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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Cam Adair

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Posts posted by Cam Adair

  1. Day 21- 21 days game free & 0 days weed free

    ?Nice to have you back here. Have a great time on your trip. A big change for me happened when I started to explore my city and the world around me as if I was a traveller instead of a "local." There is so much around you that's incredible if you have the right perspective to explore.

    I know it's cold in NZ so maybe check out some of those hot springs you guys have. ;)

  2. Awesome, let me know what you think of the book. Another good one is The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. The key is to focus on baby steps towards your goals, a little bit every day. If you code for 30 minutes/day and do it for a year you'll be way better than if you only do it for 5 hours one day and quit.

    The key is to focus on a daily habit and make it easy.

  3. Good to have you here man. I just want you to know I believe in you.

    You're a smart guy. That can be a blessing or a curse. It's up to you to decide if you want to use your powers for good or for evil. To help you achieve your goals or to find ways to justify the opposite.

    Ultimately, regardless of whether someone games or not, this is a decision we all have to make eventually.

  4. That's awesome! I know Steve Jobs always walking meetings and I try to do the same. I'm much more interested in a conversation while I'm walking than I am sitting down.

    Meetups might be a way for you to meet other parenthood compatible friends.

  5. Hey Saje! Thanks for joining us here!

    I definitely relate to you about being bullied and using gaming as a way to escape that, because that was my experience too. (I shared that here.)

    Have you read Man's Search For Meaning by Viktor Frankl? It's a very good book you'd enjoy a lot, I think there's even a german translation. I'd recommend it for you.

    Also, Germany is a beautiful country. I enjoyed my time there two years ago. Hope to come back and visit some day soon.

  6. Great to see your update and the day you had with your family. It brought a smile to my face.

    The foundation you've been building is fantastic. Adding some light exercise is good. You could maybe do a regular walk with your family, which I've always found is a good way to connect more (walking helps me have better conversations). If you're looking for something similar to Headspace but for exercise, try the 7-minute routine. App is available here. Web version here.

    Have a great day today! I'm back on North American soil after a few days in China. Excited to be on the same timezone as most members here again. :D

  7. Hello from Shanghai! It appears I can't access anything here (everything is censored) but luckily they haven't blocked the forums! ;)

    I've definitely been through experiences that have left me shaking and in paralysis. In those moments I focus on returning to my breath first, breathing new life in and releasing the stress with my breathe out.

    That's the baseline. Next I focus on trying to build a little bit of movement/momentum. This can start with just moving fingers, toes, etc. I want to work up to getting up and walking around a bit. Some fresh air is always nice, even for a moment.

    A gratitude practice is something you may want to look at next. Here's an excerpt from Day 5 of the Challenge where I talk about that:


    Today I wanted to share two more that are easy and add less than five minutes to your morning (at most!), but again the return is incredible.

    One of them I spoke about in Respawn, and that's having a gratitude journal. As a gamer I know you're a highly intelligent person, which is what drew you to gaming in the first place

  8. Hey Jesse!

    Thanks for joining us here! Happy to hear the sunk cost fallacy video had the impact it did. Seems like people have really been resonating with that one. I hope to dive more into topics like this in future videos now.

    Looking forward to following your journal and to celebrate your undergrad degree soon! :D

  9. Hey Mark!

    Welcome to the forums, happy to have you hear with us. Another from England! I think you guys might be leading the charge right now on this forum!

    Thanks for sharing your story and congrats on day 2! For someone like yourself with ADHD I would absolutely recommend reading Scattered Minds by Dr. Gabor Mat

  10. I can only imagine how wild parenthood is. I'm happy to delay that for a few more years, haha.

    Celebrating the small wins - as I shared in my latest video - is one of the concepts that has had the biggest impact on my life. When we do poorly we are quick to judge and shame ourselves, yet when we do well we rarely acknowledge it.

    If you haven't seen this TEDx talk on willpower I think you'd enjoy it.

  11. Two things:

    1) The fact that you didn't have urges is fantastic. This would be the normal time you'd want to game to escape, so this is a positive!

    2) Now that you'll be more present for your daughter your relationship will only improve from here. There will be ups and downs but it will continue to progress in a meaningful direction. Keep going. :)

  12. Hey hey! I'm finally back online after a crazy 28 hour adventure from Northern Thailand to an island in the south.

    Anyways, wanted to address something you said earlier about addictive personalities.

    I've been reading a really great book lately called In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Mat

  13. Hey Chris!

    Thanks for joining us here! We're happy to have you as part of our community. I guess you're the one who left the YouTube comment (thanks for watching!)

    I definitely relate to the struggles with anxiety and have experienced them both in myself and in close friends of mine. One of the best things I've done for my anxiety is to start meditating each day. The science behind it is here. If you want to try it, start with the Headspace 10 day, 10 mins/day challenge (it's free). I just cycle it over and over again to keep from paying for it.

    Excited to follow your journey. :)

    Also, my friend Samantha Skelly has an organization called Hungry for Happiness that is basically like Game Quitters but for emotional eating. Think you'd like her stuff a lot too.

  14. It's such a valuable time to observe the body and mind and notice the subtleties in each that usually go unnoticed.

    ?Yes, this is one of the best ways to develop more mindfulness which helps immensely as we move forward in our life and we experience different emotions or situations. I've currently been traveling for 24 hours straight from Northern Thailand to an island (almost there!) and during this time I've been on buses, taxis, a plane and now a ferry. We've had delays, lack of food, etc. So it's been really important for me to be mindful of how I'm feeling and what I need. :)

    Happy to hear the community is helping. I'm really happy you're a part of it!

  15. Day 9 (9 days game free, 0 without weed)

    Good to hear you're in decent spirits about your relationship. ?

    One of my good friends, Phil Drolet (google him if you want to see a badass - he's a high performer), has always had a rule that he can't smoke two days in a row. I've always found that to be pretty solid. My relationship with marijuana changes a lot and I think about it a lot (have only smoked once since February after a 5 month stretch of every day use), but I feel good right now without it. I'm not one to say there aren't real benefits to it. My rule though is if it's hurting my ambition, willpower or drive, I take a break.

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