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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by ferrari512

  1. I have all of my video games and consoles in cardboard boxes in my garage. I have about 50 video games, 5 consoles, and lots of controllers, cables, accessories, and a gaming laptop. All of it costed a lot of money over the years. I want to get rid of it all. I thought about selling the video games but it seems like it would take months to wait for the eBay listings for the video games to sell because they're all from the 2000s. I'd lose a lot of money on the gaming laptop which I paid $1800 2 years ago but it's worth it to me be to be rid of it. Then the cables, controllers, and accessories all put together feels like a huge hassle. I feel like I'm going to drown in all of this useless stuff. It's like hoarding. Has anyone else been in the same situation?
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