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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by seriousjay

  1. OK.. forgot YET AGAIN to write a post about the previous day so here it is!

    Yesterday was a really important day. Number one, I was able to fulfill my commitments to my accountability partner and to me that's a big deal. Very often in the past I've set plans and goals for myself that I begin and never finish (like going to college, which I dropped out of 4 or 5 times for example). This has been quite demoralizing for me as it's happened often enough that I become very hesitant to try anything new because the thought of "what's different about it this time?" starts to show up and I am scared to even start. With my accountability partner, what we've done is set up a plan for myself with small, manageable chunks of activities to complete in order to start building momentum towards the bigger changes that I know need to take place. I suppose this would be adapting the slight edge, in a way. Either way, I've tried the big, sweeping changes thing several times in the past and it hasn't worked too well so far, so it was time to try something new.

    One very important thing we discussed last night was my partner asked me how I feel about quitting games at this time. I know in my head that it has to happen - I just don't see a life for myself in the future where being addicted to video games is of a benefit to me.. or even playing them at all. That being said, how I FEEL about it is a different story. It mainly comes down to the idea that I'm not confident I would be able to find enough replacement activities that I stick with within the detox period and would inevitably go back to playing video games. At this time, if I am so bored of video games that I really don't want to play them, I would end up just laying down on my bed doing absolutely nothing. During these moments, in my head I am saying "what the hell am I doing? I should be doing something productive!" but I can't seem to bring myself to actually go and do that productive thing for some reason. So at this time I don't want to quit games for that reason. The idea with my accountability partner being that I build up enough positive momentum with completing my commitments that quitting games and finding other activities becomes something that is a lot easier to do.

    Another important thing we discussed was the idea of rewarding yourself for things you accomplish. I think this is absolutely critical to building your self confidence, but my struggle is that I have no idea how to reward myself. The thing that I would reward myself with are the very things I want to get rid of, like going to a restaurant or playing a video game. If anyone has any ideas on this, that would be much appreciated.

    For transparency, here are the activities I have committed to this week:

    • no gaming in the morning (specifically this applies to work days where I used to sneak in a bit of gaming in the morning.. now I am not only avoiding video games during that time, but also if I turn on my computer to also avoid my "usual" things like checking e-mail)
    • watch one of the Game Quitters Youtube videos a day and make notes on how I can incorporate what Cam talks about into my life
    • have at least one day during the week where I spend no money on ordered food
    • visualization in the morning every day.. I want to stick to exactly one thing I want to conquer with this and at this point the most important one is kicking the fast food habit.. it is a strain both health wise and financially
    • posting about my day on GQ daily (for now, forgetting and posting about it the next day is fine)
    • read at least one page of Changing for Good daily

    EDIT: Forgot to mention that if I do not fulfill these commitments, what we agreed upon is that my accountability partner would change the password on my gaming account so I would no longer have access to it.

    Ok that's it for now!

  2. OK so I forgot to write about yesterday once again.

    And I actually don't remember a whole lot about the morning. I did read my journal a bit more and got through a bit more of Changing for Good. I've been doing a pretty good job of avoiding my "usual" stuff in the mornings before work so that's pretty good.

    Work was pretty tough yesterday because I ended up having to do most of the washing by myself. It was one of those days that a while ago I probably would have lost it on someone but I think I've done a very good job of changing my attitude to just be more calm and level headed at all times. It's definitely something I worked hard on and glad to see it's sticking.

    I ended up gaming again in the evening as well as watching a baseball game. I also ordered food as well but this time I ordered much less than I normally would have as I didn't fell all that hungry. Usually I'd order too much anyways but I'm happy that I at least didn't do that much.

    Not much more to say about this one.

  3. Though I have a feeling it's probably due to eating too much + eating too late at night. Stomach digesting during the night so not really getting proper sleep.

    Experimentation time!

    Huh.. what do you mean?


    So I worked until 10:45 last night and when I got home I just immediately went to sleep so didn't make time to write a journal post.. so I am doing that now!

    I skipped out on the cold shower again. Nearly this entire week I've been getting up later than I usually do and still end up feeling a little groggy during the mornings at work. I'm going to cut back on the amount of food that I eat in the evenings as well as the lateness of it and see if that improves anything. This morning I feel a little tired but not to the extent as usual. Unsurprisingly, I didn't really eat anything yesterday since around 2:00 PM.

    I found reading my journal didn't make me feel quite as uncomfortable as usual, which was good. I didn't find time to read Changing For Good though, unfortunately, as by the time I finished breakfast it was nearly 7:00 AM and we had to go to work.

    I've been making it a point to not only avoid video games in the mornings, but also to completely avoid all the "usual" stuff when turning on my computer, like checking my e-mail. The very first morning after I committed to that, I almost instinctively went to check the e-mail but stopped myself short of it. I'm hoping that forcing myself into a different routine in the morning will help make it easier to make changes in other areas as well.

    Thinking about it, I'm still a little shocked at how far back I've slid from where I was at not 5 or 6 months ago or so. I'm having a really hard time figuring out exactly how that could have happened. I know in my head I really want all these changes in my life but I'm having a really hard time making those changes stick for extended periods of time. I know it's probably useless to dwell on this but if I could just figure out why it's happening, maybe I can start taking steps to make these changes last. The only thing I can think of honestly is that I've been practicing bad habits for such a long time that it's simply going to take a very long time of struggling to undo them. Either way, there's no shortcuts here and I know in order to make good lasting habits, I'm going to need to put in the time and effort to make it happen. I feel like the approach I'm taking with my accountability partner might be a good step in that direction.

    One other thing that's still bothering me is that my mind so often just immediately goes to negative thoughts quite often.. mostly at work. Just as an example, say I'll be climbing a ladder to go do something up high and my mind will immediately imagine myself falling off and breaking my leg or something. I know I don't want to work at my dad's business long term but nowhere near to the point where I'd want to get out of him by getting hurt. I'm certain that this is probably compounded by me still having a negative image of my subconsciously. Consciously, I feel like I have a lot of confidence in myself and I care a lot about myself but I imagine there's still some struggles going on in my subconscious regarding that. My accountability partner mentioned that frequent visualizations should help a lot with subconscious problems so I'll probably need to get on that relatively soon.

    Well that's enough wall of text for now!

  4. OK, post about today before I go to bed.

    Reading the journal still making me feel uncomfortable. I got into it in detail in my previous post so I won't say much else about it. I've been getting through Changing for Good bit by bit in the mornings before I have to leave for work. It's actually making a lot of sense to me, the idea of stages of changing. Seems like completing the book might be worthwhile. Also, I haven't actually tried a cold shower for the last couple of days. I've been waking up around 5 but not getting up right away due to tiredness. Not getting up until about 30-45 minutes later. I'm not going to bed terribly late so not really sure what's going on with that. Though I have a feeling it's probably due to eating too much + eating too late at night. Stomach digesting during the night so not really getting proper sleep.

    Yeah, that's about it for that.

  5. Hey Jay, good to read your latest update. The key that Ramit is talking about is that you need to build positive momentum, and the easiest way to do that is to start small. That doesn't mean over time you don't raise your standards and/or set ambitions higher, but you have to build momentum in one area first before you can do so in others.

    Hey Cam, thanks for this! That does make a lot of sense. On that note, I already have some ideas for things to mention to my accountability partner that I'll want him to keep me accountable for.

    I didn't make a post about yesterday yet so here it is, although there isn't a whole lot to say. Re-reading my journal is starting to make me feel uncomfortable. I don't know why. Probably has something to do with how good of a place I was in at that time compared to where I am now. I actually read something that spoke to me in Changing For Good that might be related. It mentions that people who are in the process of changing something they don't like about themselves tend to look to the past and feel a lot of fear and regret, whereas people who have successfully changed a habit for good are more optimistic and look forward to what the future holds.

    I definitely feel like I still do that.. regret the past, albeit rarely. Especially about how I've gotten this far without nurturing good habits towards money as well as self-motivated work. It's made things a whole lot harder.

    Just gotta remember Cam's sig.. "You can only start from where you are." :)

    For my evenings, still gaming so again not a whole lot to say about it.

  6. Welcome back :)

    Yes sir! :D

    I just read something somewhat interesting. I won't even bother trying to paraphrase:

    A few weeks ago, I was at a venture capital dinner with a bunch of CEOs. As we went around the table introducing ourselves, they told us to say:

    • Our name
    • Our company
    • If we weren’t at the dinner, where we would be

    Common answers were: “I’d be with my newborn,” “I’d be working more,” or “I’d be at the gym.” My answer was that I’d be at a new hot-sauce shop in Brooklyn.

    When I finished my introduction, the woman next to me spoke up. She told us that she ran a company in NYC, and if she weren’t here, she’d be trying to cook.

    “I’ve lived in New York for 10 years and I never, ever cook. So my New Year’s resolution is to cook once a month.”

    Everyone started laughing. Once/month? Come on.

    But I thought she was the most honest person in the room.

    If you know people who live here, you know that a ton of people NEVER cook. But it’s politically incorrect to say that. So you say something like, “Yeah, I don’t cook that often,” when the actual truth is many people have never even turned their ovens on.

    I loved that she was honest about setting the bar low and getting started. Once a month? AWESOME!

    This is an e-mail from Ramit Sethi, a fairly successful businessman in the profession of helping people achieve their dreams. What I found interesting is that this guy, in his what I would call fairly lofty position, feels setting the bar as low as cooking once a month is such an awesome thing. The lesson here probably is that it's better to set a low goal and actually do something about it as opposed to setting these crazy standards for yourself and then never achieving any of them.

    This is actually pretty much in line with what my accountability partner and I have laid out for myself, just achieving a few things at a time on a week to week basis. And on that note..

    Morning was good. I'm trying the cold shower thing and going on two days in a row now. It's pretty intense and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. One of the big benefits is supposed to be a huge energy boost but so far I haven't felt anything like that. Maybe I need to stand in the cold water for a longer period of time to really reap that benefit. I also read some more of my journal and a few paragraphs out of Changing For Good before I went off to work.

    Still gaming in the evening so not much to say about that. Also watching baseball in the evening when it's on. I think I'm starting to get too emotionally invested in it so it might be a good idea to not watch it anymore for the time being.

  7. OK so my accountability partner suggested I should keep posting here even if I'm still gaming and I think that's a good idea. Just to get a sense of my progress and I also mentioned to him that you never know when some awesome tidbit of wisdom can come up that gives you that push you need to get going.

    I have also started to re-read my journal as well just to get a sense of where this has gone so far and the reasons why I wanted to quit games in the first place. I am honestly amazed it hasn't even been a year yet.. not even close! Seems like it's been forever.

    I finally got around to reading your journal!  I would like to offer a belated welcome to you.  I try to read every post on the site, but it takes me quite a while.  In your first entry, you said that we can bombard your inbox with messages, and I want you to know that you can do the same to me.  I will answer any PMs before I get to reading other posts.

    As for education, I would like to suggest taking a class or two at a community college if you have the time to do it.  That is where I found out that I really wanted to study architecture.  I was just taking interesting sounding classes until I took a history of architecture class and just kept going!  I don't know if I will ever pursue a career in architecture (I probably will), but it is my dream to get my degree.  I enjoy learning all about it!

    You know what, this is something that I've thought about lately. Instead of going straight to full blown full time school, to go for some night classes to see if something is a good fit for me. I am going to enroll in a publication course that starts in September to see if fictional writing is something I can turn into a career.

  8. @username17

    Sounds like a good old gamer habit to "optimize stuff". I have gtx 960 and this bothered me a little bit too. Try to rationalize the purchase if you want. For example I am not worrying about the video card not being used, because I had plenty of fun with it for the money I spent. Also, just recently I spent much more on a vacation, which was the absolute disaster. Meaning, this was a huge waste.  

    Also you can sell the video card and other parts that will not be used for everyday work. 

    Besides that, you still can game with a potato PC, your cellphone, etc. The temptation will be always near, but you have to keep being strong. The key is not fixate on the avoiding gaming, but on realization that you can do better things with your time. The feeling you are looking for is "playing video games sounds fun, but I think I can do something more meaningful".


    I think a positive way to think about the video card is exactly as you described. You bought it, you had fun with it, and now you want to do something different with your life. It served its purpose and now it's time to move on to something else.

    Now that being said, I have a hard time relating because the PC isn't a trigger for me at all. I don't really think of my PC as just sitting there and going to waste. Mostly I wanted to sell it just to make a few bucks and buy something that was more appropriate for my situation.

  9. Ok so let's try this again..

    I've decided to give the 90 day detox another shot. Let's see how it goes this time! I think as time goes on I'm feeling more and more confident about it. I've been very intentional about ensuring I'm only allowing positive thoughts and feelings to occupy my mind and I've also made it a point very recently to be very aware of when negative things arise and stopping them in their tracks. I think this has been very beneficial for me to this point.

    Welcome back :)

    Thanks! :D

    Day 2

    Still having trouble finding motivation to do much of anything except just mindlessly browsing the internet. I have committed to catching up with a friend on Wednesday so that should be fun, but aside from that I don't know what I'm going to do in the near future. For some reason I just have such a hard time getting started on anything new.

    Anyways, tomorrow morning I intend to get started on my meditations once again. I also think I'm going to try reading one of the books I have on habits and see if maybe I can find something in there to jump start new routines for myself for the future.

    Changing For Good
    In The Realm of Hungry Ghosts
    The Power of Habit
    The Willpower Instinct

    All seem good.

    EDIT: Started reading "Changing For Good". It seems like it should be really useful as it actually explains how the process of change works and it appears to be a book about guiding people to making meaningful changes in their lives. If it can help me kick my fast food habit, that would be a tremendous victory.

  10. I've tried to sell off my PC. I had it up for $1000 and nobody was biting. Selling for any less than that wouldn't even be worth it for me. Laptops aren't really cheap anymore, at least decent ones.

    This is definitely something you have to consider if you don't have a buyer willing to pay what the PC is worth.

  11. Ok so let's try this again..

    I've decided to give the 90 day detox another shot. Let's see how it goes this time! I think as time goes on I'm feeling more and more confident about it. I've been very intentional about ensuring I'm only allowing positive thoughts and feelings to occupy my mind and I've also made it a point very recently to be very aware of when negative things arise and stopping them in their tracks. I think this has been very beneficial for me to this point.

  12. Day 11

    Despite slightly sleeping in yet again, I managed to get my morning meditation in which compared to yesterday, I believe set me up for a pretty good work day. I went into work with a very positive mood and managed to mostly keep it throughout the day.

    My afternoon meditation and reading also went fine, but I think I need to start expanding out from here to other things. It's starting to get a little stale. I haven't gotten my intended writing past the planning stage - that is likely what I will work on tomorrow evening.

  13. Day 10

    Not a particularly great day I think. I missed my morning meditation due to sleeping in, although it wasn't because I didn't get enough sleep. I woke up, turned off my alarm and decided to lay down for a couple more minutes. I'm not sure why I do this as I always end up falling asleep again and not waking up for another 30 minutes to an hour.

    Work ended up being rather exhausting as well as it was quite busy. I'm not too sure what I can do to make the experience a little easier on me. There's a lot of labour both physical and mental, so it's quite taxing. Then I got home with a rather bad migraine. I didn't end up doing my afternoon meditation or reading until just now, and I gamed for a couple of hours.

    Pretty meh all around.

    I did become quite aware of the fact, however, that my gaming really isn't getting me to where I want to go. It's little more than a stop gap until I start filling that time with more meaningful activities. I have noticed however that even while gaming, I am getting better at consciously keeping myself emotionally distant from the games. I think this is a positive step, but it is also creating an effect where the game is starting to seem quite dull.. this is probably a good thing though.

    Also, I told my accountability partner that I was going to try to quit caffeine again this week, but I don't think that's going to happen. It looks like it's going to be a rather busy week and I do not want to go through a day of withdrawal during work. I'll try to cut it again around Thursday this week.

  14. Great work keeping up with your meditations!

    Thanks Cam! It's getting better and better as the days go by. :)

    Day 8

    Quite an unproductive day but I felt I needed a day to unwind and relax as my work week was quite exhausting, particularly Tuesday-Thursday. I did my morning meditation but I ended up gaming most of the rest of the day and missed my afternoon meditation and reading. I intend to make it up today (Sunday).

    I also had my weekly chat with my accountability partner which went quite well. I felt up to this point it's been one sided so I'm going to make a conscious effort to try to make things useful for both of us. These chats by the way have been very, very good and helpful for sure.

    Day 9

    My morning meditation went quite well. It's getting better as the days go by for sure.

    One thing I became acutely aware of as I was gaming today (ended up gaming for about 4 hours or so today so far) is that I'm just going to end up bored again once I finish with this game. During my chat yesterday with my accountability partner, I challenged him to come up with a mentally engaging activity that he genuinely enjoys and can do without feeling an obligation towards anything in the process of doing it. I am taking up this challenge for myself as well as I know I'll need to do other things once the gaming is over.

    During my make up afternoon meditation, I decided to do a session on creativity. Directly before that, I was trying to come up with things to do as an alternative to gaming. I came up with a four item list: writing, learning a new language, knitting, or learning to play an instrument. As I was doing my meditation, I felt very strongly about writing (and indeed, this is the activity that's come up the most for me when thinking about things I am interested in), so I will attempt to do some fiction writing.

    Part of the reason I haven't really started it yet is because I have these crazy ideas about how I should try to do a novel or something right away, but that's just absurd. There's no reason why I can't write up some very simple short stories just to start with, or even something as simple as poetry. Just to start with and get the creative juices flowing. So, one of my goals by the next Saturday is to have written a story that's maybe 2-4 pages long. I might even end up sharing it with you guys.. heh.

    Two other major goals for next Saturday:

    - go on at least one hike during the week
    - go to the gym and restart my membership, with the intention of starting to go to the gym again at least once a week within the next few weeks

    Now I'm off to do my make up reading.

  15. Man your nailing the meditations! It's normal that some feelings can come up. Better at meditation then at work.

    Yeah it's slowly starting to get better. Actually I just finished my morning meditation today and it went amazingly.

    I don't really expect amazing progress day-to-day. I prefer to look at things over a long period of time and seeing the overall progress. It can get very frustrating if you're expecting to see a lot happen day-to-day. That's just not how it works.. except in video games. :P

  16. Day 6

    A bit of a trying day. Work was really exhausting and I didn't really feel like doing much when I got home. However, I did both my morning and afternoon meditations and reading, and ended up gaming for a couple of hours. Not much else to say.

    Day 7

    Things actually went pretty well. Morning meditation was a bit worrisome as I started to feel something like a panic attack or something towards the end of it (mostly due to thoughts of work for some reason), but otherwise the day went pretty well. My afternoon meditation might have been the best one so far since I started them up again so that was awesome. Ended up gaming again for a few hours as well.

  17. Day 5

    Morning went pretty well, despite waking up a little late. My morning meditation felt quite good overall. Work however was a bit of a struggle today. I was really under pressure in the morning because I needed to get a lot of things done in a short period of time and I found that very draining mentally. It got a bit easier as the day went on but the morning definitely took its toll. Eventually I developed a bad headache which I am still feeling the effects of right now.

    I haven't done my afternoon reading yet but my afternoon meditation again didn't go so well. It wasn't even that I was distracted much, I just had a really hard time focusing on it and was really anticipating it ending as I got close to the end of it. I imagine this will get better over time as long as I stay consistent.

  18. Relapse, Day 4 (probably should call this something else at this point)

    My morning and work day were actually quite good. My morning meditation wasn't perfect, but it likely set my day up to be pretty good. After work I went to a chiropractic session which put me in a foul mood due to having to take 1 and a half hours to do what amounted to 5 minutes of actually seeing the doctor. As a result, my afternoon meditation and reading (which I haven't quite finished yet) didn't go so well. I didn't end up gaming today either, largely by choice.

    What if going to the chiropractor didn't have to put you in a foul mood? Next time, try just enjoying the whole process. :)

    It's a fair point, though it's worth noting that I usually have to drive 2 minutes away to visit him. It wasn't going to happen yesterday because he wasn't available at that location. Perhaps I should just be grateful that I can see him close to my home at all. Going to the chiropractor itself didn't do anything, it was just the length of time it took as well as the fact that there was heavy traffic on the way home.

    Relapse, Day 4 (probably should call this something else at this point)

    You could just take the date as title aslong you don't track a streak.

    My morning and work day were actually quite good. My morning meditation wasn't perfect,

    The "bad" meditations are the important ones. If it is hard for you to fokus you let your brain to refokus more often, thus the training effect is stronger. "Bad" meditations are the ones wich give you the fastest results in the rest of your life.

    Hmm, interesting observation. I also believe that doing things you've committed to when you're not feeling up to it are the most important times to get those things done.. those are the times that show your true character. It's easy to do things when you're feeling good.

  19. Relapse, Day 4 (probably should call this something else at this point)

    My morning and work day were actually quite good. My morning meditation wasn't perfect, but it likely set my day up to be pretty good. After work I went to a chiropractic session which put me in a foul mood due to having to take 1 and a half hours to do what amounted to 5 minutes of actually seeing the doctor. As a result, my afternoon meditation and reading (which I haven't quite finished yet) didn't go so well. I didn't end up gaming today either, largely by choice.

  20. Thank you for keeping your journal up even if you gaem in moderation now. It is really interesting too see how it goes for you. Sadly moderation won't work for me. Gaming jsut deletes all awareness out of my mind. As i tried to watch gaming video's kind of regulary to train myself for moderation. I ended up watching things for over 4 hours aday and if i didn't stop it it, it would slowly expanded further. With gaming this process goes way faster.

    Doesn't mean in anyway this won't work for you though. Reading and Meditationa are two things wich helped a lot to get the right mindset. It is kind of exciting to learn how you get better at living. At implementing this thing consistency is the key.

    Greetings thanks for the interesting study distraction :D

    So that's all I am now, huh? A distraction? :P

    Yeah, absolutely KEY to this whole thing will be awareness of how much time I'm spending in games, but also the REASONS I am gaming and the reasons I am doing things outside of gaming. For example, instead of playing games yesterday I ended up watching my favorite baseball team play their second game. I'm not sure if that really is much better. You probably don't get the same kind of rush from it (and I'm certainly *not* addicted to watching baseball), but it still feels like a time waster. That being said, I still haven't quite figured out alternate activities yet so it really comes down to what I would do with that time.

    I'm not one of those people who can meditate for hours on end or read for hours a day. Not yet at least. Perhaps implementing my idea of watching Cam's videos should be done sooner rather than later. It'll at least fill some time with a useful activity.

    One thing my accountability partner asked me last call was if my activities outside games while I was gaming felt like a waste of time because I wasn't gaming. I will need to be very aware of that. If it starts moving in that direction, again, that will be a trigger to re-evaluate my strategy here. I'm not worried about it happening once or twice, but if it is consistent, then it needs to be addressed.

  21. Relapse, Day 3

    The day started off on the wrong foot. I ended up waking up at 6 AM, turning my alarm clock off, and immediately falling back to sleep. I didn't get up again until almost 7:00 AM. I just couldn't find the time to do my morning meditation, which means I will not be gaming tonight.

    Work went pretty well. Not much to say about it.

    When I got home, I did my afternoon meditation and I just finished my reading of Man's Search for Meaning. I found it really difficult to focus on both my meditation and reading. However, I'm not going to make any conclusions about that at this point. If this happens consistently, I'm going to try to figure out why.

  22. Just to be clear, the overarching goal here is to see if I can game in moderation and slowly ween gaming out of my life. The idea being that as long as I can achieve my daily objectives, I am making forward progress with my life. However, I want to be very intentional with how I go about this. It cannot be something that is just a "gate" to the gaming. It must be done for the right reasons. If I start to catch myself rushing these things or starting to feel like they're just in the way, I will let you guys know and re-evaluate what I'm doing.

  23. Relapse, Day 2

    When I woke up today, I felt a sense of calm about my decision to try to game in moderation. I am at peace with my decision. I am not sure if this is good or bad, it's just how I felt, and still feel.

    That being said, what happened last night cannot happen again. I ended up gaming until 2:00 AM, couldn't fall asleep, gamed for another hour and finally fell asleep around 4:00 AM. This absolutely cannot happen again and if it does, I am going to need to seriously reconsider this course of action. One of my objectives is to be in bed by 10:30 PM, at the latest, and this is something I've been very good about for the past few weeks. Due to my work schedule, and just how I feel about it in general, this must continue.

    Now, my plan. Two main objectives that must be achieved daily going forward are meditating twice a day for at least 10 minutes each, and reading at least 10 pages out of a useful book. I will start with Man's Search for Meaning. The reason I want to begin meditating again is due to the numerous health benefits, and more importantly, I felt it was very beneficial when I was doing it before in fostering patience, as well as an awareness of the thoughts going through my mind, particularly negative or not useful ones, and catching them before they get out of control. The reason for reading is mainly due to this advice being in The Slight Edge. It certainly makes sense in that reading personal development books will start the process of rewiring your brain for success, so that's what I'm going for.

    Two weekly objectives, one starting now, will be going on a hike at least once a week, and going to the gym at least once a week. The reason for both is simply to keep healthy, and with the hikes, to try to expand my social circle. It actually worked quite well when I was doing them before, so I definitely want to start that up again.

    One thing I know for sure I want to do is not allow myself to game until my daily objectives are met. These objectives will likely expand with time, but I don't want to overwhelm myself again like last time.

    I'm not sure how I will keep myself accountable for the two weekly objectives, and I am happy to take suggestions on that.

    Additionally, my accountability partner wanted me to do some visualizations every day before our next chat, although I'm going to need some clarification from him on that. He also wanted me to get in touch with a friend I made last time and see if she can help me out with this stuff. Hopefully I can do that. Lastly, I am to write in my journal daily.

    Some additional ideas to integrate going forward:

    - Watch each of Cam's GQ videos, one per day, and brainstorm how I can apply the concepts into my plan. This won't always be possible, but it is definitely something I feel might be quite useful.

    - Additionally, I have a crapton of personal development web blogs bookmarked, so like the above, I think it would be very useful to go through one per day and brainstorm how I can apply the concepts to my plan.

    Both of these aren't currently part of my objectives, as again, I don't want to overload myself, but they will eventually be integrated.

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