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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Cam Adair

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Posts posted by Cam Adair

  1. Hey! Welcome to the forum. We're really happy you're here with us.

    This forum is a way for our community of game quitters to interact and support each other. It's also a great way to meet other likeminded people from all around the world.

    Here is what you want to do next:

    1. Introduce Yourself - Let us know who you are, where you're from and why you want to quit games. What's your main goal now that you've quit?

    2. Start a Journal - Having a journal to share your thoughts (be it daily or otherwise) is a great way to process your thoughts and emotions, and as time goes on it's really fun to look back and see your journey. This is also a great way for us to support you!

    3. Interact - Browse around and find a few threads that interest you and add your input. Say hi to other members in the introductions forum. Leave a comment on another member's journal. This will help people become more familiar with you as a new member.

    We've got your back. Let us know if we can help in any way!

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  2. When I meet people whose attention I want I first try to think of how I can bring value to them.

    ?This is definitely the right approach. So take some time, keep through your journal and when the time is right, let me know. I can get an introduction for you.

  3. I just opened my 5 minute gratitude journal, and there was a message from Alex Ikonn, writer of the 5 minute journal. WOW

    ?If you ever want to get in touch with Alex, let me know. We have many mutual friends.

    Interesting. So on one hand, I believe what I wrote, but on the other hand, I could be entirely wrong.

    Haha. Here's what I'd recommend. Take a trip to Africa. See what's happening there first hand. That's how you will know best. A great organization you can watch is the Unreasonable Group. Their video series' are really cool. Just remember, the solutions are very rarely as simple as what you think. For instance, yes there are facilities to support the mental health of homeless... but they are horribly underfunded. Homeless is much less an issue of "laziness" and much more an issue of mental health.

  4. Day 3

    Great job having a productive day! How did it feel? One trick I've learned to help me do the things I want to do is by taking a minute to recognize how good I feel? after days where I'm productive. This helps build a positive feedback loop where being productive = feeling good.

    But if you don't take the time to recognize how you feel, you don't build the same loop. So this has been really key for me, especially for building self-esteem, taking courageous action, etc.?

    ?I couldn't find it in downloads. Where is it?

    Thanks for the note Zane. I'll make a post about it. You can find the Challenge here.?? It's not time-consuming and has the best concepts I've learned over the last six years to setup your life for success. If you have have any questions just let me know.

  5. Can anybody relate to this?

    ?Definitely. It's something I've gone through during breakups too. It passes over time. Remember, moving on from games doesn't take anything away from them and what they meant to you. It's just about embracing impermanence and recognizing that you are closing one chapter (with games) to start a new chapter (without games).

    Spend some time reading about impermanence today. It will help lift your spirits. :)

  6. ?Talking about video game addiction is a tough thing to do, but knowing that people here really care about and understand this problem inspires me to let the words flow.

    ?Exactly. It helps a lot to know you are not alone and have people around you who can help. We're all in this together.

  7. Feeling great, on day 5 now! Had a weird dream last night where I was playing basically every video game I ever liked, in order of when I got the games.

    ?Woot! Day 5! That's a great accomplishment. Make sure each day you take a minute to recognize yourself for the good work you're doing for yourself. Taking the time, even just a minute, to recognize yourself for what you're doing is really important to develop real self-esteem - which will help you continue to do the things you want to do for yourself.

    When it comes to dreams, that's normal. Check out this video if you want to learn more about that.

  8. Day 6 & Day 7

    Sounds like you needed some sleep!?

    When it comes to being social, a big mistake so many of us make is that we think one place is social or not. "People aren't very social here." Remember, the world is our mirror, what we see is what we're reflecting. It's all about the vibe and energy you put out and the willingness to take the first step. We're all social creatures and we have an innate desire to feel seen and experience connection. It's up to you to start bringing that out in other people. :)

    Although going to meetups and the like will make it that much easier, always have the mindset that wherever you are, people are people. That's something I've learned from traveling. Some cultures are more open yes, but if you bring a smile and a curiosity to push past the initial discomfort, people will open up. And you can learn something from everyone. If you can't interact with dudes, you aren't going to be very successful with women. And vice versa. Everyone is an opportunity to learn about how to connect on a more meaningful level.

    Your interaction today was a great example of that. Now part of it will be for you to recreate that with the older people at your college. Get curious about them and I bet you'll learn a lot about them and yourself in the process. What you also want to see is that the reason you were willing to interact with the girl was because you had social momentum. The more you interact the more you want to interact (and/or find it easier to do.) That's why every day I try and get an interaction in quickly, the barista, etc, and that helps carry my social momentum throughout the day.

    I also used to have a lot of acne and found four main causes: 1) Stress 2) Dairy 3) Alcohol 4) Non-organic protein (hormones, antibiotics, etc.)

    Most people don't know but I went out every single night for 3 years after I quit gaming. Well, a lot of people know this, but the part they often forget is that I went out solo most of those nights. My commitment was to go out and be ok being by myself and although it was weird at first, it was so great and I learned a lot. We really can only ever rely on ourselves in our life, we'll always be with ourselves at the end of the day, so it's a good time to get comfortable and confident being on your own. Karaoke solo is the best idea. Although you can go with friends too, but don't shy away from just going and rocking it for yourself.

  9. Feel sorry for the kids wrapped up in their parent's bad habits for sure, but to blame the companies alone for this just screams of victim status for me.

    ?Definitely watch the doc. It's not only the companies fault, but the food lobby has done countless things that directly hurt the ability for people to get the information they need. For example, ever looked at a label and seen the % of recommended daily dose for different vitamins, fats, etc? Ever notice that sugar doesn't have a recommended daily %? That's because of the food lobby influencing the government (the gov't is at fault here too).

    When you watch the doc, you'll get angry at parents for sure, they are terribly misinformed, but you'll also see that school lunches offer pizza, french fries and fried chicken, so what do you think the kids are going to eat? (Pizza is a "vegetable" by the way, lol.)

    You managed to live that way during school because you were able to become informed about nutrition, which happened (I believe) after you quit gaming and picked up a new hobby of working out -> learning about nutrition.

    That's great, but it's an outlier situation. It's no different than social skills. I learned them because I became aware enough that I needed help.

    The difference with food, is most of these people THINK there is nothing wrong with their diet, because of misinformation, lack of education, spin and marketing by the food industry and government.

  10. Things being a bit challenging is ok. This is a way for you to grow and develop your skill of overcoming adversity.

    Remember it's best to have default approaches to potential obstacles consciously chosen prior to them happening. This is all about how success is about the training you put in. HabitRPG is a great step for you.

    By developing a meditation base you can go to it any time you're feeling any urge to play and it will recenter yourself. Remember to always go back to the fact that this isn't about gaming, it's about you creating a new life for yourself, so even if you have some games nearby that's not what they are about. Gaming is just your way of fulfilling unmet needs. So in times of urges or cravings, as meditation teaches you, become more aware of what in your life is missing in the moment. Are you just bored? Are you feeling anxious? Are you overwhelmed?

    Identifying this will go a far way to help create an action plan. (Watch my video on how to deal with stress whenever you need a reminder of this.)

    For example, if you're feeling overwhelmed, it's all about organizing what you need to do into baby steps.

    Your new activities are perfect. Coding is great because you can do it at home, and daily reading and writing are two of the best investments you can make in yourself over the long term.

    One activity I would think about sometime soon is a social activity. Something that will help you get out of the house and meeting new people outside the gaming community. Focus on getting your routine down the next few days and just think about the social activity a bit.

    Love that you have a journal up here. Made my day!

  11. ?I figured that's what it meant, but why would you be giving fake numbers to girls Cam huh? Were they all desperate for your number? :P Or maybe you were just helping them out to deal with future suitors

    ?Haha it was more just to be playful and tease them. :D

  12. Day 19 & Day 20

    ?Great job! Especially with the cold showers! It will be relieving to have your systems sold and off your plate. I'm a huge fan of getting rid of things we no longer need. (Did you know I only travel with one suitcase and one work backpack and basically live out of this only all the time?) :D

    That's great! Can't wait to hear about the next Pubquiz. If it goes well you can make it a regular thing. Remember to be a leader in sparking the conversation to go to a more meaningful place (while still keeping it light and including everyone.)

    Have a great vacation, see you when you're back.

  13. Does anybody know of any good books about combating video game addiction?

    I'm currently writing a real book on the subject so hopefully I'll have that out some time next year.? For now I have about 150 pages written you can read between Respawn and the Challenge, which are products available to download. I'm working on paperback versions at some point.

    In the mean time, I've been reading In Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mat

  14. Currently on day 4 of my current gaming-free period, trying to get past the first 90 days

    ?That's awesome man, being able to get people around you to support is great. Remember in a few days you might notice your little brother ask you to play (it's easy to forget), so if that happens just gently remind him (or anybody) that you are taking 90 days off and re-set the boundary.

    Congrats on day 4, how are you feeling so far?

  15. What helped me permanently quit all gaming was deleting & trading in all of the games that I could, & throwing out the rest (I actually did this, haha). If you still have games in the house, I suggest you do this you'll feel much better

    ?100%. It's like eating healthy. If you have a bunch of junk food in the house you'll want to eat it. If you don't and only have healthy food, you'll eat that instead.

  16. Hey Joe! Thanks for joining us here. We're really happy you're here with us.

    Definitely understanding why you play is a big one, because once you understand that you play for specific reasons (they fulfill certain needs you have) and in order to move on you need to identify what these needs are and find new ways to fulfill them.

    If you haven't already, definitely read How to Quit Playing Video Games FOREVER, which will teach you more about the needs gaming fulfills.

    On that page there is a link for hobby ideas if you need them. And also make sure you schedule your day, which will help you avoid sitting at home feeling bored, which is where your temptations will be the highest.

    For anxiety, I recommend starting to meditate. Here is the research behind it for anxiety. Start with 10 minutes/day for 10 days. You'll notice how much it helps!

  17. ?There's also websites on the internet that can teach you about the topic of 'getting girls' if you ever get worried.

    ?If you guys have questions about getting girls, post them in the relationships section. Most of you may not know but I was a dating coach for over four years and have worked 1 on 1 with over 400 clients around the world through coaching, bootcamps, etc. Nick Hoss, one of the top dating coaches for LoveSystems (one of the top companies in the world) was my first intern. I also trained Myke Macapinlac (who's website is great by the way.)

    Happy to answer questions about that stuff anytime.

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