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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Raven

  1. Welcome to the community @Raven

    The bad feelings will pass. It may sound like bullshit when you're struggling, wishful thinking or patronizing, whichever way your depressed brain wants to take it to justify not accepting the fact, and keep having control over you. Whatever happened is in the past now, what remains is a chemical imbalance. The future is a clean slate, even if you don't perceive it right now. You cannot decide how to feel in the moment but you can influence how you'll be feeling, through your actions. Carefully study what builds progress and makes you feel good (or even "less bad") and do it consistently.

    I was heavily depressed at several points of my life, including when I first quit gaming. Went to docs, took meds, all the ride. No magical solution, it gets better with time and learning to let go of what's holding you back. And I'm not a special case, many people in this community had similar experiences as well, so you're not alone, no matter how you feel or how your mind wants to twist it, you're simply not alone in this. Matter-of-factly, no patronizing or drama, plain truth. Try your best to remember it. 

    Keep journaling, keep fighting, and I wish you the absolute best!

    Thank you man it means alot having someone who has been there. Yes I feel quitting gaming is a good step but it was a way to pass the time now it is time to mature and grow up and stop blasting my brain with dopamine. Withdrawal is expected and the road is long. 

    I will try to be consistent here as I think community is important

  2. Today is day 2 today. Day 31 of celexa. Don't feel to great yet. Real low last night. Feelings of not wanting to live anymore. Being housebound agoraphobic is a nightmare. At least I can use this time to study. I did not realize how much games where a band aid for my depression and anxiety. Today I will make it through

  3. Hey guys, Raven here. 22 years old. Decided to quit gaming two days ago. Feeling very low at the moment blips of suicidal thoughts, depression etc. 

    I have agoraphobia for 2 years now. Isolated at my home and games where a way of distraction. Me and my friend decided to take the plunge and quit. I still play chess with him at night though. On celexa at the moment today is day 30 and I see little improvements I really hope it kicks in and cures me because I got a loving family that would be in tears if I left. 

    Quitting gaming is a big step for me. I love to learn and take many courses online but I feel always compelled to just game all the time. I already quit pornography which has always been a major thorn in my side for a month now.

    Thanks Cam for this site I hope to interact with you all!


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