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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened

Looking for Accountability Partner


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Hi there,

Just looking for an accountability partner in hopes severing my ties with gaming and other things. They're hurting me, my relationship with others and my productivity. Please feel free to reach out if you need help. I know I do. Perhaps we can help each other. Thanks!




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Hi WIlly,

Glad to see you join the ranks.

I'm reasonably self-motivated so I normally fly solo, but an extra layer of accountability can't hurt.
What time zone are you? I'm GMT+2 so if we can work out timing then I'll be happy to help. I'm active around 7AM to 9PM, although I'm planning on changing that to 5AM to 9PM as I adapt to my new schedules and such. Weekdays I'm quite often out of reach between 8AM and 6PM - work dependant(meetings, travel etc) But can normally respond to Telegram or such.

Let me know.



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