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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by zeke365

  1. Time for an update and I know I may be backpedaling for a little bit but I doing on purpose. Cause I can see people asking around does gamification help is okay during the detox? those types of questions and since there no real world answer to this question I thought I experiment on myself, as a way to show I do care for the community but also to be cautious of what I m doing as well. Starting tomorrow I will be testing this gamification out with 3 apps habitat, burn your fat will me, and cook app as well as my cookbook. The idea here is to do this for one month expect the cooking one which I will do once a month and I m gonna see do the apps keep more addicted to them or does put me in the healthy routine of exercise, cooking, productivity? This what I want an answer is worth you guys using these apps on the detox, I would say no but I thought i give it shot see what happens. Now you may be wondering how am I going to do this well simply I will do my no media detox and only expect email and tv show for Monday nights. Other than that I giving up news this way I can work on my own projects much better and stop making exceptions, plus from now on I will avoid tech, VR, and related to this for 90 days unless something all of sudden happens to my pc. PLus I want to return my routine I did in January 1.Monday: Human Japanese learn hiragana (go to a park), Habitica and burn your fat with me apps 2. Movie projects for youtube no apps will be allowed this day so I can focus on youtube. Habitica 3.Wed. Doing reviews or scripts for youtube getting them done in an orderly fashion no fitness app or cooking app 4.Thursday: Grammer girl to help improve grammar skills and exercise app 5.The release date for a youtube video and public and release from the media detox and am able to watch anime as a reward system 6.saturday: rest day 7.Research day for new ideas for my youtube channel Now I might use habitica during this time to not sure but the cooking app will be on Tuesday or Thursday once a month. Now you may be wondering how I m keep myself in check good thing I thought about easier way than the point system, it called to write down 50 times yes 50 times why I m doing this because if I write it down the more believable it. I could release and I can see that too but I m experiment myself so I know the question to my own question to does it help or it just another distraction. That about it and don't be like me where I thought all video games were evil and I should stay away from them as far as possible but I do want to keep building new social skills as well. Plus I will return a lot of faith-based stuff I was doing before so that gonna help tremendously but I m ready for the challenge 1-month challenge. Also, I gonna try geocaching to for the first time this Friday as well what I m trying to do reverse pyscogloy on myself and yes you can gamify if you want but you have other options on out there. Grateful: 1.God 2.Worship 3.Praise 4.family 5.life 6.food 7.water 8.car 9.money 10. home
  2. So today I need to on confess something and I think it relates to this. What I have done is I uncouniuly said all video games are evil and I wanted to escape every one of them, apparently this approach is wrong because of it everywhere around you so impossible to escape it. The other reason I can't escape it is that both my parents are playing solitaire and other games and I m starting to see the effects of gamification everywhere which really scary is how it is used everywhere, and how our brains are manipulated in thinking otherwise. I watched game theory from mattpat on loot boxes or crates and am starting to see them everywhere and had considered getting one but backed away to see that addiction arise in other players and frankly I do not understand all myself. The other is in-game purchases where you play more of the game. Another thing I did learn is games are designed to make you lose, by offering you a reward if you improve your skill in the game to keep you playing. It rather fascinating knowing how we been manipulated by the this. So I have to stop looking at games as evil and never to be touched scenario and accept that just what they are, the video games don't cause the addiction but they help the addiction grow because of its design. Now I say this to say I want to do experiment with my two apps and yes I agree on it sort of relapsing but it gonna kill me otherwise not knowing the answer I need to know which is does gamification help or hurt us or should you do them during the detox. I m not doing this to rely on the app but rather to help get in the routine of something to help me grow weather being cooking or exercise and yes there booth games but its something I have to do. So you may be how am I going to do this well simply I will be applying cams 60 days ideas with the apps I do play and you may ask why to do this way well the idea here is and what I m hoping for is that by doing more activities in cams 60 ideas that gaming will officially fade out and will have replaced with something cause right I really do not have anything that can replace it with, plus I m gonna invent a point system and the purpose is how much time I spend on the app I have to spend double time on other other projects to move forward. I have signed in geochasing so this something I hope to start soon. Monday: Exercise app, human Japanese, and walk around the neighborhood. Tuesday: Movie projects, walk around the neighborhood Wedenday: Gym, write reviews, and scripts Thursday: Eexpersie app, gammergirl, and walk around the neirbhood Friday: Youtube, geocashing, anime sat. realxday sun. reshearch day Plus the cookbook and cooking app with be used once a month to help me with cooking. I know this is not the best idea and not something I want to do but something I m gonna have to do to see my reaction to things, I do not want to be relaint on the apps but just get me in the routuine of it and I have proven before I can be very displinced with it so my hope this will help soly get my out of my desire to play even though I will play. I hope all of you understand and I hope I understand myelf by doing this and will be implementing this next week along with my no media detox routunie to keep my focus plus I m goona put a sheet of paper in front of me to help keep track of myself in addiation with times. Plus I will applying reading, faith based stuff again cause that seem to help tremduclsly and may have to cut out news and stick to eamil like I have did before. Grateful for: 1.God 2.Church 3.Family 4.life 5.water 6.food 7.shealther 8.money 9.car 10.communities I m apart of
  3. This question that been on my mind for some time, but why is it when you play a game you become more aggressive? Is there some type of cause of aggressive in the game that you become more aggressive, is the pixels or challenges that make you aggressive? This something I m do not understand it to be nice if someone could explain this to me.
  4. okay, I have noticed something over the past few days and it really weird. First of I saw incredible 2 which in a lot of ways was much needed to help inspire my own projects and broke out of the cartoon thing and looking forward to anime again. The reason I watched anime and cartoons in the first place is they inspired me, took me on adventures and helped me create my own creations and when I decided to do this animated detox I took away the one reward system that I had to keep me from gaming, shocking I know but I do know there intertwined now so I will hopefully find a solution to this. Okay the second thing I want to talk about and it something I noticed, so I downloaded apps played a couple anime apps not necessarily playing but I felt my body aggressive again I could feel it as I was watching or playing I m not sure if you call playing since all I was doing is sitting there. I downloaded the fitness app and cooking app and guess I cant play them whatever I did has been a success in that felid but came to the realization that it, not the game my body wants it to thrill of the hunt. Think of this way, you catch fireflies when you were little in a jar and then let them go. You did not want to keep them (unless some of you did) but you enjoyed the hunt of catching them. That something I noticed in me it not the game I want but the thrill or journey of finding it but not necessarily the treasure itself. Unfortunately, books are not gonna cut it for me so I will be doing one of cams 60 ideas geo-cashing not sure what it calls since I use to love scaventure hunts when I was little. I did not mean to turn this into gaming journal oh well but I want to play yes but at the same, I do not want to play, I guess it one of those series where everyone can give me answers but I might have to find it out myself situation. If anyone reading wants respond that be great but I m glad found this out now Grateful: 1.God 2.Church 3.Family 4.life 5.money 6.car 7.food 8.water 9.Home 10.communities I m apart of
  5. Well, I think I gonna talk about some things and I have relapsed on games a little bit but to give you history lesson is that in feb. 2018 I think I started watching tech channels again (yes this different detox but since this more active I thought I write it here). It took some time to realize that tech channels are a trigger for gaming and I need to stop but I m kind in a predicament as well. You see My pc is running on windows 7 and booting on wd black HDD drive and it will turn 5 years old in Feb. 2019, which I upgraded it last year from and 6300 to 8370e processor and have no plans to put windows 10 on here. So I want to build a new pc with latest tech performance wise and don't know how much longer this one will hold up. My main goal is still building on ryzen plus it would not be used for gaming like I did for this pc. It would instead be used for building up my youtube channel and animations I make. So I two choices one I have thought building one next year closer summer 2019 or just build a prebuilt system like before, I have installed a CPU that nerve wrecking and CPU cooler and swapped GPUs before and have watched a ton on building pc. It's something I m considering but I hope you understand my dilemma second thing I thought about yes I know it can be a trigger for me but I really want to do this experiment cause I think it would be great for this community. The Experiment is like mentioned before does gamification help you gain skills or does cause you to play, does it have any world benefit? These are questions I want to answer myself the second reason it been proven over and over again when I have exercise app like this then combined it with the gym just about every time I have lost weight even though my bad habits are sneaking up on me. The third thing is something I had been thinking of doing yes it does with visual novels but I thought about what if I did reviews of both visual novels and anime, of course, I would not do any of this at the same time but I thought rather than playing randomly why not give itself purpose to review the product and see if someone would like to play or watch and ties directly to my youtube channel. Fourthly I would actually like to create a visual novel as well I have tried a couple of times but failed miserably. Now you may ask how would I keep myself in check good question 1.Would be I would play once a month that it, 2. The exercise app would be in combination with gym and walk outside 3. I gonna write a plan for the day of what I want to accomplish and have in front of me every day 4.No media detox will return as well to keep things as limited as possible 5. AVOID TECH CHANNELS!! Plus now I know have cartoon anime addiction as well just how addicted are we in this digital age? Now this is no way replacement of anything all I m trying do is find clean anime or even visual novels people may be interested in and I can provide on the youtube channel; So with all that negative out of the way, I thought I discuss some positive things I have improved my social skills by long shot by asking the right questions and staying on the topic and each time I talk to someone I see somewhere I can improve on. So Thought I share some of my thoughts and would love to hear from you on this matter,. In July no tech for me for awhile. Grateful: 1.God 2..Family 3; Church 4.life 5.food 6.water 7.house 8.money 9.Car 10.communities I m apart of.
  6. I think it time I stop this detox and let me explain why first. At first, I thought I this was addiction was bad and now I m realizing that not what it is. When I had anime, not cartoons it helped inspire me, gave me something to look forward to, and I was able to focus a lot better because of that reward system. Now without I keep relapsing and binge-watching and not getting anything done. The second reason is that it was related to some of the dreams I had and was doing. Sort like you took something away from you but it was directly related to the dream you wanted to do. That something I have realized and its direct connection with this youtube channel. What I am gonna start doing is reviews of anime, manga, etc. I had started in Jan. 2018 but stopped now realized what I was doing is very productive so when a series ended I would post a review of that anime. The one good thing is my cartoons have drastically decreased and don't have an urge to watch cartoons so I have grown up in that sense. It either that or my addicted self-talking. I think I will be returning this anime in July. Am I disappointed not at all I was able to survive a little longer this time around without having to watch anime but it may be something I return in the future for example if there no good anime to watch or none interested me I will return to this fast but for now I m kind sad and happy about my decision to do this, Mistakes I think when doing this I should have done cartoons first, anime second, animation films and series third because I think this detox was too ambitious even for me to do and need to be split into 3 parts rather than one big shot but it was worth a shot. Another positive though is I lm learning how to talk to others better and better social skills asking the right questions and keep on topics of their interested. The cartoons probably won't return but I hope you all understand my decision in doing this. So anime will be returning back in July and I may try again at later date, Grateful: 1.God 2.Church 3.family 4.Money 5.house 6.Car 7.life 8.commuinties I m apart of 9.food 10.water
  7. Relapse and Reflection: I have relapsed in a bad habits as well looking at anime not shows but visual novels and steam and VR games and I m gonna amidst that I like VR and its potential but I also see negatives at the same time plus I want to check oculus go and even thinking of buying new pc because my current one is kind of acting up a little bit with maybe MR headset so I could use muvizu software and look at when making 360 videos experiences. I did play Nintendo switch again but still do not like it, why is it we game to escape misery when all we get is more misery? Plus I would like to do reviews of visual novels to both for their interaction and storytelling to get ideas for my own projects plus I did reread my previous journals up to this one. Now that out of the way I want to say I made a couple of mistakes in this detox and it did not occur to me till now that I had no reward system sure youtube but what I did during the gaming detox is that I would have cartoons and anime at the end of the week as sort of reward system for saying a good job, a reward system does not need to be food, it can be anything that helps you relax at the end of the week. The second mistake is I did full dive in this detox instead of slowly getting rid instead of full dive because when I did the gaming detox I was ready to do it because I was not even playing at the time. So that was my second mistake. So what are some positives: Well, I seem to consume less without watching less anime and cartoons though that consumption has gone to VR movie, VR everything. Plus I have not anime shows and cartoons for expect youtube So what is what is the solution to this method there not much I can do but maybe I can trick myself to do this is having faith-based manga comics on Fridays sat. and Sundays as well as a reading book. This the only solution I can come up with that will hopefully help me give some sort of award system. It not the best but I honestly don't know if there another solution to this. That and I will need to return to the all media detox which is no youtube facebook expect for live streams of sort channels but other than that I will start to reduce down to email and news like I did before. The third thing is a return to my goals and faith-based stuff to help encourage me to move forward instead of moving backwards. Fourthly I have completed 3 episodes line wise on series that I will be launching on youtube in augest. Plus youtube channel official lanch maybe friday or Mondays not sure which would be the best day, I was gonna go for Fridays but I love to hear your feedback. So that it for today Grateful: 1, God 2.Church 3.family 4.food 5.water 6.house 7.Car 8.money 9.life 10.communities I m apart of
  8. Relapse back to day 1 tomorrow So today I tried to play a Nintendo switch I could not even do it too hard learn and not worth my time but I found out what my mistakes are and how it effecting me at work, you see sometimes I have a hard time understanding my own emotions whether I m frustrated or sad or excited. Not that I m emotionless it more than I do not realize it at times unless someone points it out me. One emotion I think is I m dealing with frustration and trying to accept that there going to be rejected in life and it very hard for me to accept that but unless I do how will I grow. So I m remaking my own plan a little bit differently so I used leechblock and blocked everything related to VR virtual reality, etc. The second thing is I m returning to my original plan of having only email and news available to me ONLY though I will watch tv tomorrow night but other than that I m gonna keep it narrowed down. The second thing I did make an exception to the rule to read faith-based comic and manga to do reviews on but will not be making an exception on faith-based cartoons or cartoons or anime as of right now. This fast has taught me a lot of things and how VR just brings you down when you need to be climbing up. Here what looks like 1. Monday- Thursday NO Media expect tv show (who line is it anyway?) New and email will be allowed 2. Friday and sat rest days 3. Any faith-based comic or manga is an exception to the rule but not the cartoons or anime themselves. 4.faith based music will now be allowed every single day as well. I have been successful in part of the fast and that no watching cartoons or anime (animation youtube yes but it does not count) so it will be 34 days of that fast maybe I went in the fast to fast and should have peeled back layer by layer then going full in. That at least the plan for now and the only reason for leechblock is because I use Firefox more often than I do chrome because I know I have the discipline to do these things just got distracted by other things that should not take up most of my time. Maybe you can see where I m coming from and where I going plus I will have this post blocked as well, keep distractions away so move in the youtube wave. Grateful: 1.God 2.Church 3.Family 4.Faith-based music 5.communities I m apart of 6.life 7.home 8.water 9.food 10.money Have a wonderful day.
  9. Days 6-8 I have figured out a couple of reasons for why I relapsed and what I can do to help build myself up again. The first thing is when I did the gaming detox it was slow process and gradually figured out it was not worth my time anymore with this detox I took too much of heavy hitter rather than focusing on gradually getting rid of it, second is because I put away faith-based stuff even I could probably do it without it, it lacks inspiration and brings frustration to myself. This something I have noticed and why I keep obsessing about it. So starting next month I will only be relishing my faith-based manga and comics but for inspiration but also to do reviews on them. I seems like this will be the best route right now and I will keep the no cartoons and no anime rule in, this includes faith-based cartoons, for now, I m only doing the comic and manga that I have one I really need to do, for now, this also has to do with the youtube channel and projects I working on for that as well. Since most of these reviews take a long time to make it feels much better to do this way than waiting. I will be officially launching the youtube channel in July where you have a video each week. I know it sounds like contradicting myself but I m gonna start implementing things in that are faith-based stuff and will return to that but I have made an effort to be outside more and have figured out my own mistakes on conversation, plus I will be going to Braves game in June so I happy about that too. That it for today please understand where I m coming from have a wonderful day Grateful 1.God 2.Church 3.Young adults 4.Youtubers 5.communities 6.shelter 7.Water 8.food 9.family 10.Life
  10. Day 3-5 OKay I know it may be justifying a little bit but let me explain before you go on me with this. I did this detox to eliminate as much as possible from my distracts but what I ended up doing is eliminate a project I was working which was writing reviews and something I want to return to. You see I was enjoying making these reviews from people of faith-based material and it goes directly tied to my youtube channel which I want to launch in July. I m also finding that it almost impossible to get rid of animation in my life or extremely hard to do and have come to the conclusion that maybe it was not the faith-based stuff that was distracting me but the anime and cartoons itself and have been thinking of this way faith-based will be allowed as long as it the comics, manga, that I have that I was doing reviews on because miss doing those reviews and I regret doing it though it could me brain justifying it again not sure. If I were to do this then these things would only be allowed 1.Faith based comics, manga, manga cookbook, and that it. The rest of the detox would stay intact no animated movies, cartoons, or faith-based cartoons to keep it down. But let me know your thoughts below and I have reread my journal and I keep relapsing because of it though Iv got better. Grateful: 1.God 2.Family 3.Food 4.shealter 5.water 6.life 7.communities I m apart of Have a wonderful day.
  11. I have noticed a couple of things over the past weeks and I really need help on how to deal with them. The first one is I did not realize it till recently I complain a lot and it not that I m around anyone with complaining attitude but I see to do more often even with little things which bring me the other issue that lies within it which is I take everything and I mean everything too personal and not sure how to deal with. Though this mostly in work situations but sometimes home to, How cannot complain as much and not take things so personal all the time?
  12. Day 1 Okay today I feel a little calmer am working on some projects today, so I happy about that and right now I m buying licencing for music I used in some music so I don't go in copyright infringement that allows me to use the music on youtube and other platforms kind of expensive but it easier doing that way than trying to replace the music since all sound voice acting is integrated into the audio. That and I took half walk around the neighborhood since I really need the fresh air more often, plus I m gonna try my best to stay committed to regular schedule which addimitly I did watch youtube and gonna upload to youtube soon so that why it open but it inspired me to get back to work again, get these ideas out there. Now the release of these movies probably won't start till July and then you will start seeing a video release every week, and have the right idea now to make an influence on youtube so we see how things work out but that the ultimate goal. 1. Get video project (too many to name) on youtube being 1 and release 1 video per week. That it for today Grateful 1.God 2.Church 3.Family 4.Life 5.Music 6.communities 7.Food 8.Shealter 9.Water 10.Dog
  13. I decide against it because it would not add any value to me so what I don't have a collection there no point having it if it does not benefit me in some way.
  14. Days 16-22 I have relapsed in youtube animation and stuff of that nature and me going into VR again how many times do I have to do this to myself before I realized it brings nothing but misery. So last Sunday I tried to oculus rift wanted to try the go and play it and I say when I did I was kind numb to the experience almost like after I played it, it reminded me why I quit in the first place but am still looking up VR headset stuff. I guess I should ask myself what am I escaping from and what causing it? The only thing I have been successful in is I have not watched anime or cartoons for 21 days so I guess the no animated detox is not a waste. Heck, I m not even following my own rules when I was so determined before. Even writing I kind sound angry against myself for falling my brain false lies, remember how fun it was, don't you want to build for it. Yes, I would like to but I want to push my life forward and everything I have been doing had been holding me back except for a few investments which I hope to see the fruit of, That it for today 1.God 2.Church 3.Family 4.Life 5.Food 6.Shelter 7.Water 8.Parents 9, Grandparents
  15. So when I was gamer i had backed this game on Kickstarter well they have new kickstarter and I’m very tempted to give in to it but keep telling myself it not worth it live it trap. I’m not even following them on kickstarter either. Seems like every time I get away from gaming something pops ups and reminds me I need to get rid of it. I really don't want to give inland an weighing options. 1.delete Kickstarter and start a new one 2.give in to my urged 3.ingore I've kept most gamer friend not following but stayed friends but I need advicE quick.
  16. Days 12-15 My mother enjoyed the video I had here and it was a song she loved to. Now I have relapsed in a couple of bad habits in the last couple weeks not sure why but it did, not playing games but seems there seems to be more tension in me as I discover the root of another problem not sure what is. Though I have not played video games and it kind hard to get away animation when it everywhere and of late I have been watching documentureys and presentations of people not nessarily animated but like pictures of historians and figures well you call it relaspe or not have been relasping a little bit and but at the same I think it maybe too much on me and I should do it one or the other heck I even broke my own rule on youtube and that reason was becasuse I became so fansianted in the subject that I did not want to stop. I also learning that all this time I have been asking the wrong questions and not the right ones that why I never could get over small talk but there another major hurdle that I need to focus on and it stop to trying to reflect the conversation back to me, this something I have noticed me doing over and over all the time and it hard to break an old habit. It something I really need to work on and ask conversations about the other person than myself and don't reflect on to myself but dive deeper in getting to know the other person and listening to. So if any of you have advice I d be grateful for it. Plus today I started making a new video series and if everything goes as planned it either launch in June or July 2018, so be sure to look out for that. Grateful 1.God 2.Family 3.church 4.food 5.water 6.shealter 7.Car 8.Money 9.Life 10.Fresh air Have wonderful day
  17. Day 11 Yesterday and today I have had a burst of energy not sure where it coming from, but seems like I want to work on my projects more than ever before so that what I did today worked on some lines for my movie project and not another project as well. I m hoping to officially launch the youtube channel in July because I can release the movie project and new series that will be coming soon after that. I do not know how long this last so I m gonna do the best I can while I still have this burst of energy. For those interested in the movie project here a trailer of what it about That it for today have a wonderful day. Grateful: 1.God 2.Church 3.Family 4.House 5.Food 6.Water 7.Parents 8.Life 9.communities 10.Having a creative mind
  18. Day 10 Okay, I did figure out the problem but sort leaves me in dilemma as well. You see backed a game on Kickstarter back 2013 from gaming company called cyan worlds but it did not release till 2016 and because I backed that game I m getting all info of there original series Myst series game 25 anaversaity tempting yes but I did not want to fall back into the same trap as before even though this animated detox it still very relevant. Now I have 2 choices I can just let them keep sending me stuff or delete a permanent account on kickstarter that way they cant follow me. I have even checked on the Kickstarter website to see if I m following them and I m not, plus I checked my contacts their not in there either and so I m sort of dilemma of what I m suppose to do in this matter? That and I have been looking at the Kickstarter as of late which my bad before the detox and today, it mostly because I back their other game that I getting emails from them. So if anyone has a solution I'd be grateful though I think I may know what to do or need to do if I want to end it permanently, Side note: I have been considering getting a new blu player expensive but it would filter out all impropriate stuff in today's movies and leaves you will cleaner mouth it called clearplay, plus I kind misses buying physical items in stores rather than digital stuff now and days. There just something special about it. That it for today Grateful: 1.God 2.Church 3.Family 4.Life 5.Money 6.Shelather 7.Country 8.food 9.water
  19. Day 9 The last few nights I have been having some strange dreams and not sure if it's my mind realigning or a warning or something I m doing. What I have not been doing is watching gaming streams, VR gaming, vr stuff, adds I block if it is gaming on facebook or email. I m not researching tech stuff like cpu or gpu no cartoons anime or anything related though mind always seem to think of them. No youtube videos related either all I did watch maybe TV or smart TV and went to Crunchyroll to see if I could view j drama but then decided against because it would be too much temptation. I researched Japan missionary. and other stuff but all were live actions. So I m wondering if I m doing something that related to gaming or if it's my mind? The dream: I back in the online game that I use to play and notice an expansion in the game not very big but big enough to make a difference and I walk using my avatar each and every time on rocks of some extra area then I wake up. So the dream seems to think that I will return to gaming on some forums maybe it warning against doing reviews, I m just unsure because it's becoming more frequent. I walking around the neighborhood more, being outside more, working on projects, unless the software I use is trigger. Watching The Bible TV show at night, and reading a book. So if someone could give me a clue on what going on that be great cause I very confused right now and thought the gaming detox was bad this seems a lot worse than the gaming detox and maybe I just experiencing the tornado effect again but this time with anime and animation. I know my mind has craving for it and I have to take the necessary steps to emulate as musch as possible. The only exception I have is that manga cookbook could cause for a trigger and another program software to learn heck I do not have any games, on phone or pc ziltch not sure what is and some apps are in the cloud so I won't be tempted by them as well. I just want to know what going on did not do the gaming detox probability or is this on whole new level? That it for today have a wonderful day Grateful: 1.God 2.Church 3.Family 4.Shelatler 5.Food 6,.Water 7.Money 8.Car 9. Communities I m apart of 10.Life
  20. Instead of thinking negatively of yourself try to think positive thoughts like others say write down what you're grateful for. Think about the good you have done in the past how you may help people or making friends or the adventures you 've been on and just try to turn that frown upside down and smile you be you glad you did. (excuse the puns)
  21. Day 8 Today I worked more on mother day gift has become a priority over all things right now and it shaping up nicely. I did walk the neighborhood yesterday and took our dog for a walk as well last night. Also, I have been resting outside instead of inside after I get off work I will read a couple forums here and news then I will start a project around 4:00 pm then finish by 5:30 pm That it for today have a wonderful day Grateful: 1.Home 2.God 3.Church 4.Family 5.Food 6.Water 7.Car 8.Job 9.Life 10.Money
  22. Day 7 I survived a week without any animation which is quite impressive. So let's keep it going. So today I worked more on mother day gift and have been making original ideas for mother day past few years to make it personal rather than buying something. The second thing I have been doing is reading and right now I m reading a book called Dark with mortal eyes by Eric Wilson and just starting to get back in the habit of reading again. I have plenty of books and audiobooks have not listened to yet some I m excited to get there. Plus I planted sunflowers Saturday there the color ones where they grow 5-6 feet or 4-5 feet and am spending more and more time outside if not for exercise but to read to get myself more conferrable being outside and have been doing this the last few weeks also drinking tea helps but I do not put sugar, stevia, or creamer in tea I just drink it straight cant do that with coffee, Yesterday I wanted to estimate how many miles were the shopping districts were and one of them is where I worked and estimated about 2,9 miles but that me going to one end to the other so may be less than that. The total of yesterday was 3.9 miles and my feet were hurting. For those who do not know I invented a game where the rule is I have to walk the whole shopping district and see all the stores but cant go in any of them until I walk back then I can walk in any store that looked interesting. This to make myself aware of stores and restaurants around me so if I would be to someone around I would know few places and another reason for it is because I liked looking at shops around other towns so I was like why not try it where I live and with be warm enough. Plus it kills two birds with one stone I get the exercise I need and the item d I need as well at the same time. I m study some more Japanese and then take an evening walk around the neighborhood as well. Also, I m trying my best to keep pc from around 4-8: 00 pm which is quite a reduction when I did it from 10:00am-12: 00 am (before gaming detox). I'm also finding less time the better and for some odd reason keeps my focus better. Plus I watch the Bible tv series from 8:30-9:15 r 30 pm if it longer then read for 30min and try to go bed lights out around 10:00 pm. Not always lucky but that what I have been doing. 1.PC (projects) 4-5:30 2. Walk 6:30-7:00 3.water plants 7;00pm 4.PC off at 8:00 pm 5.Bible TV show 8:30-9:15 or 30pm 6.Read 9:15-10:00pm 30min 7. Lights out at 10:00pm That give more of a clear picture and that it fort today have a wonderful day. Grateful 1.God 2.Church 3.Family 4.Shelater 5.Water 6.Food 7.Car 8.Money 9.Job 10.Life
  23. Day 5-6 I m starting to see puzzle pieces fall into place and where I m supposed to go which strange and fun at the same time. So I started looking back on what I was doing and a lot of is preparation because like before I would really like to visit Japan and experience its culture, besides I look a little Asian myself even though American, I have gotten compliments of being Chinese. It all me being prepared to go in the future though I did unconsciousness without realizing it. So I have been thinking of missionary trip with a church over there would be a great experience. I know it belongs road but be totally worth it, but like I said everything I m doing is based on building blocks and the ideas keep coming for youtube and others and I need to get a lot of work done to get done in time so basically an outline of what is. Also, I have added to what I have been doing so on days I work I will be doing an evening walk around the neighborhood and days I m off I will go to the gym or walk twice to get some exercise in and this was the best solution so it did not interfere with my other projects. ' So far so good today though I did watch a presentation with painting at one point whether you count that or not is up to you and I might try watching some Japanese dramas always been kind of curious about them. Also will try to do an event this weekend as well. Plus I walked today a total of 3.8 miles but techily I walked 2.9 miles where I live just doing windowing shopping and seeing if there new places to check out. That it for today have a wonderful day Grateful: 1.God 2.Church 3.Family 4.Bible 5.Life
  24. Day 4 Today I read some journals here which is inspiring and I worked some on mothers day gift. So for those who have not followed my journey here a link which help explain why I m doing this detox Last night I had a dream in which I was I holding a plastic figure of plankton from Spongebob Squarepants and was frustrated at for getting into trouble for some odd reason. I was in my room of course and put him in the amawire and put cars (Hotwheels and mashbox cars) around it to keep him from coming out though did not get all around with darkness surrounding it, next thing I heard was my parents yelling at me to get some paperwork done but I was so focused on getting this figure to stay put that I was irritable and quite a mean person. Eventually, they left without me and I have stuck alone and regretted staying home when I could have gone with them instead of procreating. Then I woke up. Kind of strange dream I know but to answer your question JustTom I did this detox so I could eliminate what I thought was distracting for me and that anime is directly tied to my gaming addiction as well. Plus I had tried to limited to weekends and just was not working and I could find no one to talk to about this stuff. So that my reasoning for it but I still believe in some reward system so I do fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays or weekends will be youtube and some other research I m free to to but am limited to live action tv shows, movies only and live action youtube as well. This did not occur to me till the other day that buying doing this live action tv show, and movies that I would be able to have a conversation and understand what tv show or movie they are talking about. Which is kind of neat now that I think about it. Finally I m actually seeing a strategy where to take my life and I can not believe I did not see it before but the way it looks like this going to work is that my movie project will be released in July then I will try to follow up with series based on my blogs or vlog series on and start building on that so I m quite excited about that. I think that it for today have a wonderful day. Grateful 1.God 2.Church 3.Family 4.Grandparents 5.Life 6.Our dog 7.communities I m apart of to many to count
  25. Thanks for reading Dannigan it very encouraging knowing someone is inspired by reading these journals. Day 3 So Yesterday I had a strong craving for anime and animated stuff but I resisted and accepted the fact that I was having one. So this detox is going to be another tornado effect and I see it coming if I m already getting cravings this early on. So this means after 90 days I will be in a position much better than I m now and hopefully focus on real people and tangible goals. The second thing I wanted to discuss is I m kind of doing something new, instead of consuming a lot of stuff I started to making reviews of products I had, and I did 3 reviews before deciding to do this detox. I kind of enjoyable to write a review and then share with the world and a lot of people have said I have a gift of writing before so its something new I m trying out. This was originally for anime reviews, comics, and other faith-based stuff. The third reason I started this detox is that I would have relapsed with vr app I was looking that came out this month so I decided to do this fast to prevent temptation. So that it for today just thought share what I have been doing and my goals are still in place and I feel more focused now to do them. Let's see how this weekend goes. Grateful: 1.God 2.Church 3.Family 4.New social groups 5.Achieving some goal plans 6.Life 7.Grandparents
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