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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. Dammmmit I almost I had it yesterday. I went the whole day of just doing my work creating and learning and it felt great. When 10pm rolled around though I gave in and started playing video Games🥲 I have a routine that I have kept for 11 years of playing videos games almost everyday as soon as I get home from work or after 5pm and I will play until im hungry eat and then play again. I'm not gonna beat myself up too much the fact that I made it till 10pm before starting to play was huge. At least as well I managed to work on some pixel art.
  2. Nice! As a person who has tried several times and failed at trying to learn a computer language I feel your pain. It's awesome to hear that the energy you used to put into video games is now directed to learning coding. I hope in the future I can get to where you at. I'm curios about your Journey and hope that you stick with it!
  3. Thanks Paul I appreciate the warm welcome. Its great to have support from people on the same journey. I look forward to sharing my progress with everyone!
  4. Hi, My name is Aden and I have been playing video games since 1992 when I was 5! I never saw it as an addiction more like a fun way to improve my skills and hang with friends but looking back at it now I never really excelled in school, don't have much friends and every job I ever had I was either fired or just quit. I thought maybe im just an introvert but I have also started so many projects outside of video gaming but always ended up quitting them. I told myself maybe I can become a streamer since I love to play video games so much but that never took off...I just loved gaming not the social or marketing aspect of that. Now that im 34! "rolls eyes" I just want to make something out of my life! I want to have skills outside of gaming that could possibly make me money! It's crazy when books were first invented people said that you could have a reading addiction and after that was TV, then video games and now phones. I curious to know by me quitting video games will all the things I wanted to do/become manifest into reality? Will I become the actor, the animator, the entrepreneur, or the music producer? Who knows but for the first time in over 24 years im gonna give it plus ultra! Today is the first day I quit gaming. Whether it will all be in vain and ill still be in same spot a year from now is one of my greatest fears but finding this website/community I believe it's a great step in the right direction.
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