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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Zuangzi

  1. Hi Amaluna..

    I cried reading your post.. because I realized I'm doing the same thing to my wife....

    I stopped gaming yesterday, uninstalled all my games..

    My wife tried to save me a lot of time, everything you mentioned, we lived through as well..

    My problem was this: I hated myself. In real life I got beat up, be ashamed, live in fear, abaondoned, etc. Even though I am a PhD Student now and have a nice career, my attitude at home never changed.

    My wife never understood my psychology. She tried to save me, she couldnt, she hurt herself mentally and sometimes physically as well..

    BUT NOW I MADE A DECISION: I want to have a life. A real life. I want to feel sadness, happiness, fear, and other human emotions and not run away and hide from them. Gaming was the best place for me to hide from the problems of the real world, even after the accusations  of my wife i tried to forget and be happy by gaming alone in my office.

    I played every day. I told my wife that I was studying for my university, which sometimes were true, but most of the times I was playing or watching movies, or sometimes even porn..

    Quitting gaming and watching porn are 2 great steps for  me to becoming who  I really  am  and fulfilling my destiny.

    Please write more, don't stop there, your story  is sad but amazing.. never knew that there were other people living through these things as well. your story opened my eyes.thank you


  2. Low Spec Laptops, High Spec... doesnt matter bro.

    If you DESIRE to play,  you find a way to play, even if it is just Tetris or a low quality Pokemon emulator.... and these can be very addictive as well.

    Not to mention: Don't you have a mobile phone? This is very dangerous for starting gaming again, remember that..


  3. Hello guys!

    I deleted all my games for the first time yesterday, because it sucks my life and soul out of me.

    But I did not delete Pokemon Go game, where in order to progress you have to go out of your house and travel where you can catch Pokemon in real places.

    I thought to myself that this game sets me out to the real world, outside, I am not merely pushing buttons just by sitting, I am somehow living it. The achievements are bound to how much I travel actually. That means I never play at home anymore, just outside walking and so on.

    What is your experience as a gaming quitter? What advice can you give me? Should I abandon this game or use it to be happy when the game quitting side effects are seen?

  4. Hello everyone, very excited to be here!

    I would never imagine that I ever start quitting gaming. 

    I used to play since my childhood, all started with Pokemon Gameboy game. I got beat up by my brother, my parents were psychologically destroyed, I had to look after my own safety and pleasure as a child. I lived alone in my room with my gameboy in my hands. I was a nice guy, never hurt anybody, maybe just for my own safety..

    Then I grew up and I am a PhD-Student, 29 years of age, a father and a husband. I felt like I needed stopping playing games to focus on my  life progress..

    I am not happily married to  be honest, but still, it's not really for my wife, it's about my  own self. I love progress, I love competition, but I realized that I use all this energy for pushing buttons and not to real things. I don't like to be deceived, but I was deceiving myself..

    Yesterday I deleted all 10 games from my Laptop and 8 games from my Mobile phone. I want to stick to it.

    Hope we have a succesful life together! Thank you for your  support

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