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NEW VIDEO: I Quit MMOs and THIS Happened


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Posts posted by razvan_ung

  1. On 11/27/2021 at 10:25 PM, The_Creative_Quitter said:

    It's a huge achievement day to day, to resist something that has been DESIGNED by teams of people, studied and tested over many years... to deliberately attract and addict. 

    ^ absolutely! 

    Also, nice to see the gratitude stuff. I do the same. I keep a daily journal where I write 5 things that went well each day (often, they are small, just like you said "coffee" - I'll often say "the delicious meal I had at lunch"). It is a small habit that helps me reflect how much good there is every day, outside gaming. Things that I often ignored or took for granted while gaming. 

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  2. Replacing Video Games with Better Hobbies

    Video games are one of the most common hobbies these days, but they are no longer a good option for me. I focused my last two posts on the negative relationship I have had with video games, and on how I've stopped playing them. This time, I'd like to switch to a more positive tone and focus on the positive changes I noticed since I stopped playing games. As usual, I'd like to state that these are just my opinions, and I'm not an expert. What works for me might not work for you. 

    Whenever I used to get very interested in a game, I noticed that all my other hobbies fade in the background. Now, without games, they are re-surfacing and bringing me a lot of positivity. First of all, my camera sees a lot more usage. I stopped gaming for almost 2 months now, and I already got a number of great photos. My mind feels free of games, so it finds more purpose in other hobbies. Whenever I know I'll be going to a new place, or out for a long walk, I'll take my camera. Of course, we all have our cell phone cameras on us, which is great. But bringing my actual camera feels different. It feels more purposeful and I observe my surroundings with a fresh perspective. I've learned how to use an analog camera when I was a kid, in the early 90s. I switched to digital cameras sometime in the early 2000s. Photography has always been there, but because of the amount of time spent on video games, it tended be a sporadic hobby. Well, I'm just happy to make it less sporadic now. I share some of the photos I take on my Twitter page (check the Media tab if you'd like).

    Another hobby that took a back seat for a while is writing. I used to have a movie review blog throughout university and after. I watched movies and reviewed them. I also used to write personal blog posts, but that also faded over time. I'm happy to resurrect this habit now that games are not taking up so much of my time and mental energy. Aside from posting to Medium now, I'm also on a 70+ day streak with my personal journal. I managed to write in there every day, and it's giving me hope that I can finally turn writing into a respectable interest. After all, I'm an English major! It's a pity not to do more of what I love. Blog posts on Medium are a good way to get back into it, while the personal journal helps me make sure that I write at least something small every day. 

    The third interest that is helping me fill the space left behind by video games is fitness. Now, to be fair, this one I did manage to maintain even while gaming, but I feel like I am getting a lot more satisfaction out of it now than I did before. Fitness went from something I did just to stay healthy, to something I genuinely enjoy and look forward to. I tend to work out in the morning. This really gives me a boost in positivity. I also exercise in after work, by taking my dog for a walk. Ok, so it's a walk, and not an actual exercise routine, but I try to keep up a fairly fast pace and make the walks 3-5 Km long. It is not as pleasant in winter, when it's dark and cold out by the time I finish work, but I still push myself to do it. I really think fitness is key to getting rid of bad habits. The fresh air during walks, the sweat and heartbeat during workouts, the calm of yoga and meditation - these are exactly the things video games take away from me. Movement is life, and it feels so good not to sit in a chair for hours, pushing buttons and going nowhere.

    It is still too early to say how these hobbies will evolve for me, but I am cautiously optimistic. 

    Thank you for reading! 

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  3. 7 hours ago, Amphibian220 said:

    Welcome! I am always happy to see people returning to fix their lives. Its a great motivation booster for me.

    Hope your journaling will help you uncover necessary changes in your routines. 

    Thank you! 

  4. Hi folks! 

    Trying to quit games once again. 45 days in. My longest period without games was 6 months before COVID, but I tried many times before that too. Since one of my hobbies is writing, I am trying to revive my blogging habit now that games are out of the picture once again. I've written a couple of posts about my attempt to quit games. If anyone wants to read my take on quitting gaming, the links are here. I'm just sharing because I know that what helped me in the past was to read other people's experiences.



    Good luck to anyone in the same boat! Quitting games is not an easy task, especially now that we've been growing more and more dependent on the internet for social interactions (thanks, COVID!) 

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  5. Hello, 

    My name is Razvan and I stopped gaming 42 days ago. I tried before, and failed. I hope this time I succeed. I took a more drastic approach this time around: 

    • sold PC
    • sold PS4
    • deleted all accounts (Steam, PSN, Blizzard)

    The first couple of weeks were surprisingly easy. It is only now that stronger cravings are hitting me pretty often. I have experience quitting cigarettes and alcohol, but I think gaming, for me, is an even stronger addiction. This makes sense: I have been playing games since I was 12 years old if not younger. I had only started smoking and drinking when I was of legal age in the province I lived in back then.

    I'm in my early 30s, and I have a strong sense of regret that I wasted my 20s in front of a computer screen. I hope I will be able to tell a different story about my 30s. Something worth telling stories about. Something worth writing about. Or at least something more to remember other than pushing pixels on an LCD array. 

    I look forward to reading others' stories here and finding support when willpower is wavering. I hope I'll be able to help others, too. 

    Thanks for reading,


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