I think YES.
BUT if you gonna replace it with something more valuable or not? Are you just gonna replace it with netflix? If so I think than it is not worth. Btw you can play with moderation too. Cam did made a video with a guy, the guy plays less than 10 hour in a month. So you can do as well. Just ask yourself what you gonna do? If you ask me it is not just gaming lots of people spend their life with things that unworthy. You know TV, netflix movies, tiktok, youtube exc I think they all bad, not just gaming. I think unproductive things shouldn't be ones main source of enjoyment. That is the main problem. If you change it and focus something productive than you can play too with moderation.
I think you can use this tool. And find new things to replace unproductive things. But only if YOU want it. I think you want it.