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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by BigPete247

  1. People are going to call you crazy because you have more ambition than them in coming up with ideas for your clients, but you are doing good not rushing into it and actually coming up with a plan. Just keep doing what you are doing, Vlad.

  2. Day 22

    I fulfilled my few months old dream: actually slept as much as I want today) My son seems to be becoming addicted to being lifted up in the air. He happily screams, but wife's sister says she's scared to watch it. 

    Finished Gibson's trilogy today. We have another one of his books here, maybe I'll give it a try. 

    I did not turn my notebook today, even though I occasionally remember one roguelike platformer. I was either sleeping or communicating family. Looks like my kind of a day off. :) 


    @Mettermrck, do you plan to visit other countries? Not to test their specific aspect of culture, of course) 

    Always good to relax with a good book or journal, HappyCat, great way to build cognition in the mind.

    Oh yes I dream of visiting Europe. You can't be a history buff and not want to see the places you've only read about! ?

    True, take me with you.

  3. Nice, glad your posting again @giblets, i understand you, we all need more time to do things especially if we are looking forward to something at the end, hope you get better soon bro. Good luck at your friend's wedding.

  4. @HappyCat If you're talking about "You must be kidding, Mr. Feynmann!", I've recently started reading it. Great book, love his writing style. 

    Day 37: College Admissions

    Today, the school arranged a "senior retreat" day during which we worked on the nuts and bolts of college admissions. Getting letters of recommendations ready, writing some forms, preparing essays and lists of activities, etc. 

    My biggest dilemma is to whether aim for good private universities that are pretty darn expensive, or lower ranked public universities that are way cheaper. Of course, in the highest end of all universities, I would be able to attend state-of-the-art government-funded research institutions with an excellent reputation for almost free(!!!), but they're some of the hardest universities to be accepted to in Korea. 

    Here's what i learned, if you are going public, you will occasionally run into new teachers that are hired quick to fill in. So i would suggest using Rate my Professor. If you are going private, please be prepared to save money as you will have to pay for things your school ID won't grant you access to. It's a tedious post but it helps man, trust me.

    If I could do it over again, I'd pick a cheaper public university. Unless you're going into a specialist field, I found the public university to be just as good as the private school and more diverse too.

    Agree with you @Mettermrck, if only i didn't mess up my GPA

  5. Truth be told, i actually met a guy on PlayStation before i quit who had no job, no car (assuming he relied on his uncle to drive him everywhere), lived in a basement, played more hours on his PC than his PlayStation, and has a girlfriend who games as well while he's in his 20s.

  6. Just close your eyes for a few minutes and think about being at the beach with a beautiful girl along with sand rushing water and a corona w/ green lemon wedge. Now, keep them closed and imagine a huge wad of cash you saved up from not gaming.

    Still closed, Now that you are rich you buy the girl at the beach a corona and you start tipping the bartender for a job well done for not gaming.

  7. Day 15:

    Ok, back to normal, good, i think i have a few tests i need to study for next week, but they should be easy since they are still using the multiple choice format for most of them. I ran around my school today trying my best to get books for my classes (still behind, i know) and i actually got them, no run around, no detours, just relied on patience.

    I really appreciate you guys for checking out my art, helps to let people know what I'm actually doing with my free time. The urges have also completely disappeared and i haven't thought about a game in a while. Which is good, but now I'm thinking about long term, I'll see how i feel after this.

    I'm grateful for being more outgoing and flying lawnmowers (joke)

  8. @Mettermrck Counting all your stuff is an excellent exercise! You almost certainly own more things than you think, and this exercise makes you realize that. Related Zen Habits post.

    @PigPete In which areas of life? I'm curious. 

    @HappyCat They take longer and are more tiring than I imagined. Part of it is inexperience, however. 

    Day 36: This Physics Experiment Thing

    Yesterday, I binged Youtube and stayed up till midnight. Oops. 

    Other than being slogged all day from sleep deprivation, I worked all afternoon on a design experiment I'm conducting for high-level physics. So there is this device called tachometer that I'm using for analyzing rotational motion, but this device has stringent limitations and doesn't work if anything goes wrong. So I fix that. And then, the rotating object (a diabolo of sorts) won't stay still, and measurements are impossible. Okay, so I decided to change my research question a bit and work with pinwheels instead. It takes two hours to figure out how to make a pinwheel that spins steadily, but I manage to do so and make ONE measurement after the entire day.

    @Mettermrck I was thinking the same thing

    @Skaliq  Saving all the Moola, plus we only did Kinematics and the laws of thermodynamics, i wish i could've learned more.

    @HappyCat True

  9. Your muscles will lose tone, Your eyes will be bloodshot, Your coordination improves but your mental focus will drop, your confidence improves only for a brief minute, it'll feel like  setting up your body for the gamer high. Professionals do the opposite because they take care of their bodies and bringing in twice as much as we get in war funds, just food for thought.

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