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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Dreamer

  1. Yep, that’s what’s driving me to want to make a change…for my son 💜 I’m glad your kids are encouraging you, and what a great example you are setting for them about prioritizing what really matters and how to handle problems that seem overwhelming. Today, instead of escaping to a game, I went for a bike ride with my son and had a really good afternoon, so a good start I think. Won’t be easy though, I’ve gotten habituated to turning to my phone or computer all the time. Hard to break a habit, especially one that rewards your brain.
  2. I’m a 47 mother of one. It’s only in the past year that I’ve started feeling like I’m using computer and iPhone games to escape. I am a single mother and it was really rough during the pandemic, working full time from home, while taking care of a toddler full time. He didn’t understand why I was there but couldn’t play with him much for 8-10 hours each day. Even though my college major was literally Developemental Psychology and I know a lot about how to handle children a behavior, I was maxed out and overwhelmed. He started having behavioral problems which then took even more mental energy to try and work on. So long story short, I actually did really good holding it together through those two years and was very proud of how I handled it all. Then when the pandemic finally stopped feeling like a ‘threat’, school started, and I finally snapped out of that ‘crisis’ mode is been in for two years….I kinda fell apart. Over a year’s time, my house fell into neglect, my yard fell into neglect, etc. I mean I got the basics covered, no child neglect, but not doing so good emotionally and very behind on cleaning, maintaining, organizing, etc. And now I’ve started spending way too much time escaping my reality by playing computer and iPhone games. It’s become all I really ‘want’ to do. I’ve faced depression a few times before and it’s not really that. Just want to escape to something (computer games) that doesn’t require a lot of thought but still makes me feel accomplished when I win it. I guess a lot easier and quicker than ‘winning’ at life, lol! So that’s what led me here. I hope This will help me to recenter my life and get back to a happy and complete-feeling home life.
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