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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by LevelUp

  1. Hi @pdallair91.  I recently came back to these forums after a long absence.  I haven't read through all your journal entries but for the last few that I have read through I wanted to commend you for your vulnerability in sharing everything that you are going through.  I found inspiration from it so keep up the excellent work - its helping others in ways you might not imagine.

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  2. Written on March 26, 2024

    For March 25, 2024 (Day #131)

    1. EXERCISE ✔️

    30 mins brisk walk

    2. DIET ✔️

    Fasting 7pm-10am

    Stuck to good foods (yogurt, granola, fruit, vegetables)

    No snacks, no fast food, no pop

    Drink 3L water, no alcohol

    3. MEDITATION ✔️

    15 mins accomplished early morning

    4. JOURNALING ✔️

    On Game quitters - yes

    On paper - yes

    5. READING ✔️

    15 mins Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins


    If I don't continue to work on producing videos I won't get there.  I did manage my time better but Monday is a tough day at work.  Not making excuses but with the busy times at work it is difficult to find time to work on my projects


    Attended GA meeting - had a great meeting with 2 newcomers.  Good to see and hopefully they will come back.


    I don't help out around the house enough.  Tonight I have some free time which would best be spent cleaning up the kitchen a little bit plus working on producing video content for my youtube channel.


    I am in the mode of constantly seeking improvements for myself.  I look for opportunities in every moment to build myself and others up to reach our true potential.

  3. Written on March 25, 2024

    For March 24, 2024 (Day #130)

    1. EXERCISE ✔️

    45 mins run inside workplace

    2. DIET 

    Didn't hit this pillar some excess sweets (now they are gone so hopefully I don't go out and buy more)

    Fasting - ended morning fast at 10:45am (8pm-10:45am = 14 hours)

    Did drink 3 L of water, no alcohol, no pop

    Improvement over yesterday

    3. MEDITATION ✔️

    15 mins accomplished early morning

    4. JOURNALING ✔️

    On Game quitters - yes

    On paper - yes

    5. READING ✔️

    15 mins Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins


    Not done

    This I really have to work hard at managing my time better so that I can schedule time for making videos and working on my YouTube channel.


    Had dinner out with family to celebrate my mom's birthday.  Was a good chance to connect with members of family that I don't see as often as was a large group of over 20 of us.


    As mentioned above managing my time which means less doom scrolling.  I want to delete the apps but since I post on the social media apps occassionally they need to be on my phone.


    I love myself unconditionally because I'm a child of God and God loves me unconditionally.

    I freely acknowledge my failures and depend on Jesus Christ when change is needed.  I never devalue myself with destructive self-criticism.

    Have a great day everyone.

  4. 3 minutes ago, seekndestroy said:

    I wants to show you the prayer that helped me, the day (on this week's  Monday) that helped me, I stoped to play. 


    ”Dear Jesus, I want to live for you. Forgive me for how I continually run to my phone for fulfillment, rather than seeking it from you. Would you help me with your Spirit’s power to overcome this addiction? May I learn to say no, so that I can say yes to you.  


    Perfect.  Thank you

  5. March 24, 2024

    Day # 130

    Going to use a different format that speaks to what I do every day.

    In January I took on a challenge created by one of my favourite podcast hosts, Rob Dial.  It was called the LevelUp30 challenge and within it we had to hit 6 challenging pillars every single day.  I completed the challenge by hitting those pillars every day for the month of January and was challenging myself to continue hitting the pillars every single day for the next 6 months.  What happened?  I didn't follow through, and I consequently started falling back into old habits (not eating healthy, less exercise, no meditation, etc).  I do some of the pillars but not all of them.  Ultimately I want to make this a lifestyle for myself where its not about hitting pillars every day but shifting my mindset that this is the way I want to live.  Here are the actions I will be taking every single day starting today:

    1. Exercise - run, walk, hit the gym for at least 30 mins every day.

    2. Diet - eating helathier (no fast food, no pop, limited sweets, no chips)  All those things I tend to over indulge with.  In addition my diet will include more protein, vegetables, etc.  Drinking more water (min 3L / day), Intermittant fasting.  Also no alcohol (never has been a problem for me)

    3. Meditation - continue practice with 15 mins daily - no distractions, etc

    4. Journaling - in addition to continue writing here, write a handwritten journal as well.  At least 15 mins per day of journalling

    5. Reading - reading from a non-fiction (self-help) book for at least 15 mins per day.

    6. Something that scares me - Find something every day that scares me and just face fear and do it.  For me this can be a cold shower or a cold plunge.  Could also be about making a new video, or any part of that process. 

    I believe I can do more than this but above is my committment for the next 30 days and hopefully further.  As I progress I will love to adapt this as I change and grow.

    Here is my new format:

    This will be for yesterday (March 23, 2024)

    1. EXERCISE ✔️

    45 mins run inside workplace

    2. DIET 

    Didn't hit this pillar  Had Subway sandwich today, 2 bottles (1.5L) of pop, some excess sweets

    Did drink 3 L of water, no alcohol

    Fasted from 8pm

    3. MEDITATION ✔️

    15 mins accomplished early morning


    On Game quitters - no

    On paper - yes

    5. READING ✔️

    15 mins Awaken the Giant Within by Tony Robbins


    Not done


    Had a meeting with another self development group where I was introduced to some beautiful people who will help me stay accountable to my goals in self-development.  Its called Warrior Souls and its a facebook group I joined.  Should be good.  This is the reason for this daily challenges to continue.


    Fight the urge to buy fast food and sweets.  This came about because I didn't make my lunch and felt lazy in the morning before work.  I went out at lunch and bought the easy thing which was not healthy.  I can make the ample amount of time to make my lunch the night before or I could have made a better choice - salad, fruits from grocery instead of fast food.


    I can do all things that are required of me today because through Christ I am strengthened, empowered and inspired to succeed.

    Have a great day everyone and thanks for reading.




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  6. March 21, 2024

    Hi everyone.  Just so you know I have been off games for 127 days now and am restarting this daily journal.  So this is day 1 of journaling but Day 127 of quitting video games.  I will start about writing about my day yesterday which was...

    Day #127

    Gratitude journal

    getting up today, my recovery from gambling, the ability to be present, the people I work with, the smile on people's faces when they see something good, feel something good for themselves, that I haven't played video games for over 4 months in a row

    One amazing thing that happened/I did today

    Thursday night is working with released prisoners and last night was a very good session with some good news.  I will not share what it was but it was an amazing experience.


    not done


    not done


    not done


    not done

    Daily affirmation

    I can do all things that are required of me today because through Christ I am strengthened, empowered and inspired to succeed

    Reading + taking notes

    not done

    Time in bed (goal before 9pm)

    Bed at 10pm

    Weekly Goal(s)

    Create videos for my youtube channel (several shorts, and 1 long form)

    Monthly Goal

    In March my goal is to start managing my time better and start creating schedules for myself which I should follow.  This will help me focus on the things which are important to me and get me to my ultimate goal of becoming a coach

    3 Month Goal

    By end of June, my goal is to have started accumulating clients through my youtube channel maybe by having a website setup where potential clients can access my services.

    Also, have an email list started that I create written content for on a weekly basis.

    What went well today:

    Work went well.  Started training a new person for watering in the greenhouse and that was a good start for him and for me training him.

    What I could have done to make my day better:

    Less scrolling on Youtube, Instagram.  Instead I could have made a video.  Also doing my daily morning routine - exercise, meditation, reading, etc

    What I will do differently tomorrow:

    Start exercising again and start journaling on Game Quitters!! LOL

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  7. Hi Ellis.  Well done on taking the first step in quitting video games.  The respawn program is great and now that you have purchased it, please do the work.  I purchased it many years ago and thought I could slide right through it.  Some things got hard for me and I dropped it.  Still have been unable to quit for a long period of time.

  8. Hi.

    My name is Kelly and I have a problem with video games.  I joined many years back into this community but it never really stuck for me.  I wanted to get reaquainted with this fabulous community in hopes to be more accountable and to connect with others with a similar problem as myself.  I actually have been on and off games for the past 3 years with bouts of over 9 months gaming free but never have made it to a full year.  This time around I am more determined to make it to that year and to truly make this a life thing for me.  I have learned that for myself I can't go back to gaming.  Its not what I want, and its something that gets in the way of what I do want - a more purposeful, happier life.

    I am 52 years old this year and have been gaming since my childhood at the invent of computers, consoles and the early stages of game development.  I am married and have 3 children (28,26,17).  My relationships are not in the best shape right now and I am currently working on improving them especially with my wife and 3 children.  My gaming led to a compulsive gambling problem which really got out of hand which initiated the changes I have made in the past 5 years.  I am currently free from any playing of video games for 128 days which I am super proud of.  I want this streak to continue thus my returning here to help me remain more accountable.  Thank you for reading and I'm looking forward to meeting and discussing our problems on the forums.  I will be starting a daily journal in these forums as well which should help me.

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  9. Day 4 - Thursday November 18,2021

    Just a quick entry today and I may expand later.  I did go to bed by 10:30 last night and I did not watch any Youtube gaming content (proud of these 2 things).  The problem this morning is that I slept through my alarm and I made it to work later than I wanted so somewhat behind.  This is important to me to write down my thoughts every morning, hence why I write this now.  Still need to work on my other goals as nothing has been done in those areas.  Instead of watching YouTube I am listening to an audible book "Think Like a Monk" by Jay Shetty.  

    Thanks for reading and hopefully everyone has a great day today.

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  10. 4 minutes ago, BooksandTrees said:

    Good luck. Success is measured by how high we bounce up after hitting rock bottom. 

    I like this.  In a recovery meeting once we discussed setbacks and comebacks.  Many people shared that once you are setback there is an even greater comeback and we can use that momentum to propel us forward in life.

    I have been off and on these forums many times myself and just recently started up again so thanks and we can get through this together.

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  11. Day 3 - Wednesday November 17, 2021

    Feels great to keep this going for a change.  The aspect of journaling hopefully will help me put my thoughts and ideas into a better perspective because if I keep these things in my head and not have some concrete thoughts then I forget the things I am thinking about.  I don't know if that makes sense?  

    Anyway, yesterday was a good day with no gaming.  Still watched videos on Youtube but that is going to stop today.  I created a new account on Youtube one other time I was quitting and have changed the settings on my phone and computer to be that account with no history of gaming content.  I learned yesterday that I should start taking more control of my life.  This means that I have the ability to make changes in my life without outside experiences having influence on me.  Just letting life take me along for the ride is not what I want.  Therefore, I am going to use this journaling to come up with some goals for myself.  I have always wanted to start my own podcast and have been "researching" this for many months now but without setting myself so concrete goals it is not going tohappen.  I have not written any episodes other than a few ideas I have written in my phone.  I need to do something about my job I currently have.  The job I currently have has served its prpose to this point in making me a better decision maker, better manager, and a few other things but I feel right now I am not growing to my true potential in this job and I feel it is sucking the energy out of other things I want to work on.  I need to find something else but my family relies on me to bring the $ home to pay the bills, etc so I need to plan my leave from this job and how to transition into something that will be more satisfying and enjoyable for me.  My job pays well but I find myself pushing myself hard to just make it through the days.  

    Goals for the week -

    1. Research other jobs that will not take up the time my current job does that I may enjoy more.  Could be in same industry because that is what I know but maybe something where I can interact with people more often.  I feel I have an ability to relate to others in a unique way.  I have a resume written up so start distributing it to potential new employers.

    2. Write first episode of podcast down in writing (note form ok).  My podcast beginning will be my addiction story (gambling and gaming) and I have shared on other recovery related podcasts so I know kind of what I would like to say and I don't want the show to be fully scripted because I would love for it to be more spontaneous as that approach is always the best when I listen to others.

    3. Of course no playing computer games and no more watching gaming content on Youtube or Twitch.

    4.  Go to bed by 10:30 every night.  I constantly stay up too late and I still get up early (4 am usually) for work.  I am a morning person and I don't get much done past 10pm anyway.  I say 10:30 because on Thursday nights I go bowling and I dont get home until 10.

    5. Write my next Toastmasters Speech - I have been procrastinating doing this and it was supposed to actually be done 10 days ago but I postponed it and still need to get it finished.

    Feels great to write all this down.  In the days to come I will update this journal on how my goasl are progressing.  On another note I like this format a little better.  Thoughts on the day that was and then some reflections on what I need to do today and rest of the week.  Thanks for reading and have a great day everyone.


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  12. Day 2 - Tuesday November 16, 2021

    Note that I post this Wednesday morning but it is what happened on Tuesday (Nov 16).


    1. I am grateful for all that I have in this world especially my health, my recovery and my loved ones.

    2. I am grateful for Toastmasters - a great team of mentors and friends with common goals.

    3. I am grateful that despite the destruction caused by flooding in my area many people are safe.  I pray that this devestating turn of events does not affect too many (even though it will)

    4. I am grateful for podcasts - learning lots of stuff on finding purpose in life and changing my mindset.  

    Yesterday was a good day for me overall.  I did end up watching some Youtube content which I shouldn't have done (gaming content) so I should put up blocks for me because it is just too easy to go back and its a slippery slope that I am not interested in continuing down.  We had a great toastmasters meeting last night where we handed out end of the year awards and succesfully made better upgrades to our hybrid meeting.

    Meditation done (15 mins on Finding Focus)

    Morning Routine was very good with meditation, breakfast, making lunch and heading into work early

    Was supposed to give blood today but that was cancelled due to devastating floods in the area.  Rescheduled for next month.

    Evening, as mentioned earlier, was fantastic.  Toastmasters does so much for me in building confidence, providing mentorship, engaging audience and public speaking.  Really fantastic group of well versed public speakers and people with eagerness to learn and grow.

    Thanks for reading my posts.  Will continue this as long as I can.  Have a great day everyone.


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  13. Day 1 - Monday, November 15, 2021

    I say it as Day 1 but I feel that is too harsh as I am not giving up on everything I have learned since I started trying to quit playing.


    1. I am grateful for my recovery program (Problem gambling support, GA, counselling and all the information out there)

    2. I am grateful for the loving support of all my family

    3. I am grateful for waking up each morning with a roof over my head, food to eat and people to love and that love me.

    4. I am grateful for God's great green Earth we are caretakers of.

    5. I am grateful just for today.

    Morning - Didn't turn out as well as I had hoped as I did end up playing a game or 2 this morning but did decide during the day after listening to a few podcasts that today is the day I start again.  As always I did meditate this morning for 15 minutes. I use the Headspace App and I am right now on the course on Finding Focus.  Meditation is something I have done for about 2 years now and is one thing I have been faithful on throughout my journey so far.

    Day - Work for 11 hours today.  I won't get into specifics here because my job is currently not a good fit for me however, I do my best to work hard at it every day.  I do find that it does sap energy from me, hence the need for a change.  More on this later.

    Evening - tonight my toastmasters meeting has started to go hybrid and we usually meet on Tuesday evenings but tonight we ahave an opportunity to try our setup the day before so I am going to help with that tonight.  I am part of the executive of this club which I joined in March of 2021 and it is somehting I am more dedicated to right now in my life.



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  14. Hi,

    I have made journal entries here in the past but for many reasons it never stuck and I have found myself quitting playing and then going back many times to playing again.  The longest streak I have had lately is only for about 4 months and if I want to do this correctly and make it stick I need to quit for at least a year, reevaluate and then go from there.  I really do seek to stop playing all together but at this point I need to strive for longer goals.  By the way I wanted to start new again so I changed my login info under a new email address.  

    Now for a general introduction.  My name is Kelly (pseudonym LevelUp450) and I am a 49 year old father and husband who loves to play video games, watch Youtube, Twitch and other gaming content.  I have played video games all my life and it has been unhealthy at times and other times I have been able to manage/control it.  I mostly have played Blizzard games like WOW, Diablo and Hearthstone but have dabbled in others before.  Right now, I got hooked back in to Hearthstone with their new Mercenaries mode.  I know its a problem because I put money into it again and even lied/hid it from others (my wife included).  This is terrible and this behaviour is going to have to stop.  I tried to control it by setting limits for myself but I easily disobey those limits because I don't share them with others.  These limits would be a certain amount of time (1 or 2 hours) or to only play after other more important tasks have been done.  It doesn't work for me.  My family life is good and I have a somewhat well paying job at the moment, however, there are many things I want to accomplish in life before I get too old.  For instance, I want to start making a difference for not only those close to me but those in this community and other recovery communities that I belong to.  You see, I have also developed a compulsive gambling addiction which had taken over my life for the better part of 20 years.  I quit gambling back in December of 2018 and I am proud to say I have not gone back since (ie: no replapses).  Since entering recovery I have started a journey of continuous self improvement and my life is so much better than it was 3 years ago.  In order to continue that and make the differences in my life that I need/want to make the computer games have to stop.

    In order to start making that difference I need to make a few commitments and one of those is to show up to this community forum every day so I hope and pray that I can do that.  It lies in my hands now.  I look froward to discussing things over these forums again within this community and hope to support others who need it here as well.  I realize I might be in the minority with my age but that is not going to matter as we all share something in common here.  I am starting a journal with the same name as this post (Level Up My Life).

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