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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by paulogallo

  1. Day 8 - 25/05 More than a week later and I'm finally done with the introduction course from Zbrush. Now I'm sailing on an adventure trying to experiment everything with the program. I was looking for something simple to aim for and remembered Eva, a character my girlfriend loves from Wall-e movie. Managed to get something close to her as my first 3D character! It feels awesome and I can't wait to have more time to dedicate to Zbrush.
  2. Day 7 - 24/05 Today I am happy. This was an extremely productive day, I'm ridiculously tired but I am satisfied with myself. I was able to make myself a good healthy meal by waking up early, giving my best on work, coming home and doing laundry and home stuff, planning my weekend with my girlfriend, finished college homework and STILL was able to manage enough energy to pull off three Zclassroom classes. I'm on 12 of 14, almost finishing the indroduction course. Last class was about painting so I present to you... Wilson! Haha.
  3. Day 6 - 23/05 I'm not too much satisfied with my everyday progress but I'm trying to at least stick to the Zclassroom and finish one or two everyday. Today was masking lessons day and I'm feeling confident because I've been able to easily understand everything and practice at least a little bit every day.
  4. Days 4 and 5 - 21-22/05 I started to struggled progressing with the 3D cup once I got to that last checkpoint because I couldn't find the right tools to achieve the results I wanted. My girlfriend suggested taking a step backwards to try and streamline learning everything from start, so I can later identify which tool I need to do anything I want. So I got to my first online course! The "Zclassroom" was an amazing free source for me and I'm soaking up knowledge like crazy. Every video is a simple explanation to understand in a streamlined way. I'm taking time to experiment with every new tool so basically a 15min of video class becomes for me 1-2h of exploring the tool and experimenting. I'm aiming to come back to my glass cup once I got enough resources to tackle it again.
  5. Day 2 - 20/05 I was able to make a lot of progress with the interface by watching some tutorials. One of them was about a coffee mug and really helped me with the symmetrical controls. Now I'm starting to understand the program a little more and do not feel as much intimidated as when I first started. I'm super excited about the possibilities and having a great time toying around the many options in the interface. Also my gf was insecure at first with me exposing myself here but now she's being super supportive. She was even by my side in the last minutes today helping me figure out the material applications. That incentive is super important for me and I love her even more for being comprehensive with my decision. There is a sense of exploring that i loved while I was playing games and i'm feeling it nicely here. Learning a new skill is awesome. I'm super excited!
  6. Sure! I'm gonna be doing that on my journal. Posting my progress every day to get some motivation
  7. Hello guys, my name is Paulo Gallo and this is my journal. I decided to stop running away from myself and hiding behind gaming and I'm gonna try and replace my gaming time with learning a new skill, something I've always wanted to do, and that is 3D modelling on Zbrush. My first objective is going to be to model a full and complete 3D glass cup. Day 1 - 19/05 This is the first day and It's probably going to be the hardest. I'm feeling a lot of frustration, I'm feeling lost and don't know how to start. I also crave the immediate satisfaction I had playing Hearthstone and winning some games then going to sleep. Now i've replaced that with trying to learn the ropes on Zbrush and it's proving to be waaay harder than I thought. I hope I can persist though, and I am going to keep posting my progress so I can get some motivation everyday. I've downloaded the PDF and spend a good two hours trying to familiarize myself with the basic tools. Everything feels so different and confusing though. Can't really relate to my default creative softwares of Photoshop and Illustrator. The frustration makes me feel very dumb and depressed. I feel like I don't have what it takes to learn this and shouldn't even bother trying. I hope I can get past this feeling soon. Here's the first day of my Zbrush adventure,experimenting with the brushes and basic tools. At least learning to export a PNG file was easy. LOL
  8. Hello guys, my name is Paulo Gallo, a I'm a Brazilian 25-year old advertising design trainee and student. Sorry for the long intodrction and possible bad english. I'm tired of using games to run away from my life. I've always had a passion for art, but I never pursued it because I'm a massive critic of myself and I'm so afraid of starting something I suck. I've had a wacom tablet for so long and barely touched it because the fear of failure was so overwhelming for me. I have always been a very social and competitive person. Got Gladiator on almost every season i played WoW, won a local Yugioh tournament twice with a good Six Samurai list in its prime, got Diamond since season 3 when I played League, got Legend this year while playing Hearthstone. I want to feel I am GOOD at what I'm doing and that is very important to me, and talking to people about the games I play is almost as much as important as playing it. Recently I've moved away from my mother's house, a dream I always had, and now I'm living on my own. Feeling the super heavy weight of the new responsabilities brought upon me by being out in the cold world having to pay my own bills (my parents only pay my college and that's it, absolutely nothing else), I've come to realize being good at games is meaningless for me. I want to be good on something that matters, something real that can make a difference for me in the world. I want to find and feel a purpose in living. Games shaped me socially. I have a lot of real friends and they all meet every weekend to play League of Legends together. I met my girlfriend in a local League of Legends facebook group and we met in real life in a League-themed bar. We've been together for a year and half now and she's the most awesome girl to ever exist (although a little too insecure sometimes). We always play everything together since then. Today I only play hearthstone, because I live in a city, work in another and study in a third one. My routine is punishing and tiresome, responsabilities keep piling up like crazy and I feel guilty of wasting any more time gaming. I feel I'm on a crucial moment to shape my future and have to take action right now. So that's why I'm here. I want to set off in a journey to find the artist in me I was never strong enough to pursue. I'm going to do this while tackling this 90 days detox on gaming to use the free time to focus on it. So that's why, for me, this is also a 90 days of practicing art. I want to try to motivate myself everyday to do at least a little bit of work towards that dream, it doesn't matter how much it takes or how painful or overwhelming it feels. I want to be a good 3D artist. So this is my goal: 90 days of no games, 90 days of Zbrush study, a software I always loved and always wanted to learn. And here is my first objective: I want to make my first 3D model, a glass cup. Wish me luck, and thanks a lot for reading. Cya! Paulo Gallo
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