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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Iann

  1. I think it's magic because my intention of dropping video games is literally helping me attract so many opportunities. I think the universe has a way of reassuring us that we're on the right path... Or I'm biased to believe this so I can keep on keeping on the right path! I feel pretty good. Really good now that I think about it. Things I'm grateful for: Doing a good job at work Having a loving, supportive family The GQ community and Cam Believing in myself and loving myself for who I am Having the freedom to do what I want with my time Having access to healthy food Much, much more...
  2. Thank you so much @jnp and @rkalajian. I appreciate the encouragement and good luck to you guys as well.
  3. I ordered the GAME OVER hoodie because it looked sick and I wanted to celebrate myself embarking on this journey of quitting gaming for good. What are your guys' favorite merch from the store?
  4. A few years back when I was a sophomore in high school, I managed to quit video games for 3 years... Until I had a series of serious relapses the past couple of weeks. I'd stay up really late, sometimes all night, playing GTA. Then, I'd wake up the next day guilty, tired and disappointed. I remembered Game Quitters because that's how I initially quit during my high school years. I think I started gaming again because now that I'm working full-time and running my own business on the side, I'm starting to feel the pressure of being an adult. Something about video games brings back nostalgia, therefore it's comforting and probably a big reason why I went back to it for an escape. Anyway, I took the plunge and signed up for Respawn Elite and now I'm feeling very confident. I trust Cam, his story, and this community. Most importantly, I trust myself. If you're in a similar position and you're reading this, remember to trust yourself, too. We are all we have. Nobody is gonna get us through this but ourselves. Yes, Cam will coach us through his process, and I'm very grateful for him and his business, but I still feel it's important to recognize that I have the power to change and it all comes down to me taking action. I like to keep reminding myself of that. I'm ready to claim my life back. Let's do this!
  5. Nice! You're on the right track. Reading about your progress motivates me so keep it up, Faroe.
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