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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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  1. Day 8/14 Fine day, got a lotta stuff done, pretty tired now.
  2. Day 7/14 Got a lot done today with uni work, but also set time aside to just relax and do what I want, which was much needed. I realized today that I've become static in some aspects of life, where I have much potential to grow. Want to get a bit better everyday. Feeling improvement and progress is a great motivator to improve even more and enjoy more things in life.
  3. Day 6/14 Got a lot of stuff going on at the moment. Holiday planning, uni projects, various arrangements, and so on. But goes pretty well overall. A few urges.
  4. Day 4/14 Good day.
  5. Day 3/14 What I love most about this "challenge" is the extra time available during the day... it just feels good to have more time for things that matter. No major urges today.
  6. Day 2/14 Some urges today, but I didn't give in. I can definitely feel that it will get harder to withstand the temptations as time goes by, but for now it's manageable. Still recovering from the sickness; feeling a bit better every day.
  7. Day 1/14 A few urges, but I managed to control myself and direct my thoughts elsewhere. Was somewhat productive today despite poor sleep.
  8. Day 0/14 No urges today, kept myself busy.
  9. Endeavors


    I've been sick for the past couple of days, which has disrupted all my routines and usual activities. I'm starting to feel a bit better now and more mentally clear, so I thought, why not have a fresh start? Tomorrow is day 0. Initial target: 2 weeks of not giving in to urges. Let's do this!
  10. Day 1 ☑ Sleep: Woke up at 9:45 am instead of 8 am, but I'm still gonna count that as a success since it was earlier than yesterday ^^ One step at a time ☑ Exercise: Worked out for 10 min ☑ Mental health: Meditated 5 min Woke up a bit late, but the day was surprisingly filled. Did more work today than expected and various other things popped up. Overall today was fine. I'm happy that I set the time for exercising and meditating so low, it makes it easier to accomplish on days with limited spare time. A little is better than nothing. I really want to watch The Office right now, but it's time to wind down. Oh well, perhaps I'll have more time for that tomorrow. G'night.
  11. @D_Cozy Thanks a lot for the suggestions! I actually remember using StayFocusd a while back when I first quit gaming, and it worked really well as far as I can remember. It's definitely a recipe for disaster to rely on willpower alone, so I'll have to look into setting it up again ^^ Also really interesting idea to use different browser profiles to separate work and other stuff. I currently have a lot of bookmarks all mixed up with study, work, entertainment and such, so it makes perfect sense to have separate profiles.
  12. Day 0 I've been having a hard time lately finding joy in doing things, probably due to laziness, having no goals, and consuming too much rather than creating/learning. I have many ideas of what I would like my life to look like, but right now I really feel the need to start with a good, basic foundation which I can build upon. Rule: No mindless consumption of content before 5 p.m. every day. This includes useless YT videos/shorts, news websites, reddit, streaming, tv, etc. Basically, anything that I would previously mindlessly consume automatically due to habits. After 5 p.m. the world is open. Hmm, it's a bit iffy to define what qualifies as "mindless" consumption, but I trust that future me can figure that out. Goals: Sleep: Turn off laptop/PC and put phone away for the night at 10:30 p.m. at the latest. Wake up at 8 a.m. (no snooze) Exercise: Do a little exercise every day, 10-30 min., aim for 30 min. Mental health: Meditate for 5-10 min. every day, either guided or not. That's it.
  13. Day 18 Not much on the agenda today. Will probably head to the library and do some competitive programming, and later watch a video teaching regarding communication skills I've been putting off for some time. Also want to do a little bit of work-related stuff and perhaps clean my room if I have the energy towards the end of the day. Will try to turn off devices at 11 pm so I can be in bed by midnight at the latest.
  14. Day 14 I defended my thesis yesterday, and it actually went really well! When I handed in my thesis a couple of weeks ago, I wasn't really satisfied with it, and it had some errors here and there. However, I pointed out most mistakes during the defense and corrected them, and apparently I answered their questions well enough to receive the best grade possible! I really didn't expect that since I feel like I wasn't disciplined enough throughout the project and could have produced something better than what I did if I had better focus. But hey, can't complain about the final verdict 😄 Glad this huge project is finally over. Today I've mostly just chilled out. Need to get a little something to eat now, then clean my room a bit and afterwards I will head out to the local library and do some competitive programming just because I feel like it.
  15. Day 12 Morning routine is done. Now time to pack some lunch, then head to the library to get some work done. Afterwards, I need to head out to my university and test the equipment so I'm ready for the thesis defense tomorrow.
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