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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. I haven't really been gaming for a couple of months. I still have the games on my computer. I still log in from time to time but I don' I play or very seldom do and it's usually around 11 o'clock my time and then I log off. Is this part of the withdrawal symptoms I also have been feeling sick and like something is missing?
  2. I have been doing that, and to be honest it wouldn't be very exciting a life centered around the house keeping it up saving money for my daughter and wife for when I die and quitting smoking and drinking diet soda and NO gaming all it does for me is well I am not very good at any game I play I just do it to pass the time. I am always last and my score is always the lowest. My mind see this and I get down on myself and stay down. So I am a christian I should have self control for one another is working hard and there are others but those are the main. It would be very simple but maybe that's what I need is simple. Instead of being all complicated.
  3. I am so bored of games I have so many all my friends game and I have nothing in common with them. even some of my family members game but I never get invited to play with them I suck at most of them any way. I spent 2500 dollars on a gaming computer but even that doesnt help I have 3 of them to some degree or another. computers I used to own my own business but it was far too competitive. I am retired from the military since 1986 from a service connected disability. I have seasonal schizo affective paranoid schizophrenia with catatonic schizophrenia. it's under control with meds at the moment but. I also have neglected so much of my life I am lost I have no friends to talk to I want to quit smoking too I''l be 61 years old this month. do I sell my gaming rig wipe and reload to quit gaming and go heavily into aa nica and this forum oh I am also 34 years sober to and not hard drugs since 1988. I used to love to go to AA meetings I had a lot of friends then and I am starting to make zoom friends on NicA I have a lot of options but I want to keep a computer cause I do enjoy making music on my guitar I need some advice or something I dont know what IO need someone to tell me what to do thanks.
  4. I have a couple of addictions, Gaming, smoking are the main 2 that are my go to. but in the past couple of months I have been loosing interest in gaming which is good right. I simply don't wanna play anymore I find myself logging in looking around for a few minutes then logging off. So what do I do if I wanna give it up? where do I start I cant think of anything I want to do to pass my time what little time I have left here on earth. I am 60 years old. What do I do can I get some suggestions??
  5. Well I have slipped so to speak and gotten back into it the thing is nothing is satisfying anymore IDK what to do??
  6. I haven't really played any games in weeks is it common to have emotional upheavals from not playing any more?? Thanks
  7. In response I have all but quit gaming and most of my friends or people I talk to on discord or play with are family. I quit alcohol 33 years ago now smoking I am working on as well but the gaming has got to go. I used to play guitar but lost interest years ago I mean I played and practiced for hours it was fun just cant seem to get in the groove again also I use to like to read but now my attention span is like 10 to 15 minutes at most I need to do SOMETHING but I can't think of anything.
  8. OK I just bought No Man's Sky and am just in love with the game but I bought it on the 14th of last month June 14th and according to steam I have 291 hours on it it is too much I am falling apart and my wife isnt helping I want a computer but I have this gaming rig I bought last year for 2500 dollars and have spent at least 2000 dollars on star trek and other game that is the least she wont help me to help myself I don't know what to do she wont let me downgrade and try to find something otherwise this gaming computer is going to waste. If anyone has any suggestions on what to do please feel free to let me know???? frustrated scared and tired and mentally exhausted.......!!!!!!
  9. So this is a question I have too? Do you uninstall discord as well?
  10. Today is the day I uninstalled every single came I have downloaded and played. I have been slowly drifting away from them anyway. I have left all the discord servers except 2 of which once I say farewell I will leave it would be to embarrassing and hurtful for me to go back. I still have discord though and am not sure if I should keep that as I do have family and friends on my server and several others. I am sick and tired of my life as I also am trying to quit smoking now the 2 are intertwined so now I have a chance to work on my smoking and there is plenty to do on that end as far as recovery goes. I am 60 years old and regret some of the years I have wasted on these 2 addictions. I want to live my life as if it were the last day on earth what that entails only meditation and prayer will reveal if I live to see another day. Please whatever God there is help me.
  11. Don't let the name fool you I am NOT a doctor I am a Poor Helpless Drunk with almost 33 years of sobriety (Jan 3rd 34 yrs 1 day at a time). I am faced with multitude of addictions gaming is just 1 and they are all entwined together cigarettes when I need a break from a game so there's 2 addictions. I absolutely hate / love the way I live but Do I? I dont know I have another account here but I forgot about it. so I made a new one. I also have schizophrenia (which hinders quitting even harder). I have the guitar countless hours on it I used to play but now about 1 time if that a week. I served in the military from 1982 to 1988 4 yrs active at which time they found I had schizophrenia and gave me an honorable discharge. 2 years later they retired me. Now the VA has me and I make a well enough pension for me and my wife to live on. I have been at gaming heavily since 2005 or more so I have played arcade pinball asteroids and the like back in the day. I will go into more detail later for now this is just a general idea of who I am. I am not sure of myself anymore I NEED HELP? How to start and stay stopped but mostly maintain the process.
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