Day 1
New try 1st nov 2021.
I've been home for about a week because of sickness. My gaming has gotten worse during that time, i play with friends online, but also alone. Most of the time it feels fine, but then, i play too much, and feel kinda sick. Today my friend is "borrowing" my gaming concole, I asked him to take it to his apartment. The fact that I ask him to do that kinda tells me it has gotten out of control.
I have a note in my phone: "Everything sucks? Feel bad? Well let me guess, you have been gaming by yourself". It has not been 16 hrs per day like when i was teenager, but yeah at least 5 hrs per day, which is far too much. Interesting to see how i will spend my free time now, A lot of youtube i suspect, initially.
Thanks for letting me post