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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by flingaas

  1. Day 3: Wow! That caught me off guard :D

    My mind has been full lately. I'm amazed at how much I've suppressed by playing video games. Never thought of myself as creative, but I've realized I am.

    I'm enjoying my vacation! It's great to relax and slowly recover from my lack of vitamin D. As you might have read, yesterday I posted a poem on my Facebook profile. Ans the response has been crazy!!! I've received so much great feedback! I've been encouraged to continue and even publish my own poem collection - which I am seriously taking into consideration! It's so weird, from one day to another, a huge passion has grown within me!

    It would be a dream to write professionally. To make what I write my business and engage in politics through contemporary art. Also, I've started planning next year's global adventure. That being said, I'll take one day at a time. I researched blogging yesterday, but will let it rest until I'm back from my vacation. Only challenge is I can't fall asleep at night! Mind pops creative x10 past midnight :D

    TLDR: Tons of good feedback on my poem!! I'd love to make a career out of that. Anyways, one day at a time! 

  2. Thank you for sharing this!! Addiction is first and foremost a battle in our mind! I think most of us can relate to the battling you're describing.

    I think the reason you/we feel so miserable when going wrong is the false idea that everyone else are living perfect lives. Yes, it's hard to get councelling when you think of your councellor as a person who got it all right and will judge you for your wrongs! However, we're all struggling, we're all having issues. It's not only you - or us - here on GQ. The fact that you're here tells me you're willing to change! That's a huge step that many fail to take. 

  3. Welcome, mate! 

    I can relate! I've always been jealous of people exploring the world, because that what's I've really wanted to do.

    Quitting for the sake of quitting is really hard. It probably won't stick. But if you have a dream/motivation you'll be game-free in no time! I'm glad you have the book! It'll give you great guidance on the way! :) 

  4. You are so philosophical! And you express yourself in such a beautiful way! Seriously man, I'm having a crush on your journal! :D

    You could start writing more! Poems? Songs? Or a gratitude/experience log! That way you can sit down, look back at the past and marvel on the good memories and tough lessons you've learned. I think one of the main reason time flies is we never take time to stop and review! - Yes! Meditate more :)

    Also, be true to who you are! You can still be adventurous like a child! Don't allow the system to limit you. You don't have to follow the system of Western materialism.

    Sleep well! 

  5. Appreciate the feedback! I'm glad to be here :D

    Day 2: My Mind is Overflowing 

    It's 7AM and my mind is working!? What's up?? My mind is usually trainwrecked until at least 11-12! Quitting gaming has freed my mind from tactics and strategies, allowing me to be creative and think of my future for real. Yesterday I thought of blogging, starting a business and travelling the world, three things I would love to achieve in the long run. In addition, l ordered plane tickets for a spontaneous holiday to another city of Norway, to visit my cousin (and I thought I wasn't spontaneous!). It'll be a retreat trip in a way.

    Now, I couldn't fall asleep last night, as my mind kept spinning. My plane, leaving early, left me with FOUR hours of sleep (LOL)! Anyways, my mind kept spinning and I wrote a poem that really excites me! Unfortunately, it's in English, and translating it wouldn't be the same :( The poem is a criticism towards our Western society, capitalism and how life is supposed to be school, school, school, work, work, work, work. How money has replaced joy, and we're all trapped, chasing this constructed reality we now call "our life".

    Watching "Into the Wild" yesterday (didn't have time to see the ending) I could relate a lot. The movie tells the story of an American boy who grew up in a wealthy familie, graduated from High school with good grades and began thinking of his future. Realizing he didn't want the wealthy, capitalistic life, he escaped into the wild, living with no money, making friends with whoever he met. I've never felt like studying is my cup of tea, not because I'm bad at it - I just feel like my life shouldn't be all about school-work-wealth. All of this sparked an idea of making next year a travel year. What if I live all over the world, meeting people, exploring cultures and blogging about it? What if I can live my life differently from the A4 life of the rich, white man? I'd love to!!

    One last thing! I think my recent gaming issues are linked to this revelation om my mind. I think it's been my escape from the expectations of a life filled with studies and work. Quitting gaming and freeing my mind has allowed me to see there are several other ways to do life! Like business, blogging or a crazy world trip :D



    TLDR: My mind is spinning, I'm super inspired! I wrote a poem and I want to explore the world next year! Also, I think I've discovered a core reason for my gaming issues recently.

  6. Hey, and welcome to the community!

    Once you quit gaming you will have a lot of spare time, obviously. It definitely is a challenge, but it is also an opportunity. As you've chosen to quit gaming, I assume you're looking for an improvement in your life. What is it that you are looking for? Do you want to make friends and start getting to know people?

    You say you weren't social and your life was empty. If you want this to change, you can make it happen! In fact, only you can make it happen. You can start making friends, getting to know people and even go on dates. Maybe it's hard because of insecurities and past experiences? First of all, I would ask myself:

    - What do I want to achieve?
    - What stops me from achieving it?
    If you want to meet new people and make friends, what stops you from doing this?

    You've made a great choice, and I am sure you will experience progress and improvement, as well as challenging and painful moments. It's hard in the beginning, but it will be worth it once you break free from the chains! PS: There is no doubt you're an interesting person and that people who get to know you, are lucky!

  7. I've tried quitting several times, though never systematically. It will absolutely get challenging, but I do think you're right about this forum. Having people supporting you, doing this with a group of people - It'll all be helpful, especially during the tough days.

    Speaking of business and carreer - I do not know these things myself... your input is highly appreciated!

    I'm not gonna give up on my eager to teach in church settings, but I'm thinking it doesn't have to be my main source of income, at least for the coming years. I guess starting my own business takes more effort than I can possibly imagine, but having a job takes 5x8 hours a week too. The flexibility and independency of starting a business is very appealing to me. I just do not know what sort of business to start... :P

    Thanks, mate!

  8. Hey, guys!
    Just a heads up for all of you :)

    The past six weeks I've felt sick:
    - No energy
    - Mybody aching constantly.

    I tried playing with a ball for a minute and it left me exhausted. I didn't know why, but I knew something was wrong.

    Now, a few tests and doctor's appointments later: I lack vitamin D.
    - Vitamin D is very imporant for your immune system
    - If you lack it, you'll get sick quite often
    - You'll feel exhausted and your body will hurt

    You get vitamin D from dairy products / fish and fats and sunlight. Most gamers avoid many if not all of those. I was often too busy gaming to even eat at all.

    Might be worth checking out your vitamin D value or do some reading about it, as it is one of the main physical challenges gamers face due to their lifestyle!
    - The sooner the better. The lower your value gets, the longer it'll take to restore it.

    Hope this will be helpful for someone! :)

  9. Day 1: I feel ... relieved!

    Good morning from Norway!
    Today is my first day of quitting games, and I feel relieved. Yesterday I couldn't imagine how my life would be fun and exciting without computer games. Today, I am inspired and encouraged to start over - to respawn. I've begun uninstalling games from my computer, making it harder for me to relapse in a moment of weakness. A few days ago I ordered journal books to start bullet journalling - a system to keep track of my gaming detox and process to wards my future dreams and visions.

    One of the stressing factors in my life lately has been the thought of what education/path to take in life. I've always wanted to become a pastor (Yes, a preacher ++ in a Pentecostal church). However, this is not the kind of carreer that will give you a safe and secure future in terms of economy. The thing is, there are no other jobs I find interesting. Now, there is one thing that triggers me, and keeps coming back to me: the idea of starting my own business. I would LOVE to run my own business, schedule my own working hours and use my skills in such a way. Some weeks ago I tried starting my own drop shipping business, only to realize it takes quite some time until you'll actually get customers (people have already done this for years on eBay, with 10'000s of feedback).

    Anyways, I'm encouraged and happy that I've started this journey, and I'm looking forward to sharing my process in the weeks to come. If you have any business experience or ideas, feel free to share!

    - Fred

  10. LOL! The best TLDR I've ever read! I really enjoy reading your journal, as I can relate easily! 

    Also from your previous post: "During my darker moments I sometimes wish I didn't feel the need to quit gaming; I wish that I didn't have all these dreams and ambitions and were content with sitting hunched over a screen all day and all night long."

    I know exactly what you mean! I often find myself pissed because I expect more of my life than being good at a game, and I get jealous of those who don't! It's so silly! How did I allow game developers and addicts be part of defining who I am and what I like?

    You got this, man! Keep it up! When you look back at this period of your life you'll be so thankful that you made the decision to stop!

  11. Thank you, Cam! And thank you for sharing your experience, Simon! (I realized this should've been posted in the introductions forum, my bad!)

    I'm all with you on the identity struggle! Gaming has been such a big part of my life for almost 20 years. I've been the best of my friends, and it feels like gaming is "me" in a way that nothing else is! However, I know this is not true.

    I think writing might be for me. I've always been decent at writing poems/songs, but never thought of doing it as a hobby. I've already ordered notebooks to start bullet journalling and keep track of my life. Also, I've bought a cycle to start working out. Maybe it's time for me to start doing things for the sake of doing them, and not to become professional at it? Might be easier if I don't expect to become great within a week.

  12. Hello, everyone.
    I'm Fredrik, 20 years, from Norway.

    I've always been a competetive person. Board games, computer games, sports, any type of competition. And I've been good! Being good at games has been part of my identity, and still is really. The guy who "becomes good at every game he plays". Give me a week and I'll beat you in a game you've played for months! That's me...

    I've loved playing computer games for as long as I can remember. It's a source of entertainment and feeling of development. Gaming became pretty serious when I began playing League of Legends. I reached top 100 Europe the first season, won several local tournaments and gained a nice amount of money. Since then I've had a dream of becoming a professional gamer, only stopped by my common sense telling me computer gaming won't give me the future I am looking for (a joyful family).

    Over the past three years I've also struggled with another addiction, that also being of online games: gambling in form of poker and sports betting. This has been really destructive, and I've wasted immense amounts of money. I've come to realize this is also due to my need of excitement in a somewhat dull everyday life. Sitting in front of my computer screen, I've failed to challenge myself in real life - Gambling became a quick fix for excitement and adrenaline.


    What I am really curious about is how I can use my "skills" in gaming - that I learn and improve quickly - in other parts of life. I'm active in my local church as a youth leader and I love speaking in front of people (used to hate that). However, I have no other hobbies than gaming. As everything comes quickly to me in gaming I've never had to work hard to achieve something. This, I believe, has made me lazy. I can't get myself to spend week after week in the gym, practicing the guitar or whatever. I get bored and I quit.

    I wish I could find an activity that would spark something in me. An activity that I'd love doing, not having to push myself to do it. I'm intellectual; I think and analyze thoughts in my head a lot. Yet, I can't seem to figure how to be productive with that. I'm clueless of what I want to do for a living and what to study... I think starting a business would be something I could enjoy and manage well. I tried a few weeks ago, but it takes quite some effort and planning.

    All I know is I wanna quit gaming, but I don't know where to start...
    What did you do when you chose to quit gaming?


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