On Friday I came back from my doctor's appointment annoyed that nothing had been fixed. Over the last few months I have had a few talks with my GP about concentration that stopped me from doing what I wanted to. Well in my last appointment they told me in a friendly manner that this didn't seem to be a medical issue and that I had just wired my brain to surf the internet and play games all day and needed to get out more. Now I wasn't upset they said this as I already knew it, but I thought I must have had ADHD or some other issue that took the blame off myself and onto my brain so pumping myself full of meds would solve it. Being denied that diagnosis messed me up pretty bad, for a little while at least. Now I realise this was the kick up the butt that I needed. Not only were they 100% right, but they had told me more about myself than I had realised in the last 3 years. Not only am I addicted to sitting here at my computer, surfing the net and gaming but I also have all the tools to change that. Not only am I slacking with my passion projects but I have every reason to try harder than ever. I didn't realise anxiety and discomfort were natural, I saw them as an excuse. I didn't realise the pain and depression I suffer when I'm alone was a symptom and not an cloud following me around. I am anti-social? That means I don't have to go outside, right? Hell no. I am not talented, so that means I don't have to try hard, right? Hell no. All the self-improvement talk is now clicking. Everything these gurus say is starting to make sense. I feel like my eyes are open for the first time in 3 years. Perhaps for the first time ever. As I describe the way I feel about games, I realised something. I liked the idea of gaming, but I didn't like gaming. I am no longer going to be that kid that waited all day at school to go home and play Call of Duty until night. I am no longer going to be that guy who keeps doing these stupid meaningless tasks just because they are presented in a shiny packaging. I am no longer the person I thought I was. Gaming isn't my identity. My usernames are not my identity. I realise that now and it doesn't scare. Games don't want what's best for me and I now see that clearly. I am slowly selling all my games, deleting accounts and uninstalling clients. I won't be a slave to Steam anymore. I had a list of games that I was looking forward to. I convinced myself these would be the ones that reignite that flame of my life again. I was deluded. I will work. I will socialise. I will have passion for what I do and I will have fun. I will become human again. Now I just need to be careful not to trade one addiction for another, or to crash and burn and return to routine.