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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Cam Adair

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Posts posted by Cam Adair

  1. Day 2:

    Hey! Great job today! Love your ambition.

    Make sure you schedule the time to play and learn your song each day so you have the time set aside for it. I'd recommend spending an hour or so getting together a song list for you to start with, so you can spend more time learning each one and less time trying to find new songs to learn.

    Looking forward to your day 3. :)

  2. Hey! Love seeing your journal up here. I'm excited to follow along each day and will be here to support you.

    Austria is a beautiful country. I had the pleasure of making a stop there in my tour across Europe two years ago. I can't wait to come back!

    Some of your friends will understand, some won't. That's a lesson in not pleasing everybody and remembering to do what you feel is best for you, instead of always being influenced by others. If you haven't seen my video on How to Stay Friends With Your Gamer Friends it's here.

    It's good that you have a few supportive friends (and your parents) in your corner. For now focus on these people in your life and give the others some space.

    In the upcoming Social missions we will start to build more of your foundation to improve your social skills, but a great example is Tyrone (he can come and comment on his story) where he was in a similar position (going to school and wanting to make new friends) and a year later he's doing really well!

    Hope you have a great day! Looking forward to day 2.

  3. Reading the Slight Edge now. If you guys are interested in some interesting psychological (and economical) effects check out "Predictably Irrational" by Dan Ariely.

    ?Awesome! Let me know what you think of The Slight Edge. I'll add Predictably Irrational to my list.

  4. Hey! Thanks for sharing.

    It's definitely a good sign to see how your relationship with gaming has begun to shift with your time away. That doesn't mean you wouldn't come to enjoy it a lot if you did start playing a lot again, but it's great to see the difference between "I want to play because I enjoy it" and "I want to play because my brain enjoys it."

    There's a difference. :)

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  5. Hey!

    Relapse happens. I even relapsed once after being away from games for 11 months straight. When I relapsed I ended up playing 16 hours a day for five months. WHOOPS!

    But what I want you to know is relapse doesn't have to be a bad thing, if you learn from it.

    Relapse actually teaches us a lot about why we game and by understanding that we can find solutions to move forward.

    The key is to get started again right away. Don't wait 5 months like I did, try and get back on track as quickly as possible.

    Here's a video I made to help you out: What To Do If You Relapse And Start Gaming Again

    Here to help.

    - Cam

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  6. Hey!

    I quit playing games cold turkey in October 2008 and managed to do so successfully for the next 11 months.

    Then I relapsed and played 16 hours a day for 5 months straight (oops!) before recommitting to going cold turkey and I haven't looked back since.

    In May 2011 I wrote an article called How to Quit Playing Video Games FOREVER where I shared my story and what worked for me. The response was crazy! To date there are over 1400+ comments now.

    This article led to me giving a TEDx talk: Escaping Video Game Addiction at TEDxBoulder and now here we are. I founded Game Quitters (officially) starting in 2015 to provide a community with tools and resources to help all of us who struggle with this issue.

    Also, check out my YouTube channel, it contains many answers you may be looking for!

    Thanks for joining us here!

    How can I help? :)

    - Cam

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