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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Everything posted by Greyrocks

  1. Hi Y'all, My name is Greyson and I am addicted to video games. I'm trying very hard to quit, and have set up tools to be able to, but I keep getting this compulsion to do it. I have Tourette's and OCD which make it even harder for me to quit video games, for I fixate on them a lot because of my OCD, and then my fixation becomes too much to bear so I play it. It's ruining my relationships with my family, and I don't really have many close friends. I know that if I continue playing video games, I'll fail out of college and that is the only thing going for me for I am a superb video editor and film score composer, but what's going to keep me from succeeding in life is the one thing that is making my life out of control, and that is video games. I want to take back control of my life, and although it will be extremely hard for me to not play video games, I know I have to quit for I don't want to ruin my relationship with my family or lose control of my life. I'm 20 and going to arts school to be in the film industry, and I am a super brilliant, creative person when it comes to working on films and doing homework for school, but I just can't stop gaming, and it has come to a point where I've hit rock bottom and I need help getting back up. I hope all of you can understand, and I hope I can do my best to quit and restart my life!
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