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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by Brim59

  1. Hello! I played too much games and decided to fully quit in 2020 as a result of getting mild RSI. However; I am looking at picking up hobbies that don't require too much repetitive motions like typing / using a pencil or pen. Anyone have an idea of what hobbies would be good?


    Here's some hobbies I've been doing since I quit; I have to make alterations in order to do half of them (the first 6 don't require alterations):
    - Health & Fitness
    - Reading & Audiobooks
    - TV
    - Music & Podcasts
    - Origami
    - Language Learning
     - Mainly the listening, speaking & reading part; not writing
    - Board Games
     - Try in person solo board games? Or Board games using touch screen
    - Chess
     - Chess books & touch screen
    - Puzzles - touchscreen
    - Art - painting
    - Writing - Dictation


    Thank you all;



  2. Day #42 (detox)

    Did some creative sessions today which I enjoyed. Cooked a nice soup. Trying to setup some home workout equipment


    Gratitude journal



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  3. Day #41 (detox)

    Enjoyed a bit of Rubik's cube and art. Wondering if I should cut down on mentally engaging hobbies and more on resting as it hurts my head all this mental stuff, good fun though.


    Gratitude journal

    My tablet


  4. Day #36 (detox)

    Nice managed to do some drawing and cooking, my chicken and bulgar wheat salad went well. Looking forward to expanding my circle of friends on WhatsApp today I know irl hopefully.


    Gratitude journal



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  5. Day #35 (detox)

    Nice day spent doing my hobbies and going to online church. Played chess etc learnt about the fried liver attack. Generally enjoyable day.


    Gratitude journal




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  6. Day #34 (detox)

    Managed to complete respawn elite today. Drank a lot of water and cooked a homemade version of beans on toast for breakfast. Learnt a bit of Chinese and trying to learn Rubik's cube algorithms. Going well so far.


    Gratitude journal





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  7. This is my story. 

    I also hope to buy myself a paper journal so I can start journalling :). I've noticed a lot of my hobbies most of the cost goes towards learning it / taking lessons so unless lessons are discounted on black friday I won't be buying into building existing hobbies.

  8. Hi all!

    I have always been into gaming, at the age of 16 I decided to play less and go out more which worked for a while until my friends when I was 18 introduced me back into the world of PC gaming. I managed to finish my degree and play games but I suddenly got hooked onto minecraft last year where I played 2200+ hours over 6-8 months ignoring self-care and sleep in order to play minecraft. It quickly turned into a problem where I realised I was addicted as I developed an RSI type injury and I was forced to quit gaming. I hovered around the minecraft community until September this year when I uninstalled all my games and packed away my nintendo switch into boxes.

    Since then I have tried to pick up new hobbies and get back into touch with people I used to talk to before the minecraft episode. It is going well and I go out a few times per week to do some of my social hobbies such as improv comedy and board games and just to hangout generally with my irl friends. I currently don't work due to personal reasons. 



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  9. Thanks! Yeah I decided to quit gaming start of September, I decided a mix of playing way too much minecraft (2200 hours in 8 months) hence giving me a RSI type injury it was time for me to quit (given I also had an injury excuse too). Come Black Friday I plan to buy new clothes and a new chair for my bedroom for watching TV or stuff on my laptop. I have tried picking up new hobbies since September, improv comedy and board games being some of my favorites. 

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