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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by oldschoolgamer

  1. Hey man I hear ya. Im 29 and I still havnt been able to quit

    One thing that did work, at least temporarily, was one time my mom took all my cartrdges and system away (this was back in the NES days lol), and she told me she sold them. I was pissed, but it worked. No system, no games. It only worked for several months, because I found my NES in storage later on, she didn' actually sell it. Had she actually sold it, might have quit for good


    As far as your friends, get new ones. I know, I know, easier said than done, but I can tell you from experience, the gamer friends I had in school, were never really my friends. There was a crew I ran with that we played ALL the time back in the day. We were close. Most of them, I kid you not, I have not heard a single word from since graduation, and that was 11 years ago. There are still a few of them that I am still really close with though, but they were already losing interest in games by later high chool in favor for working on cars (they are big motorheads). 


    Im not saying they'e bad people or anything like that, but if you want to quit, and quit for good, get rid of your hardware, and get away from the gamers. Just my opinion for what it's worth. I know the struggle, and want you to succeed

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  2. Hey guys


    So I relapsed a while back, and bought an Xbox One. If you were looking for some motivation, here are a few thoughts I had, FWIW. I must say, in my opinion, gaming is regressing, and frankly, gaming simply isn't worth it anymore.

    Like any new generation of console, the sensory experience is far superior to the previous. If graphics and cinematic were the only standard by which we judged games, and the only reason why we are drawn to games, then sure, the Xbox One and PS4 is the new apex. But there is so much more to it then that. 

    We game for a number of reasons. Myself, I have been drawn the the single player RPGs and FPSs. Games like the Elder Scroll and Fallout series were the pinacle. The sense of adventure, wandering, exploring. It was rewarding with the MANY hours of grinding it took to do anything useful in game. Games like the (old) Resident Evil chapters had such an unbelievably complex story line, you had to play it several times over to experience the whole story from all it's angles. 


    I began to notice a trend with the PS2/Xbox era. While there were some great titles in that time, things were changing. That was, of course, the internet. This allowed multiplayer games to be played over great distances. Multiplayer had been around forever, but prior to that, it was a social thing that you did with friends together. I lived in a poor rural area at that time, so our internet sucked, so I never got on the online bandwagon until later. But in high school, my friends and I would go over to eachothers houses and play together for many hours on end. It was great. Now nearing 30, my friends have dropped the controllrs long ago, but I still find myself wanting to play. So I started to play online in the PS3/360 era. Games were much more accommdating for online multiplayer, but the storylines were staring to fade. There were still some great ones like Fallout New Vegas, but overall, better graphics and better multiplayer, but at the cost of substance and value.

    This trend has continued into the XB1/PS4, but its degradation has been very accelerated. If you take a step back, they games today are all the same. Multiplayer is now the focus, instead of the game itself. They all have the same lobby setup, they all have the same reward structure, they all have a ridiculous system of buying coins or points to do stuff. If it'  a shooter, they all have the same unlockable utterly absurd skins and charms for your gun. It's all just a shameless money pit now. Lol, look at the Battlefront debacle. It's nothing more than the terrible mobile games, just with better graphics. 

    There is also the element of casualization. Games used to be hard. You used to have to work for something. Elder Scrolls is the perfect example. In Morrowind, dungeon crawling meant you would have to spend and hour and a half aimlessly navigating and incredibly complex cave with a ton of things that will kill you, just to walk out with 3 gold and an utterly useless weapon. Fast forward to Skyrim, and a cave takes 5 minutes, it' basically a straight line, has weak enemies, and at the end is a huge pile of gold or whatever. It' not rewarding anymore, because it' not challenging. 

    In short, in my opinion, todays games are lacking. The stories are not nearly submersive, you don' have to grind anymore when you can just buy tokens, and if you want to play solo, too bad. I just downloaded Rainbow6 Siege, and I have yet to find a story mode... WTF. 

    There are plenty of reasons to quit gaming, but I have one more to add to the list. They all suck these days. 



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  3. @Hitaru i do need to do something constructive. Im a midwestern farm boy, was just how i was raised. If i dont do something constructive, i just feel lazy. I can sit and game all day, but man i just feel guilty for being lazy. That and i would be a able to keep up with my friends lol. The crew i run with, they are crazy high energy. One time i went over to my friends house on a Wednesday after work. Another friend comes over, we all start drinking beer and help work on his truck, then at like 11:00, he says, "i got to go home. Need to start canning beets". I was like lol wtf, its 11:00, were half in the bag, and he wants to start a 3-4 project, and we all have to work the next morning. They do thay kind of thing all the time. Im not talking that crazy, but i definitely do envy their ambition sometimes

    Awesome to hear that! I have the impression your friends have the potential to help you a lot in this journey. The culture I was raised is all about getting by two or four months of menial work and then lazy around the rest of the year in festivals and the beach. Really sad. Surround yourself with people who empower you.

    not sure i understand that culture,  but i can see that being frustrating. Also seems like an opportunity to excel. Work hard, and you would be a big fish in a little pond 

    I do my best to surround myself with people who are a positive influence. Did a bit of a purge of the negative and toxic people in my life a while back. Has made a big difference today. Now just need to work on myself and my habits. I can tell this community is just full good people. The support and advice i have already gotten here has been great. Its very much appreciated

  4. @giblets man thats crazy. I know EXACTLY what you mean. I have had the exact same deal with my wife. She would come down and pester me while playing and would be annoying at minimum, particularly if it was during a cutscene or something. But its like wha the hell am i doing? Got a woman upstairs who wants to spend time with me, and this is what i do instead. What a waste of time

    Sidenote, Australia huh? Beautiful place. Made a port call to Perth once, spent about a week down there. One of my favorite places i been


    @Hitaru i do need to do something constructive. Im a midwestern farm boy, was just how i was raised. If i dont do something constructive, i just feel lazy. I can sit and game all day, but man i just feel guilty for being lazy. That and i would be a able to keep up with my friends lol. The crew i run with, they are crazy high energy. One time i went over to my friends house on a Wednesday after work. Another friend comes over, we all start drinking beer and help work on his truck, then at like 11:00, he says, "i got to go home. Need to start canning beets". I was like lol wtf, its 11:00, were half in the bag, and he wants to start a 3-4 project, and we all have to work the next morning. They do thay kind of thing all the time. Im not talking that crazy, but i definitely do envy their ambition sometimes

  5. I appreciate the feedback.

    Best of luck with your Navy endeavors. Its a great experience. And for sure, be wary of boredom. Plenty of it to go around in the military, particularly on a ship. Not a lot of places to escape. Books are a wonderful tool, a good work of fiction can have that escape effect similar to a game

    I been thinking about this, and you are right. There have been some positives. Back in the day when my friend and i all were gaming, it formed close bonds. Again this was in the days before there was such thing as online play, so we spent a lot of time at eachothers houses. They might have quit gaming a decade ago, but the crew is still very close knit. We still spend nearly every weekend together even to this day. There is also my career. I see gaming as a parallel with my interest in guns. I started a while back in one of the stores behind the counter selling guns, and now i moved to corporate a few years ago into upper management. I know i would not be where i am in a different industry, if we were selling products i had little interest in. I appreciate you giving me some insight on that

    Been doing some introspection, and have found that use gaming as an escape. I have mostly been a solo gamer. Even after online play became a thing, i still prefer games like the elder scrolls series, or fallout.  Games where i am immersed in a world that is not my own. I even have a habit of playing GTA5 online, but on my own server. I dont want to deal with other people. I deal with people all day at work. Sometimes i just want to wander San Andreas or Morrowind or the post apocalyptic Mojave wasteland alone. But its much deeper than stress from work. Without going into details, i had a particularly brutal childhood, at least in a social sense. There was a point in time things were so bad at school, i didnt go to school during the day, i went after all the other kids had gone home. I had to escape. And i think thats what i need. A different form of escape. Something with a productive outlet. And i think i know what that is for me. Its my garage. Right now im not really using it as a workspace beacause its not insulated, and im in the north so it gets very cold here in the winter. I have begun to insulate it, with the intent of using the space as a workshop for other hobbies. 

    I have decided to try the 90 day detox. I know im not ready just quite yet though. I recently downloaded some DLC, and i know it will nagat me if i dont finish it first. I did pay for it afterall. Wifes out of town this weekend, so im commiting to wrapping up the DLC this weekend, and giving the detox a go on Monday. 

    Saw your video with Stephan Molyneaux, great stuff

  6. I have been playing a long time. One of my earliest childhood memories was playing on my NES when i was 2. Im now 28. Over the years, i have played on nearly every console, and PC going back to the Apple II.

    When i was younger, i used to play every chance i got. As soon as i got home, i would flip on the NES, or N64 or old Tandy desktop. It was always by myself though. Shooters like Doom and RPGs like final fantasy. Then something changed. With the PS2, games became more social. Split screen became a thing. Killzone on PS2 and Halo on Xbox became a reason to hang out with friends. This was before there was such thing as online play. We would go to eachothers houses and play for hours on end. But then something happened. High school graduation. I was so big into shooters, i believe it influenced my decision to join the military righy out of school. I had left for boot camp, and i thought that it would be the end of my gaming. Time to be an adult. But that wasnt the case. After boot camp i spent several months in more advanced training, and even there my new comrades and i would have LAN parties. I left there when my training was done, and headed out to the fleet (i was US Navy). I figured there was no way i could manage to find time to game on a warship. I was still wrong. Without going into details, I was a launcher technician, and there were only like 4 of us on the ship that had access to that place, so i hid a xbox 360 and small tv in the bottom of this missile launcher. There i was, playing Resident Evil 5, with Tomahawk missiles just a couple feet above me. If the command had found out, i would have certainly been punished harshly, if not outright kicked out. But that didnt stop me. My addiction was stronger than the possibility of consequences. 

    Fast forward several years, and here i am with a house and a wife and a corporate job. I work in the firearms industry for a very large company (again, vety much likely due to influence of my love for shooters as a kid). But having a good job and adult responsibilities still hasnt stopped me. I even brought in one of my laptops and hooked it up to one of my monitors on my desk so i could play Skyrim at work once. I could have lost my job if i got caught. 

    But it finally hit me the other day. I was in my basement, playing Fallout, and just kind of had an epiphany. I have a wife and dog (no kids yet) upstairs who i am not spending any time with, i have house project thay need to be done, but i am blowing my money on gaming gear and DLCs, and i have a ton of unfinished projects getting neglected because im wasting all my time in my games. Im 28 years old, what the hell am i doing? All my friends i used to game with stopped playing a decade ago. Why can i not move on as well? I neglect my wife, and risk my job. This is a problem

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