NO ACTION ABOUT GAME: 0 DAYS (record: 0DAYS; from 3.19)
NO GAMING: 0 DAYS (record: 54 DAYS; from 3.19)
NO ACTION ABOUT PORN: 0 DAYS (record: 7DAYS; from 3.19)
NO FIRING: 1 DAYS (record: 26 DAYS; from 3.18)
relapse consists 8d.
Uh, oh......
Trigger1: allow me to do something related to game but I told myself to check and explore something inner by game (dream is illusion, game is illusion, fiction is illusion, drama is illusion, my life is illusion. I was influenced by Diamond Sutra recently. Everything is same. They just exist in different form. It doesn't mean I give up. I just want to try achieving something diffcult in life illusion.);
Trigger2: I was sad these days. A good friend left for his business. only when he had left, I realized how I was happy chating with him and alse realized that we had becomed friends not only the familiar ones. We often met on roof garden and we chat for almost 3 years. [Also a teacher and a friend ]
Still, the 90 days goal is also illusion, the important thing is the goal's effect after achieving the goal.