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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by KevinMonkey

  1. Hey there people. My name is Kevin, and because of a few reasons I'll explain now, I think I want to quit gaming. First of all, it seems that the gaming industry is failing. Greedy corporations making bad, unfinished games is just one example. Second, I am 19, but besides gaming I don't feel any passion for... anything else, which makes me feel identityless, if that's a correct way of putting it. I often think about going out into the world, making connections with people, exploring nature, being creative. But for some reason I can't concentrate on anything that isn't related to games. So these thoughts just stay that way. As unexplored ideas. Now, my idea is just sell my computer and my Nintendo switch, and use that money to explore other stuff. But my parents are a bit too supportive. They are afraid that when I quit, I'll get bored really quick and relapse to buying a new pc and start gaming again. This is propably so because they think I really enjoy gaming. And there's the fact that games help me relax and empty my mind, though there are other ways to do that. So besides introducing myself, I hope to get some tips on how to make it perfectly clear to my parents that I want to stop, and not letting myself get talked down back into gaming by them.
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