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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Panthau

  1. Great, ill check it out when i come home. Yesterday i couldnt sleep because of no gaming. That shows how severe my addiction is. At 2am i started some game on the ipad which relaxed me, so i could finally sleep. This is going to be a tough journey lol
  2. Thanks Federermagic. Well i guess im already in a change mood... quitted sugar and gluten a month ago. Lost 7kg (not sure how much that is in pounds), though that wasnt even my intention. Guess theres no end to any game... although i have a job 3 times a week for 3h where i have literally nothing to do but sitting in front of a laptop. Hard to resist lol
  3. True, a complete detox makes sense. Im very functional while addicted to gaming, i have a wife and a 15y old kid, im self employed and i visit the gym at least once a week. We also go hiking once a week, and besides all that, i love my job. But when im at home, all i do is sit at the pc playing. Its an escape, though im not sure what im running away from. So i guess, detoxing might also bring up some unpleasant feeling. I can live with that... maybe i have finally a chance to overcome that blockage which doesnt let me meditate since 5 years (makes me very irritated and anxious). Btw, meditation (with binaural beats, about 2 years daily) solved "all" problems for me, i felt so good that i even stopped my gaming addiction for a while, until that blockage showed. Thanks for your encouragement. Do you have your own story somewhere written down? Oh and the two lines dropping happen only when pressing enter... guess i leave the line breaks to the forum then.
  4. Sure, at first it felt like theres nothing that can replace gaming but then i remembered things i always wanted to do, but never did. Like drawing or playing guitar/drums... but i guess i need to crush through the first days of non gaming nevertheless. Looking back, it all makes sense. I was regular overwhelmed by stress and needed to stop doing anything. After a while of not doing anything, i got tons of motivation and ideas... yet all i did was gaming. I mean it got better by the years (i played wow 10 years ago for 12h+) but its still directing my life. Maybe i can find a compromise to only play single player games on weekend evenings for a while. Btw, shift enter for only one line jump doesnt work on the ipad....
  5. Hi I just discovered, how much of an gaming addict i am. Not only that, but i also used porn nearly everyday. The last months my anxiety level shoot through the roof and i started to have depersonalization symptoms, all from too much stress. I took some measures and it got better (no sugar, no gluten, not running away from feelings) but its still here. This anxiety forced me to look deeper within. And now im here. I screwed down my gaming times from 5pm to 8:30pm for most of the days, which is good but not enough - especially as i play high stress multiplayer games. Im 38 and since im about 7 or 8, im gaming. I just realized how used to gaming i am, every evening... i get really irritated if something comes inbetween my daily gaming times. Stopping gaming alltogether sounds impossible, yet i know it would make my life so much better. I just uninstalled all Blizzard games except Hearthstone. Not sure if i can give that up... I need to find things that i can fill my evenings with, i guess. Thanks for reading. Panthau
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