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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Mad Pharmacist

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Posts posted by Mad Pharmacist

  1. Hello!

    Congrats on finishing Slight Edge!

    Remember that journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. So what's your next book you're gonna read? :)

    Btw. I'll give you my opinion on yoga and meditation: it is dangerous. I hope you keep it in mind while doing this.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

    Hey man, thanks for the opinion. Care to elaborate on why you think yoga and meditation is dangerous?

    I've made a post on that probably in Mario Journal (@WorkInProgress), where I gave at least 10 sources of my knowledge. You can find it here, but if you don't then I'll find it and give you a link/copy that when I'll have more time :)

    Dude, ur crazy. as your name says. i cant tell if you are serious or not. I just finished a 12 hour night shift expecting a decent explanation. LOL, and I get this crap. What a joke.

    Well, probably you're right. I'm probably the biggest excentric you've ever met.

    I could paste you the links to the articles, but I didn't. My fault, no justifications.

    Even though, remember that we're on the same boat. We're GameQuitters.

    Relax. He had some bad experiences with meditation  and believes strongly that it is a fixed part of a new-age-religion which is bad for you. To summarize the sources: A few of them were imho christian fanatics afraid of  new age stuff. Also there were some interesting and more scientific scourses about how Meditation can be dangerous  if you have existing psychic problems. Also yoga can hurt your body and posture if overstretch. Just type in danger and yoga into google and you'll find stuff about it. In my opinion that doesn't apply to the majority of people and I personally neither found meditation/yoga especially sprititual nor endangering for my physical or psychical health. No reason to call his opinion a joke though. I guess you had a hard night ship. This can make the calmest man moody ;)

    You two are doing great. btw.

    @Tatu92 it is awesome that you started finishing books. I found the slight edge pretty AMERICAN at some times but by now I firmly beleive in the philosophy behind it. If you don't move upwards you move downwards. Just the way the world works imho. I think I read it 2-3times just to remind of  this fact.

    Thanks for that explanation. I didn't have enough time to copy/paste this articles, but you did that for me in brief explanation. :)

  2. Can you specify your goals a little bit more?

    Hey Mad Pharmacist :D

    Thanks for asking - I've had a good think about my goals, but I need to make them more specific as time goes by. They are as follows:

    • Fitness
      • I want to look and feel good.

    Well, aren't you as handsome as @Cam Adair ? :D

    Take that into consideration :)

  3. Is it seriously possible to go outside in Japan only if you have money? Aren't there any events which are free?

    There are some 'festivals' here and there. Everything else has a cost. Even the language exchange meetups, the organizers ask for anything between $1 to $5, plus, you also have to buy a drink from the place, as they are usually held at a cafe or bar. But I feel like that because I compare Kyoto to Melbourne. Compared to Melbourne, every city looks bad, haha.

    You can also invite some friends to your home. I don't know how is it popular in Japan, but it will be still a social activity, and you don't even have to go outside! :)


    Well, you made my mind blow.

    So, there is anything creative in coding? :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  4. Hey, bring me some waterfall to Poland! (They would be probably frozen right now, thought)

    Recovery days are seriously important, because they can seriously boost your productivity if are planned well!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

    I was thinking of coming to live in Poland for a few months January-March and then I remembered the weather. LOL.

    Well, I think that waterfalls in Poland can exist periodically during April-August, and then they can come back to NZ to feel the endless summer .


    Btw. Isn't it colder in Calgary then in Warsaw right now?


  5. Greetings, from Mad Pharmacist!

    I truly understand your problem. I mean, there is kind of connection for some people when they excessively game and watch porn. That can make you feel ashamed or even humiliated, but I'm glad that you have written about it in your entry. That's what real man do - instead of trying to hide his weaknesses he fights them back and crushes it.

    So, NoFap could be for you kind of recovery. Now you should focus more on what it really is that brought you back to gaming couple of times before. It's the important question that Cameron asked you:

    Without gaming, what have you been doing with your time otherwise?

    As you answered:

    Well where I work at, I'm a full time barista making coffee drinks everyday. I do this for 35-40 hours a week and love it! Defiantly something I never thought I'd be doing. I've made huge progress in my life in the past 2 years. No more social anxiety or depression. That only came back when I gamed.  When I'm off I try to mountain bike some but now since it's getting cold and snowy, I'm not sure what to do. I really wanna get back into reading and find some other hobbies as well. I hate the fact that I feel like I "need" gaming in order to be happy which I know in return makes me miserable. 

    All right, so that's super awesome bro that you got dispose of anxiety and depression. That was also hard for me couple of years ago, but and did it. If anybody who is struggling with this is reading that post, then I can tell you: there are at least 2 people who did it (+1 including @Cam Adair), so can you.

    Anyways, the need of gaming is something that means your endocrine system works really well.

    You were playing a lot (since 5, so it's seriously most of your lifespan), so your brain got used to it. This motherfucker knows that whenever you play, it can release ton of dopamine, which can lead to the feeling of temporary happiness. But it's not a bed of roses. He wants to get even more and more of dopamine, and when he lacks of it, then he tells you a snitchy messages like "You NEED to play". Even if you say "It can make me miserable, motherfucker", he can still say "C'mon, just 5 mins, that will be only fun!"

    Never trust him in this way, man! He'll make you happy just for a couple of seconds, and then it will be just unbearable pain.

    Anyways, welcome to the journaling forum.

  6. Hey, bring me some waterfall to Poland! (They would be probably frozen right now, thought)

    Recovery days are seriously important, because they can seriously boost your productivity if are planned well!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  7. Hey,

    I think that you shouldn't make your entries looser.

    That's because you're making a seriously strong habit by writing these entries!

    And if you feel it repetitive, then you're on a way to the excellence. :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  8. Nine days is something awesome - it's 10% of the standart detox here.

    Remember that:

    • if you did 9 days, then you can do 18 day
    • if you did 18 days, then you can do 27 days
    • if you did 27 days, then you can do 36 days
    • if you did 36 days, then you can do 45 days
    • if you did 45 days, then you can do 54 days
    • if you did 54 days, then you can do 63 days
    • if you did 63 days, then you can do 72 days
    • if you did 72 days, then you can do 81 days
    • if you did 81 days, then you can do 90 days
    • if you did 90 days, then you can do THE LIFETIME!

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  9. Thank you very much!

    Haha yeah I am finally free! Yeah most of the student world right now is partway through some type of semester/term, but I'm in the southern hemisphere so summer time is the same as Christmas time, so it is pretty much the ultimate holiday period.

    Yes you're right, the 9 x 50 minutes is a goal that I haven't deleted yet! I change that one weekly, so it is going to sit there for now.

    I go on a school bus, but even if I was on a public bus I could simply tie my bags around my legs so they won't be taken without me noticing, and I could keep my hands in my pockets so that no other hands will fit in there. There's solutions for everything man!

    Haha yes I'm guessing those are native trees, but pine trees and such from Europe still grow normally here, probably just a little faster :D

    Hmm, so maybe this period of ultimate holiday is something great, but I prefer shorter breaks which occurs more often :) Just like in Northern Hemisphere.

    And inspired by your effort, I'll still try to do 9x50 mins. :)

    I have a similar tactics when I'm sleeping in a train alone. I tie backpack around my arms/legs + hands in pockets. Never robbed in Poland! There IS solution for everything, man! ;)

    That's amazing that NZ earth is making plants grow a little faster :D I want to try it out. When is the next (and very first) GQ meetup in NZ? :D

    Btw. I gave you my own idea for topic on our incoming call.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  10. Weekly goals (until Friday)

    - I am on present state with the content of the lectures

    - I started to revisit a lecture I visited a year ago and writing the exam next spring

    - I put my potential exam dates in my calendar and made a study plan.

    - the cellar is ordered and ready for some shelves to move in.

    - two times 40min  bw-exercise and  one 30min jog

    - having everything clean and orderly until friday.

    That's what I call a plan! :)

    Plan of making plans also count as plan, but then you need to have enough time to make it real!

    I'm telling you that because I know myself from tendence of planning when there is too late to plan anything (to planning I also count cleaning), when I just need to take action!

    If I do watch Youtube, game or use porn I'll will upload a video where I dance the chicken dance.

    You made the failure painfull.

    Just like @Hitaru once told me to do! I know that it works and that's great that you did this! :)

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

  11. @hycniejsy
    To be honest, I never tried to grow edible plants on my balcony. Except for herbs. The problem I see is that a) it would take a long, long time until you can harvest. Garlic for example can be harvested in the summer. And b) when you grow plants in a pot, you need to use fertilizer, otherwise the nutrients in the dirt will be eaten up in no time and the plant wont be able to grow anymore. When using fertilizer for edible plants, I would be careful to use biological, soft fertilizer. I mean, you could also use chemical bombs, but you are planning to turn it into food, so... ;) If you are new to growing stuff, I would suggest to just try out various plants. Not a single one. If you have 4 pots, plant different plants. Right now, I would suggest to grow them inside first, since your apartment should be warm and bright. When the plant is matured, place them outside. Otherwise, try to start with herbs. They are really easy to tend. Try rosemary for example. It should be able to withstand the cold temperature outside.

    Hmm, I'll try out more of it during the end of the December, I'm gonna have a winter break from university, then I'll manage to have more time for stuff like that.

    Thanks for all advices on gardening, man! I'll come back to this next month! :)

    Are you taking Vitamin D to help with the lack of sunlight? I take 5000IU/day - helps a lot.

    Confirmed by Mad Pharmacist!

    You can take Vitamin D3 (I think that our climats are very similar, so I'll say how it looks in Poland) from the end of October until the end of April! :)

  12. Hello! :)

    Nights when I just wanted to go to sleep and also needed to finish my project was a great lesson in my life.

    The conclusion to this is:

    Sleep > Project

    You should be enough discipline to finish your project without lacking of sleep.

    Trust me, it possible! I can do that, and this helps me a lot in my life, and even if sometimes situation like that can happen in my life, then I know that I was able to deal with it on a daily, systematic basis.

    What advice can I give you?

    I think, that you should find place with something called vibe. For example, if you go to the library where everyone else is studying something, and by everyone else I mean 50 people, then you're a weirdo for everyone and for yourself if you won't study!

    However, if you study at home for instance then you're a weirdo for yourself when you're studying! :D

    I know it could be easier to just sit and study, but this is how we are constructed :)

    Wish you best on understanding every academic knowledge!

    Mad Pharmacist

  13. Hello!

    Congrats on finishing Slight Edge!

    Remember that journey of thousand miles begins with a single step. So what's your next book you're gonna read? :)

    Btw. I'll give you my opinion on yoga and meditation: it is dangerous. I hope you keep it in mind while doing this.

    Greetings, Mad Pharmacist

    Hey man, thanks for the opinion. Care to elaborate on why you think yoga and meditation is dangerous?

    I've made a post on that probably in Mario Journal (@WorkInProgress), where I gave at least 10 sources of my knowledge. You can find it here, but if you don't then I'll find it and give you a link/copy that when I'll have more time :)

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