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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

90 Day Detox (wez's journal)


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Today I am starting my 90 detox to get away from video games and watching youtube. For around 3 years (since the pandemic started), I started to play a lot of video games without my parents knowing. I started playing video games when I was around 5 and started to get more serious with video games as I got older. For me, I would play video games during online class because I did not really need to work hard in order to get good grades. However, after the first 2 years of this, my school grades and my competition scores were getting lower and lower which was pretty serious to my parents because my parents care about me doing well in school and stuff. They would discover that I was playing video games in class and would be very angry for a few days and I would stop for a few days. Each time this happened, I had this newfound determination to quit video games. Each time however, I would continue playing video games again and again and again. This vicious cycle would repeat on for 2 more years. I recently discovered Game Quitters and seeing so many people's stories gave me motivation to keep trying and to not give up. This begins my journey. 

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Day 1 - Today I at school, I didn't play any video games. However, many of my classmates also play video games during class so I watched them. I don't think that was a good idea. I woke up at around 7:40 and I plan to sleep at 12:00. Usually I sleep late whether or not I play video games. 


Edited by wez
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