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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by lillo9546

  1. Hi there!!! 🙂 At the age of 20 I started playing a game called LOL, and spent 6h, every day; my life revolved around learning, designing, testing, criticizing, revising: these actions made me advance in rank and become a stronger player, and I felt really good. I went from bronze to diamond in 3 months. I had no imbalances, infact, I was able to work, hang out with friends, and maintain my fitness, while still gaming! At the age of 22, I stopped gaming. I was having severe headaches, and I hated any light facing me. So, I even stopped using electronic devices for a while! Today I am 25 years old, and I don't feel the desire for gaming, instead, I hate it, because it seems to me a waste of time ... However, there is one thing that I have not yet managed to find: that of "feeling good" because you wanted to reach the highest level, and you did everything to do it ". So the "guided" path to reach a goal. I have tried various activities, such as sports, drawing, and now I am with writing. These are far better activities in many fields, but I can't find that "guided feeling" I had while gaming, to reach my goals ... It was as if I was "guided" or "radio controlled" towards achieving my goals. I don't know what it's called at a scientific level, but when I was gaming, it was as if I had a road in front of me, full of signs and routes to take, and I had a navigator to help me make decisions. Now, with current activities, however, I am on the same road, but without the navigator, and it is as if I did not feel satisfaction, and the desire to "level up". It look like this "brain reaction" is not happening anymore, if I don't have the right trigger. So in this case, How could I trick my brain to release the right chemicals to make me feel "addicted", but on different activities, for ex, writing? I hope you can understand what I mean and feel free to ask for more details if needed to better understand the situation! I'm waiting for some answers to open a discussion about it 🙂
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