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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Sol451

  1. I have no idea what to do during that time. I've seen the hobbies/activities lists and I don't want to do anything really. I stay at home all day and there's just so much time. Games are so tempting. Day 7 Felt fine in the morning, went to the gym, worked a bit. Then started feeling like shit and didn't do anything for the rest of the day.
  2. Day 6 I think I just needed to recharge. I really don't think I want to stop playing. I only have a couple of goals - feel better and work more. I don't really want to go out more/get more friends or whatever. I think if I'm disciplined enough and don't let myself go I can moderate my gaming.
  3. Day 5 Feeling really groggy in the first part of the day. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Maybe I should start running in the mornings, not the evenings. I know this, and that's mostly discipline. When I have no energy though it's terrible, it's hard to even move.
  4. Day 4 Decent day, felt much better. Watching videos is becoming boring and seems pointless. Although I just swapped it with watching Netflix. I'm thinking about getting a pet. Went to a shelter today to look around. Not sure yet. One of my favorite activities used to be looking for new music. I'm starting to really enjoy it once again.
  5. Day 3 Not a great day. Had no energy, didn't go to the gym. Boredom was killing me. Reading was easier today, could focus a little better. Read like 60 pages. All I could think about through the first part of the day was why am I doing this to myself, why don't I just do what I like doing. I really need to put more attention to learning how to clear my thoughts, cause they're so negative.
  6. I have tried programming in the past, it was kind of interesting, maybe I'll give it a shot sometime. I just feel like right now I have to force myself to do a lot of stuff already, and that's just another one I wouldn't enjoy at first. I like puzzle/logic games, but how exactly are they different from regular video games? They are mentally engaging, and you do feel rewarded when you solve that complicated level. During that 3 month period I wanted to start a martial art, particularly boxing. I just felt like I could use even more exercise. Something about physical exhaustion feels really good. I don't know now though. I just think that there's so much wrong with me and I just don't feel ready at all. Other activities would be writing, building something, fixing stuff, learning to cook, graphic design. I'm not interested in them now. Just listing things off the top of my head that I'd like to be able to do. Day 2 Weather today was pretty terrible when I woke up. Cold and pouring outside. The thought of sitting down with a cup of coffee and playing was really inviting since I didn't want to ride my bike to the gym or go for a run. Discipline got me through the day though, did all the tasks apart from the videos. I read 70 pages of the novel Spin today, it was quite enjoyable but I have trouble focusing for long. My mind was a bit clearer than yesterday though. It sucks when your thoughts are running on full throttle about things you don't want to think about, and it always inevitably goes to dark places. I'd like to start working again soon. I pick my own schedule but I was just unable to force myself.
  7. Day 1 Getting back into my schedule was easier than I expected. Did everything on my list and more, like stuff around the house that I needed to do for weeks. Although I did watch some gameplay videos cause I simply got too bored. Didn't feel like I wanted to play though, but rather think about the game itself, analyze what could have been done better, etc. Seems like I really need to find a mentally-engaging activity, cause I love thinking about stuff. That's probably the reason why I don't look forward to meditating at all and it just feels so hard. Having a productive day right from the morning definitely made me feel better mentally. I used to enjoy reading, so today I started reading Spin. That was tough to do cause I only got 5 hours of sleep and as a result I was constantly drifting off. Tomorrow I'll read more.
  8. Hello, I'm a 23 year old male from Europe. I've been playing games for many years now. 4 months ago I quit gaming. Not because I knew that I was addicted, but because I was depressed to a point where I had suicidal thoughts. I felt completely trapped, like I was slowly sinking into quicksand, just waiting to die. I saw no future, had no goals and aspirations, didn't want anything from life. I started drinking again while playing, waking up hungover, feeling even shittier. Going to see a therapist didn't really help, I wasn't told anything that I didn't already know. Nevertheless, I knew I had to do something to change my circumstances. I started working out, eating healthy, meditating, fixing my sleep schedule, riding my bike a lot and going for runs. I lost 33 pounds, had around 11 more to go. My mental health got a little better but I was still really depressed. I work from home, so I have a lot of free time. At one point I got so bored that I started playing league of legends again. I thought I could do it casually, 1-2 games a day. Well that wasn't the case. I spent 3 weeks out of the past month playing it for around 14 hours everyday. I knew I had to quit. I uninstalled it, but the next game I downloaded was hearthstone. The last time I played it I was getting bored of it really quickly, so I thought I could go back to my schedule while playing it in moderation for some entertainment. I've been playing it for 14 hours a day for the past 6 days. Ever since I got back into league I stopped doing everything that was good for me, I started sinking deep into depression once again. Last month I visited the gym twice. Once I left prematurely because I saw no fucking point in exercising. Alright, my problem seems obvious. I can't moderate my gaming. What I need to do is to get back on the path of improving my mental health. So I need to quit it altogether. For the first week, I mostly want to go back to building the habits that I was before I came back to gaming. Goals: Wake up at 7:00 am Go to the gym 4 days a week Run outside for ~30 minutes Eat healthy Meditate for 10 minutes New Goals: Not playing any games Not watching any streams Not watching montages and gameplay/analysis videos Not going to league/hearthstone subreddits Start reading books again, mostly fiction Tomorrow is day 1.
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