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NEW VIDEO: Why You MUST Quit Gaming in 2025

Sahil Chikara

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  1. @Revit Its been 19 hrs since i uninstalled my all games my pc , i was checking my facebook account there i saw my class teacher online , only by seeing him in my chat list , his name reminded me all of my guilt of my past , the guilt of when he used to teach in class, i didn't pay attention on that moment because of gaming , now the situation have become pretty worse than before , he gave the task or project to the all student of the class to complete it , gave us a certain date to submit it, but the submission date is tomorrow and feeling kinda nervous and afraid (should i tell my teacher about the reality that these were reasons , i was lost but now i want to start it all over again) , so because of it , my craving are keeping , they are forcing me to play a game, in order to stay focused on my goal what should i do to get rid of my cravings.
  2. wow thats cool , i think you should restart your 3d practice .
  3. @Dannigan @SundayMiharu @Revit Today i uninstalled my games , before uninstalling them my mind was trying to resist , it was saying to me all the time that i invested into the game to get the most valuable item and now you just letting them go, but i managed to control my mind and than uninstalled it. Now, i am feeling good , i am feeling like that how much free time i have but still do not know how to utilize it , mostly i used to spend it in my gaming . Now i am trying to invest it into its right place. as i told you that i am fall behind my course , the course name is 2d flash and 3d max , i want to learn the fundamentals of it. and one more thing i forgot to about myself that what course i am persuing, i am persuing AAIP-Animations.
  4. all i need help of those people who already experienced the same problem, i want to take lesson from their experiences instead of living their experiences and than take a lesson from it.
  5. ya, i want to get rid of this so called gaming habit at all cost, but i don't where from where should i start ??
  6. my gaming addiction is severely bad , i play games like many hours 12 to 13 hrs a day , after playing so much i didn't left much energy to concentrate in my class , when the teacher is giving his lecture regarding the topic in the class , i feel like when it will be over and when i will go to my home to play the game because i don't why gaming won't let me enjoying anything in the life. I believe that i have still time to back on the track but still i am afraid from telling to my teacher that can you teach me all over again. my physical conditions is ok ok means sometimes i feel pain in my chest after stretching and twisting the body and quite often i also suffered from mental sickness means after reading to 2-3 pages of a book i feel like i gotta to take some sleep and i am also the patient of Epilepsy , my seizures are in control due to proper medications, i have epilepsy by birth.
  7. My name is Sahil and I am from India , i have much to tell you about myself related to gaming , i am a guy who just completely lost that i have no clue what aim should i have for my future because Online gaming , I saw the video Shame and Stigma of being gamer on youtube, i am pursuing animation but because of gaming i am fall behind (3 months) from my course and this gap is rapidly increasing , i feel like i am kinda lost and there is no hope left for me cause i asked to many of my friends for help to recover my course but they just gave up on me , i don't know what to do plus parents pressure also making me sick , i just wanted to go somewhere far from this world, because what i felt like there is nobody left for me to get me out of this problem , this stigma is just like that you can't share it with any one , i once tried to share it among my friends for help instead of helping me , they start making jokes of me and whenever i go to attend my classes after seeing me they start taunting me because of my gaming addiction , my self confidence starts becoming weak , there is no left here to help me in my locality
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