start waking up early.

    Ready for the next step? :)

  13.  My lack of discipline is disturbing

    You have to build it amigo, there's no other way.

    Do you follow your goals everyday and write + if you do this and - when not? I strongly recommend that, because this way my discipline upgraded A LOT, when me and @Piotr started to do this on weekly basis as a sum up of daily basis of checking goals.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist


    • Talk to at least 1 girl. You don't have to say much.

    Talk to 1. 

    Approach 2 more. 

    We are not here to bargain. Thank us later. 

    I wanted to quote this, but you're faster than me! :D

    Strike up 3 conversations with girl you didn't know, and this way you'll gain permanent +1 charisma boost. :)


    About feeling depressed:

    Everyone sometimes feel like that. It's just emotion and when some time will pass it will all wear off.

    Depression is a different story, but I don't think you're. You gave me too much positivity into my life to suffer from this disease! :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  15.  Love the avatar. :)

    That's something we call "Pieseł" in Polish memes :D



    90daydetox is just the beginning , im not even considering going back to gaming, it would be a waste of time and energy :D 


    That's good for now, but once you'll finish detox I'm ready to give you some advice to ensure you'll do 1000 days :)

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