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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Antoni

  1. Entry 2: Detox: 95 days: Video games detox (Streak) 3 days: Social media & YouTube detox (Last streak: 40 days) Things I did right: - A 5km run. - Groomed our dog. - 2 hours Work Pomodoro. Things I could improve: - Setting time limit for each task Reflection: Rebuilding my habits I'm currently tracking my habits using an app called "everyday". I like it because it is available on both android and Web, which can be easily synchronized. I'm grateful for the lessons learned when I was in a rough spot, I learned that I should prioritize myself over work. Today, I wake up early morning at 4:30am and ran for 5km. I did almost all my habits including meditation, workout, time blocking, and waking up early. This is normal since I'm currently motivated to do these habits. However, I'm sure a time will come that I won't be motivated to do the habits, hopefully I can convince myself to be disciplined and to force myself to do the work even though it's just half of a daily goal. Hopefully things will get better this time, and I won't just immediately stop doing my routine like I always did when I'm working on myself or on a goal.
  2. I really like how you structured your journal. I followed some of it in my prompts, I hope you don't mind 😄. Also 335 days of no useless videos is amazing. May I ask what are your restrictions for this, and what sites do you allow? Kudos!
  3. Entry 1: Detox: 94 days: Video games detox (Streak) 2 days: Social media & YouTube detox (Last streak: 40 days) Things I did right: - A 15-minute workout after missing it for 20 days straight. - Cleaned my room. - Recorded my expenses for the past few days. Things I could improve: - Scheduling my time. Reflection: Creating a new journal entry: I decided to create a new journal entry as I didn't like how I structured my previous entries. But they are still accessible here, I explained earlier what problems I've been dealing and feeling off even after the 90 days detox. Life after 90 days of detox: I stated that I still feel like shit after the 90 days it is because I only improved one aspect of my life, the video games detox. But, I was still engaging in nonsense and mindless scrolling of videos to cope with the stress I've been experiencing at work. I wasn't also building the habits that I wanted to do, I was constantly in a negative state that led to burnout and unsatisfaction of life. I realized that in order to rebuild my life, I have to detox the unending addictive habits I was engrained with and at the same time I must build better habits to cope with stress, and to improve my life. Goals moving forward: I have many things that I want to improve in my life and I'm still figuring out where to start. I want to improve and follow an everyday schedule to be intentional on what should I do, and to avoid procrastinating and overworking near the deadline. I want to learn new skills to improve my career as I've been doing the same thing over the past 6 years. I want to improve my speaking and writing skills. I want to find ways to cope with anxiety, as I've been dealing with this over the past few years. I want to be more confident and be interesting. I want to be the best version of myself, I know these goals could take time to achieve and the habits to achieve this must be done every single day. I hope there will be a time when I'll be proud of myself on what I achieved and how I transformed myself. Wish me luck.
  4. I just realized working overtime is the opposite of a keystone habit, it pulled me from all other aspects of my life. This month was rough, I accepted too many projects at a time. I work as an independent contractor, so I clearly had a choice to accept or not. But I was not taking care of myself, I wasn't meditating, exercising, and sleeping well. Definitely a learning experience, I have to improve in managing my time. Thanks for the recommendation, will check it out!
  5. Detox: Day 92 : Video Games Detox Day 0 - Social Media & Youtube Detox (Relapsed 😞) Last streak: 40 days Habits: Waking up at 5am: 1/7 Meditation: 1/7 Reflection: Being disciplined: I've been disciplined on my first 60 days in my video games detox, but after that, things just went downhill. One reason is because of too much stress at work and my mental health was deteriorating since I wasn't able to do the habits I was doing to keep me sane. I do like exercise, meditating, reading, and waking up early in the morning. For the next few weeks, I'll prioritize myself more, try to follow my schedule, and avoid working overtime. Being perfectionist: I have this bad habit of not doing anything because I can't do it perfectly or "I don't have time to do it." I realized that it's okay to not perfectly do a single task, just show up and do the thing. I'll fix it anyway or improve it next time. One example is doing meditation, I always have a goal to have a 10 min meditation, if things don't go well, It's okay to do 5 mins. I'll do this with all the habits and systems I want to improve.
  6. Thanks @Ace92, I appreciate your thoughts. Yup, this could be one of the reasons. I'm always in my comfort zone, being anxious with the future, and always remunerating what mistakes I've made in the past. I'm always thinking of what ifs, what if I pursued this instead of this, what if I went to another country, what if I was not wasting my time back then. Then ended up with wasting a lot of time in the present and stayed the same for a long time. I'm currently working on this, I found out nearly in my 90 days without video games that I'm not just addicted to video games alone. I'm addicted to anything that could take my mind off and living another life other than mine. Video games has the same effects of me as binging on YouTube, social media, and even watching movies. That may be the reason that I'm still sad and feeling like shit. I had my phase of being disciplined earlier this year but sadly I didn't sustain it. I like reading books, running early in the morning, and being disciplined with money and time. I'll restart those habits and take it day by day. I also plan to start learning new things like upskilling to improve my current career and try learning Japanese as I plan to have a vacation there next year. Thanks @Ace92, I appreciate you starting a conversation with me.
  7. Day 88 - No video Games Been away for a while, I'm almost at 90 days without video games but I still feel like shit. I feel like I'm still not developing myself to achieve and fulfill my true potential. I'm almost 30 years old but I still don't know what the hell should I do with my career and life. I wasted so many years of my life doing non-sense shit like watching videos I don't even enjoy just to avoid work and to avoid developing myself. I'm also very insecure person, I envy seeing others being happy with their choices or have some progress in their careers. I know I can be that person as well, but I all my life I always chose the short-term rewards and I'll take responsibility for that. I've seen the disciplined version of myself for some days, and I'm happier and more fulfilled with that. Starting now I'll be starting a hard dopamine detox. 30 days without social media, YouTube, reddit, and video games. I'll also focus on building better habits and systems, first to my list is to sleep and wake up at the same time. I always like waking up early in the morning and run. I'll make that as a priority, and will try building other habits along the way.
  8. I appreciate your message @wheatbiscuit, thanks for sharing your thoughts. Yes, apparently, it's easier for me to quit video games since I only played single player games before, but I played a lot back then. It's harder for me to quit the social aspect that social media or YouTube gives me. Maybe the reason is that I don't get to hang out with my friend group that much, most of them goes on with their lives and some left the country. I feel like I'm alone, without a tribe. I actually regularly run months ago, but for some reason I stopped, and I just run now for time to time. I need to get back on it. I really liked it a lot, especially early in the morning before the sun rises. I'm almost in 90 days detoxing video games, but I still have a lot to improve. Don't get me wrong, I was definitely much better now than when I was still playing video games. I'll try to post here from time to time and update my progress. Thanks @wheatbiscuit, I appreciate it.
  9. Day 78 - No Video Games Just signed up for this forum, but I've been following the discord channel for a while. I'm 78 days now without video games, I still feel lost and anxious. I think it's not just video games that I had problems with. I'm addicted to all types of procrastination, from YouTube, reddit, to movies, even searching about anything in google. I tried a YouTube and social media detox as well but relapsed about day 40. I tried to get back on it but I always relapse on day 6 or 7. I also tried building habits like running, meditating, but after several days when I got stressed at work, I can't seem to do it and my body is finding something comforting like these dopamine addicting sites. Im also having a hard time following a schedule. I've been trying to solve this procrastination problem for around 2 years now, but I cannot seem to find the solution. I tried several days of complete detox, but once I come back, I always binge again on what I needed to watch on YouTube or to read on social media. I cannot also limit these things as I ended up several hours binging something. This procrastination is also the reason on why I have a very slow growth in my career. I haven't even tried to learn something for upskill to improve my career. I'm an independent contractor in a certain field that is known for its overwork and underpaid individuals, maybe this is one of the reasons, being unhappy in career, as well as being overworked and underpaid. Earlier this year, I joined a coding bootcamp in order to try to switch careers, ended up quitting the bootcamp and wasting so much money because I cannot handle the extreme stress of learning it, and having so much anxiety about the future. I've been trying to be better, but it is clearly not enough.
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