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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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Hello all, just wanted to share my relapse story.

I played League from 2013-2020 and tried to quit every year but always found a reason to go back playing. In May 2020, I sent a ticket to Riot support to deactivate my account to quit for good because I felt worthless IRL and hated myself. I blocked all League-related content on YouTube and Instagram. It was extremely hard the first few weeks. In late 2023, my friend invited me to play Wild Rift and I declined. I knew if I started playing again I wouldn’t be able to stop. I got to celebrate my fourth “soberversary” in 2024 and felt awesome. Life truly got so much better during those years.

The I watched Arcane season 2 and got super excited. I had conflicted feelings but eventually I lost my inner battle. I began with downloading Wild Rift. I didn’t like playing with my thumbs. So I emailed Support and asked for my account to be reactivated. I logged into my account and felt all nostalgic. I felt giddy. I tried playing one ARAM game. It was fun. I was amazed at my muscle memory, and how I still remembered item names and their functions. I played another game, and that was it for the day.

At first I was like, “oh OK I didn’t get the desire to play so badly like before”. But man was that a lie. I started having the feeling like if I didn’t play for at least once a day, my day didn’t go well or something was missing. The itch would always be there bugging my mind. It quickly became 3 games/day, then 5 games/day, then 10 games/day and my worst of all time was 18 games/day. I spent on average 6-8 hours/day playing ARAM. I could quite literally spend more time if I didn’t have other responsibilities to attend to.

Suffice to say, I was terrified at how my League addiction still has the same effects on me. I guess the only difference is that I no longer shame myself for being addicted to it. This time, I can treat myself with compassion. Last night, I had the courage to uninstall the game. I wrote a note to myself to read in the morning in case I wanted to play again. But no, I didn’t even need to read the note. I woke up and went about my day with zero desire to play. It’s almost like magic how the desire is gone when the game is gone. 

Thank you for reading my experience! Wishing you the best of luck in your quitting journey 🙂

I’d just like to end the post with a quote from James Clear (author of ‘Atomic Habits’): “Before you try to increase your willpower, try to decrease the friction in your environment”

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