Hi. I'm a 35 years old guy, diagnosed with bipolar depression type 2. I'm not playing games for about two weeks. Things are going fine, but I want to share my experience to see if some one else experienced the same thing.
I become bored fast when I play video games, but at the same time I have a great desire to find and play a game that makes me feel good. So I spent a considerable amount of money on Steam buying games only to see if I like them. Sure, I do a search first and only buy games that I think I would like, but even so it's a lot of games. There are many games in my library that I didn't even installed. And it don't happen only with games. Lately I can't even finish a movie because I become bored and stop watching halfway, so maybe it's not a problem only related to games.
My theory: When I was young I was very introverted and shy and spent most of my day playing video-games. I think I played around 12 hours a day. And there were some games that gave me some great experiences, like Final Fantasy VI and Chrono Trigger, among others. The thing is: I want to have those experiences again. No, not others experiences, I mean the exactly same experience, the same feeling. So I search for games that would give something similar. But I am also open to find other games that could give me other experiences that were enjoyable to me in a different way too.
So I had the idea of replaying the games that gave me the best experiences when I was young to see if I could experience it again. But, even so I felt that feeling, something said to me to stop, because it would be very time consuming. Currently I'm learning how to draw and also writing short stories. I think I can't play games because I know they are making me not pursuing my other dreams. But I don't know why I can't watch movies. It's because short attention spawn? I can read books if I want and I could watch movie in the cinema (before the pandemic).