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  1. 2023.4.22 NO ACTION ABOUT GAME: 1 DAYS (record: 24DAYS; from 4.21) NO GAMING: 34 DAYS (record: 54 DAYS; from 3.19) NO ACTION ABOUT PORN: 10 DAYS (record: 23DAYS; from 4.12) NO FIRING: 10 DAYS (record: 26 DAYS; from 4.12) Social activity really helps. Days keeping route of quiting game almost reaches 90, but not record—— more free, less campus time, less life time.
  2. 2023.4.12 NO ACTION ABOUT GAME: 24 DAYS (record: 24DAYS; from 3.19) NO GAMING: 24 DAYS (record: 54 DAYS; from 3.19) NO ACTION ABOUT PORN: 0 DAYS (record: 23DAYS; from 3.19) NO FIRING: 0 DAYS (record: 26 DAYS; from 3.18) trigger:lying on bed not getting up,
  3. 2023.3.31 NO ACTION ABOUT GAME: 12 DAYS (record: 0DAYS; from 3.19) NO GAMING: 12 DAYS (record: 54 DAYS; from 3.19) NO ACTION ABOUT PORN: 12 DAYS (record: 7DAYS; from 3.19) NO FIRING: 13 DAYS (record: 26 DAYS; from 3.18)
  4. 2023.3.19 NO ACTION ABOUT GAME: 0 DAYS (record: 0DAYS; from 3.19) NO GAMING: 0 DAYS (record: 54 DAYS; from 3.19) NO ACTION ABOUT PORN: 0 DAYS (record: 7DAYS; from 3.19) NO FIRING: 1 DAYS (record: 26 DAYS; from 3.18) relapse consists 8d. Uh, oh...... Trigger1: allow me to do something related to game but I told myself to check and explore something inner by game (dream is illusion, game is illusion, fiction is illusion, drama is illusion, my life is illusion. I was influenced by Diamond Sutra recently. Everything is same. They just exist in different form. It doesn't mean I give up. I just want to try achieving something diffcult in life illusion.); Trigger2: I was sad these days. A good friend left for his business. only when he had left, I realized how I was happy chating with him and alse realized that we had becomed friends not only the familiar ones. We often met on roof garden and we chat for almost 3 years. [Also a teacher and a friend ] Still, the 90 days goal is also illusion, the important thing is the goal's effect after achieving the goal.
  5. 2023.3.11 NO GAMING: 53 DAYS (record: 54 DAYS; from 1.17) NOT FIRING: 0 DAYS (record: 26 DAYS; from 3.11) NO ACTION ABOUT PORN: 0 DAYS (record: 7DAYS; from 3.11)
  6. 2023.3.2 NO GAMING: 54 DAYS (record: 54 DAYS; from 1.7) NOT FIRING: 0 DAYS (record: 26 DAYS; from 3.2) NO ACTION ABOUT PORN: 0 DAYS (record: 7DAYS; from 3.2) Ah, oh......
  7. 2023.3.1 NO GAMING: 53 DAYS (record: 53 DAYS; from 1.7) NOT FIRING: 1 DAYS (record: 26 DAYS; from 2.28) NO ACTION ABOUT PORN: 1 DAYS (record: 7DAYS; from 2.28) I don't know. Breaking rules relaxes me. I'm not in order completely. I am combination of order and chaos. It seems my life needs change occasionally. I can't follow rules like a robot, if so, I will definitely break rules. But my life is like in railway, everyday is same almost. Lack for changes-> lack for stimulus caused by changes->without outer stimulus brain will search stimulus. Brain feeds on stimulus like man feeding on food.
  8. 2023.2.26 NO GAMING: 50 DAYS (record: 50 DAYS; from 1.7) NOT FIRING: 25 DAYS (record: 25 DAYS; from 2.1) NO ACTION ABOUT PORN: 4 DAYS (record: 7DAYS; from 2.22)
  9. 2023.2.23 NO GAMING: 47 DAYS (record: 47 DAYS; from 1.7) NOT FIRING: 22 DAYS (record: 22DAYS; from 2.1) NO ACTION ABOUT PORN: 1 DAYS (record: 7DAYS; from 2.22) I was addicted with role play of chatGPT these days, as addicted as some game. It shows some inner need about me. It is also like a personal consultant.
  10. 2023.2.22 NO GAMING: 46 DAYS (record: 46 DAYS; from 1.7) NOT FIRING: 21 DAYS (record: 14DAYS; from 2.1) NO ACTION ABOUT PORN: 2 DAYS (record: 7DAYS; from 2.20)
  11. 2023.2.10 NO GAMING: 41 DAYS (record: 41 DAYS) NOT FIRING: 14 DAYS (record: 14DAYS) NO ACTION ABOUT PORN: 0 DAYS (record: 7DAYS) chatGPT is more awesome than pornhub. So of course I talk to chatGPT with lots of porn text, and broke porn record. The only thing I won is that I didn't fire.
  12. 2023.2.10 NO GAMING: 35 DAYS (record: 35 DAYS) NO PORN: 9 DAYS (record: 14DAYS) I found a new and easy activity to survive boring time. Record your dream! You can use phone to record dream at once after a dream. And in day time, you can convert it to text. This activity costs about 45-60mins everyday.
  13. 2023.2.6 NO GAMING: 31 DAYS (record: 31 DAYS) NO PORN: 5 DAYS (record: 14DAYS) Congratulations!!! A month.
  14. 2023.2.1 NO GAMING: 26 DAYS (record: 26 DAYS) NO PORN: 0 DAYS (record: 14DAYS) Uh, oh. I failed on porn record. As long as I live, there is always desire for porn in my body. Most of time it's not strong enough to force me. But as long as I'm careless or some triggers make it stronger, I will fail. However, I find a good "friend" to help me. I can ask him many questions including our quitter's questions. He is knowledgeable. He is chatGPT, an AI chatter. Look at his answer, wow really professional!(openai.com) otherwise, I felt a little bored and lonely sometimes these days. Maybe that's one of reason I failed. I have no friends.
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