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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

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My name is Kelly and I have a problem with video games.  I joined many years back into this community but it never really stuck for me.  I wanted to get reaquainted with this fabulous community in hopes to be more accountable and to connect with others with a similar problem as myself.  I actually have been on and off games for the past 3 years with bouts of over 9 months gaming free but never have made it to a full year.  This time around I am more determined to make it to that year and to truly make this a life thing for me.  I have learned that for myself I can't go back to gaming.  Its not what I want, and its something that gets in the way of what I do want - a more purposeful, happier life.

I am 52 years old this year and have been gaming since my childhood at the invent of computers, consoles and the early stages of game development.  I am married and have 3 children (28,26,17).  My relationships are not in the best shape right now and I am currently working on improving them especially with my wife and 3 children.  My gaming led to a compulsive gambling problem which really got out of hand which initiated the changes I have made in the past 5 years.  I am currently free from any playing of video games for 128 days which I am super proud of.  I want this streak to continue thus my returning here to help me remain more accountable.  Thank you for reading and I'm looking forward to meeting and discussing our problems on the forums.  I will be starting a daily journal in these forums as well which should help me.

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