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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by MandyPandy

  1. Hello, This is the first time reaching out to a network of people. If I am being honest i'm not sure what i'm looking for by doing this. Here's what I do know, My husband and I are 33 years old. We're high school sweethearts. He's always had an affinity for video games, maybe this is why I didn't notice it for so long. Anywho, bypass two children who are now 7 and 10, all he wants to do is play his damn game. He works hard, I get that, but he leaves nothing for the family. He's gotten meaner, more short tempered, he screams at the consul to a point where he throws his crap. typical things that a husband would take care of around the house go unnoticed by him. Its like he has tunnel vision. We've been struggling with this for a while but more predominately, maybe the last three years. Im told he understands, hes going to get it under-control and im told that he feels hes not addicted. I'm feeling alone and fed up. Society doesn't recognize this as an addiction but it truly is.
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